The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 285: Baocheng Extra Story

Chapter 285
I began to consciously distance myself from her, and gradually got used to the company of me being a partner instead of a younger brother. Because of this, I even started to pay attention to the way other couples got along when I checked the news at night. Because of Sixteen's proposal, I went to the brothel to see it.

But what she got was her escape.

She is obviously shy when I get close to her on purpose, but she still avoids time and time again. On that day, I couldn't help pouring out the words in my heart. Her crystal tears, listening to her reprimanding me, I really don't know whether it is joy or bitterness in my heart, she clearly reacted, but she still succumbed to the status quo.

Yes, we are sisters and brothers, sisters and brothers connected by blood. When I returned to Yuqing Palace, I sat under the lamp and rubbed the delicate medicine bottle. I couldn't help laughing bitterly. After my brother's feelings, it took me a lot of effort to convince myself, don't worry about any blood, just keep her by your side if you like, otherwise you will regret it later.

Even it took me so long to get myself to accept it, so why did she agree immediately after I said it?

I should be thankful that she didn't ambiguously perfunctory me, but tried to persuade me not to continue. In any case, her concern and love for me will never be fake, but what I hope more is that she can accept it. My feelings, even if she can't respond to my equal feelings now.

This is the first time we blushed. I was more sad because I didn't know how to face her. I was afraid that if I saw her cold eyes, what should I do?
Fortunately, San Francisco was pacified, and Huang Ama was going to Yeling, so I naturally wanted to go with her. Then I went to Jilin, and I saw the sables raised by farmers. I couldn't help but think of her because of her cute appearance. After thinking about it, I didn't buy the docile little mink that I was feeding, but went to the mountain forest to catch two wild ones. She has never been that kind of docile, but she is actually lively, let's start with the naughty one. Like a wild mink.

In the end, I took a step back. I knew that I couldn't force her any more. If I forced her, I would pass. She would probably really ignore me. It was rare for me to put my identity back on my younger brother, and I watched her nodding in agreement. Now, I will bring Xiao Diao over at the right time to make her happy.

Looking at her smiling face again, I finally breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and then began to coax her carefully according to her wishes, even though, in fact, I had no intention of wooing Xiao Si, and I didn't think he was worth it. Winning over, but as long as she said it, I did as she wanted.

It's just that maybe I was too eager, she ran away again, I heard her hurried back to the palace to take Xiaosi away and then hurried back to Zhuangzi, and chased after her helplessly, she actually lied to me to avoid me, I I closed my eyes, started to use the strategy of mourning soldiers, and then took the opportunity to confess the matter of seeing her disappear suddenly, and bluntly expressed the worry and fear in my heart. Sure enough, under my showing weakness, her tone of shock after being astonished It also began to calm down, and I couldn't restrain my joy when I saw her fleeing.

I want to thank Zhang Tingyu, although I lost my cool because of his deliberate provocation, but I didn't mean to take the opportunity to force her. I know she doesn't mean that to Zhang Tingyu, but I can express my feelings and then push her Why not take a step forward?

As for Zhang Tingyu, that was probably the first time I felt that he was pleasing to the eye. I held her in my arms, and my heart was full of satisfaction. At this moment, I understood my thoughts more clearly. Even if the road ahead is difficult, I will definitely protect her. Walk down with her.

Soon, the test came, and Huang Ama was going to give her a marriage.

I can't escape anymore.

As long as Huang Ama is in power for one day, she will definitely marry, so I prefer that position over controlling Mongolia.

Perhaps this idea has long been my subconscious thought. When I took over the power she gave me, the first thing I did was to develop the power, and the second thing was to find out Huang Ama's power.

While comforting her, I secretly tried to infiltrate Huang Ama's influence. Fortunately, even if we are engaged, there are still a few years until the big wedding. I still have time to take my time, and I can't show a trace , otherwise the end is not what I can imagine.

It's just that this heartless person followed Huang Ama on a southern tour without telling me. I heard the news and didn't go looking for her. I just wanted her to come and tell me in person, but she just left like that. Really angry, but more helpless.

For a few months, I thought that if she came back, I would teach her a good lesson, but when I saw her, all my anger disappeared. Looking at her slightly pursed lips, I couldn't help but kiss her.

It's just that he couldn't stand her embarrassment, so he broke up immediately.

But I am still rejoicing in my heart, fortunately she came back on her birthday, otherwise my half-month practice would not be effective until next year.I watched her eat deliciously, the lips stained with soup moved slightly, I only felt my throat was dry, and I couldn't help but look away.

When I think about it many years later, I always feel that I was still very immature at that time, immaturely pouring out the feelings in my heart to her, regardless of whether she can bear it or not, immaturely pouring out the feelings in my heart All the panic and anticipation were shown to her, regardless of whether she would also be infected with such anxiety.

But maybe it was such immature straightforwardness that gradually walked into her heart.I often think, if at that time I had been so deeply thoughtful that she couldn't see through it, I'm afraid she would just stay away from me and not contaminate me in the slightest, right?
Because she has always been a simple and straightforward person, she also likes a simple life, she doesn't like complicated things, like those messy things in the palace, she is of course smart and can protect herself, and even fight back, but I I know, she doesn't want to, she lives in the palace, and her life is very boring, maybe she doesn't know, but when she leaves the palace, the smile in her eyes will be a little more cheerful.

Needless to say, if you go on a tour outside the Great Wall, every time you come to Rehe, you will feel like a bird out of a cage, extremely happy, except for 24 years ago.Because Huang Ama asked her to visit her forehead.

It was also at that time that all my fear and anxiety reached their peak. I hugged her tightly, my mind went blank, all my self-control collapsed at that moment, and all my rationality turned into the same sentence : Keep her!keep her!

She closed the window, and I felt as if I had died once. I held her in my arms, and finally the idea of ​​usurping the throne became firm in my heart.

But when I got to that step, I was still in pain, so painful that I didn't even dare to look at Huang Ama's sleeping face. I returned to Yuqing Palace as if I was running away, and the past Huang Ama's love for me flashed before my eyes. Earnest teaching, caring for me, smiling face to me.

(End of this chapter)

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