The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 274 Seeking to treat each other sincerely

Chapter 274 Seeking to treat each other sincerely (1) ([-])
So a month later, I took the opportunity of inspecting the river works to start my second southern tour. This time, the official duties were a little easier, and the person who was always with me became Xiaosi. This silent child was also very knowledgeable. He is broad and erudite, although he is reticent, but every time I ask a question, I seldom fail to answer, and even sometimes, the opinions I put forward coincide with my thoughts.

This child is deeper than Baocheng, but it makes me feel bad. After all, it is because I suffered so much when I was a child, so I have a little more tolerance for him.

After staying in Shandong for a month, I thought about driving south to Yangzhou Prefecture, but then I thought, I am their Ama, they didn't want to come to see me, but asked me to visit them, what is it like? talk?But I really missed those two children, and I was angry at the beginning, and handed over the errands in Yangzhou to Baocheng, but now I am really worried, who are those in the Cao Gang, desperate jackals He is a tiger and leopard, and Baocheng stays in the palace all day long. Although he is both civil and military, he has never experienced it himself. I am really afraid that if something goes wrong, what should I do?
At the moment when we were conflicting, Xiaosi took the booklet and wanted to go to Yangzhou to visit them. Of course, the excuse he made was very ingenious. He patrolled the river workers for me. I looked at his serious words and secretly laughed, afraid that this kid missed him. sister?
It's just that this was exactly what I wanted, so I took a pen to approve the letter, and he set off the next day to go to Yangzhou.

I watched the news of the hidden guards, because Baocheng devoted himself to solving the errands of the Cao Gang and the salt merchants, and Mingrong's girl was detained in the house every day, and it was Xiaosi who passed by, so I was able to take her. I went to Yangzhou city to play around, and I couldn't help laughing secretly, you deserve it, you always want to go out of the palace, you deserve it, you deserve to be detained all day long and have no time to play.

After Xiaosi returned to the palace, he told me about it, and finally asked me to call Mingrong to accompany me when I toured outside the Great Wall. I'm afraid the girl is bored, otherwise she would still miss me with her heartless temper?Hmph, I'm afraid she won't know where she will go once I let go.

I am also thankful that I took pictures of Baocheng's errands. I should let Baocheng get busy and take that girl out to play when she has no time to play. Let her keep running outside. Now that she knows she misses me?Hmph, heartless little girl!

I thought so in my heart, after all, I was reluctant to part with her, so a month before I started driving, I gave her a verbal order, asking her to go directly to Rehe to accompany the driver.

When the little girl arrived in Rehe, when I heard her enter the camp, I was still thinking about how to gloat over her misfortune. I saw her, but I couldn't say anything serious, so I said something hastily to her. After a while, I asked her to go back to rest. Her complexion was very ugly. I'm afraid she was tired from driving all the way here. I heard her standing at the door talking to Li Dequan in a low voice, and then the secret guard repeated her words sentence by sentence. Give it to me, my heart is still very happy.

This child has always been like this, and it warms my heart without saying a word.

I asked little four and five to take her out for a walk more on weekdays, so as not to be bored here. Listening to the noise made by Lan Jing at the racetrack, I sighed helplessly. I still remember that year. At the family banquet, how did that girl Mingrong take care of Lan Zhi and Lan Jing, and later taught them how to ride and shoot, and took care of their food and clothing, so I also paid more attention to these two children, who knows, Now Lan Jing will look like this.

I know about Ma Jia’s tricks, if I feel uncomfortable with Ma Jia’s, it’s impossible for me to feel guilty, but I remember how ruthless this woman was back then. She stayed in the imperial concubine because of her childbirth.

Her current thoughts are all on the third child and Lan Zhi. I also know that she wins over those officials through the Ma Jia family, but what she wins is not so important, and I haven't stepped on my bottom line yet. , I don't bother to take care of her.

It's just that the third child, before Baocheng left the palace, he still looked like he was the only one who followed the lead. As soon as Baocheng left, he immediately popped up and confronted Baoqing, arguing in front of me all day long and getting a headache.

In addition, when the Ma Jia family wooed Lan Jing's mother's family, the Zhao Jia family gave Lan Jing to Ma Jia's upbringing. The original intention was to make Lan Jing's life better, but Ma Jia's family, apart from her own son, A woman, whose child would she put in her eyes?
Without any hesitation, she made Lan Jing a target in front of Lan Zhi, deliberately indulged Lan Jing, cultivated her into a domineering temperament, guided Lan Jing, and drew Lan Jing's attention to Ming Rong. Firstly, Ming Rong is not in the capital anymore, no matter how much Lan Jing makes a fuss, nothing serious will happen, and secondly, it is because of my favor.

I'm just very disappointed with Lan Jing, I really don't know how I have such a child, right and wrong, black and white are confused, no wonder, Zhao Jia's blood is not noble, and it is inevitable to give birth to such a child .

I think I underestimated Lan Jing's unreasonableness after all. I saw clearly the tricks that morning. I was really angry and disappointed. Is this really my princess of the Qing Dynasty?For the sake of her own jealousy, she yelled regardless of the occasion. Didn't she see that she was near my camp?Didn't she see that there was also her future son-in-law?Or, she saw it, but she didn't care, she did it on purpose?
Deliberately trying to make a big fuss and lose Ming Rong's face?But doesn't she understand?She will only lose the face of my Ai Xinjueluo family!
After I repelled her, I looked at the girl's gloomy eyes, and my heart was really sour. I knew that something was wrong with her coming back this time, so that's another story. The whole person seemed to have lost the vitality of the past. There was no such cheerful look at all.

I guessed that the young lady of the Zhu family whom I met in Yangzhou was pregnant, and she fell in love with the situation. I comforted her, but my words were very thin. I could only promise that I would treat her well in the future.

Watching her walk out slowly, I sat down a little weakly, how did I get to this point?I originally wanted to protect her and walk slowly along the path I arranged. Someone would protect her like me, pamper her, and accompany her until she grows old, but what pushed her away from me? Already planned the road?
I thought about it from the beginning to the end, and found that all the women in the palace were to blame, Niu Hulu, Tong, Wuya, and Ma Jia!

I frowned and rubbed my forehead. I suddenly felt very tired. I was restless in front of the back palace. I was alone in it, trying to balance in the turbulent torrent. I slowly stood tall and steady. It's raining, but I also lost too much because of it.

And because of this, I can't give up easily, otherwise how can I be worthy of what I have lost, and how can I keep what I still have?

(End of this chapter)

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