money and life

Chapter 11 Don't live a life of debt

Chapter 11 Don't live a life of debt (2)
The gods are also unwilling to see us fall into the vortex of desire.No matter whether it is a man or a woman, as long as what they desire is truly in front of them, no one can resist such a temptation, because people have no ability to resist.When a woman thinks about whether to borrow money, and the money is not important to her, she has surrendered her mind to money.If people in the company keep spying on the boss's money, it will be stolen one day.If a person suppresses justice when he is fighting in his heart, then he will take the path of evil.There is no doubt that some seemingly casual little things in life can always reflect a person's cultivation and moral character.

Debt will bind your freedom

Why do some people lie?The main reason is that he is or has always been in debt.Whether it's a bet between friends, money lost at a poker game, or credit to a shopkeeper.Although many people are honest and kind people before they owe debts, they have no resistance to all kinds of temptations. They want gorgeous clothes, a lot of money, or they are naturally wasteful or credulous. Instigated by others, this series of reasons caused them to owe a large amount of debt.

Here are many cases of crimes committed by young people who used to be honest and reliable people.There was a young man who was well born, highly educated, and had a skilled and beautiful wife.Accidentally, he became obsessed with playing cards and drinking alcohol. Since then, he has been out of control, his attitude towards his family has become increasingly bad, and he owes a debt.In order to pay off the debt, he used other people's names to get money to pay off the debt.In the end he was brought to court and the judge sentenced him to 7 years in prison.

Another young man was sentenced to 12 months in prison for stealing confidential information.You would never have imagined that his father was a high-ranking official, but retired.He sold the material after the theft, got the money and fled.He was first seen in Puton, Southampton, Australia, but he was no longer there when people sought him out.Then a man working for the Bank of England spotted him smuggling back from Dublin and sent detectives to track him down, find him, and bring him back to England for questioning.

As for the protagonist in this case, he really has an enviable identity and status.He worked for the railway company and was appointed general manager of the Royal Swedish Railway Company because of his outstanding work.But like many others, he is vain and corrupt.He owed a lot of money, far beyond his ability to repay, so he embarked on the road of crime.There is usually a safe on the train specially designed to hold gold and silver bars. He used wax to replicate the key of the safe, then recreated a key according to the model, and gave the key to a notorious thief.From then on, the thief succeeded many times. It was not until the thief was caught that he confessed to the manager of the railway company that his evil deeds became known to the world.Baron Martin sentenced him to drift away and never to return home.

John?After serving as a pastor in Newgate Prison, Davis learned about the reasons why many young people go to the road of crime, and he has his own views on this.

"There was a young man whose father was in the navy, who served his duty well in the army and rose to the rank of officer. Unfortunately, his father died early, leaving him to live with his mother and two younger sisters. Fortunately, he Relying on his ingenuity to work in the government, the income from work is used to support the family. His two younger sisters are still very young and are in the developmental stage, but his mother still has a small pension, so the family People's life is considered comfortable. Although he shares a lot of family burdens, he has a shortcoming, he likes beautiful clothes. Because his family is not rich, his clothes are slightly inferior to those of his colleagues, and he can't stand his own Others are inferior, so they are always depressed. This is like the fact that soldiers will inevitably leave dirt on their bodies when they perform tasks. Although these dirt can represent the completion of the task and the efforts of the soldiers, the absence of dirt means that the soldiers are not serious. His clothes are always clean, but they are inevitably worn out, while the clothes of his colleagues are always gorgeous and well-fitting, which makes him feel that he cannot hold his head up in front of them. At last he could not help but be seduced by a skilled manufacturer. A handsome suit was custom-made in the clothing store. After putting on the suit, he was very proud for a while, but the creditor kept urging him to pay back the money. He took to the road of crime in the sound of debt. He stole a check in an envelope, worth 10 pounds, and used it to pay off the debt. But the owner soon tracked down the situation to the clothing store and learned of the situation In the end, this young man paid the price because he was greedy for a moment of pleasure, and was exiled far away. If he had resisted the temptation, the ending would not have been like this. Many people, like this young man, were attracted by his gorgeous appearance Confused, many people are following in his footsteps."

Charles?Before Sir Napier returned to the UK from India, he criticized the bad behavior of the officers in the army because they did not pay off the debts in time, which not only corrupted the style of the army, but also caused many businessmen who were originally good at doing business to appear to maintain The situation of not going down.Unexpectedly, this kind of bad behavior has become a must-have character for a well-educated man.They also follow at the same time: "Ming with all people with low morals and bad morals." Charles?Sir Napier was very angry and ordered that the officers must correct their behavior, control the consumption quota, and resist unreasonable consumption.Charles?Sir Napier said: "An officer must never accept beer and horses for free."

We should see that the extravagant life of young people in the UK is more serious than these Indian officers.Originally, parents sent their children to school in the hope that they could receive a good education and become intellectuals, but the students only learned how to have fun in school, and all of them became useless fake gentlemen. There is nothing else to say except to let my parents sigh.These fake gentlemen are actually libertines, gambling masters, and hunting experts. They like a fast-paced, high-consumption life. This kind of life seriously overdraws their bodies, and they are full of illnesses at a young age.If companies let these people work, they will find that they are far more lazy than hardworking at work.They don't take extravagance and debt seriously, and they don't care whether they still have virtue, and they only care about their own enjoyment and fun.Casually incurring debts without thinking about how to pay them off, the wasteful habit cannot be changed overnight, so their debts will only increase, the social atmosphere is filthy, and morality no longer exists.If you want to completely clean up, I am afraid it will take a long time.

It is best not to expect extravagantly for things that cannot be obtained by one's own ability, so that you will not ask others to borrow money. If you need to borrow money in an emergency, you must repay it as soon as possible.You know, once you owe money, your freedom is in the hands of the creditor.You'll be on the watch from lawyers, from time to time from creditors, and from whispers among neighbors.At this point, you will be too ashamed to even leave your house, and your relatives and family members will express their displeasure at you.

Montaigne also owed money, but he paid off the debt. He said: "After paying off the money, I felt relieved. The burden on me was finally gone. From that moment on, I became free again." Johnson also said: After you owe money, you have no freedom at all. Long-term debts will also lead to the decline of personal morality. The contemptuous attitude of others will make you regret it. Conservative people deal with.The Earl of Dorset loved to play like everyone else when he was young, and owed a lot of debts. He kept using his property to mortgage in exchange for money to continue playing.One of his creditors is a councilman of the municipal government, who comes to his house every day to collect debts. Embarrassed and ashamed, the count vows to change the status quo, and after some efforts, he is reborn.


Compared with the reasons for debt, what troubles people more is the troubles that follow. They can never count how much trouble debt has brought to them.Debt can crush a person's body and cost a family joy and happiness.

Even if a person who is in debt has a regular job or a regular income, he will not be more at ease than others. Debt is always a huge stone on his chest.His income cannot be used to save money or buy a car or a house, nor can he improve the lives of his wife and children. All the money must be returned to creditors. Even the house he lives in is in dire jeopardy. If he is not careful, the bank will take it to pay off his debts.

Even a wealthy businessman with a lot of money has to worry about his own situation when he encounters high debts.These wealthy families owed a lot of debts because of extravagance and waste in their ancestors, and bet all the family's real estate, which caused a lot of trouble for future generations.However, the upper class seems to have foreseen this situation long ago. They enact laws to stipulate that their debts will become invalid immediately after death. squandering of social wealth.However, very few people have such high power and can be honored to get rid of the debts of their ancestors. Most people will inherit the debts along with them, and some debts are even more than family property.Many lands in the UK are mortgaged or have become the property of creditors.

Some people see that some great men have debts, and they randomly judge that the debtors must be in high positions and have made extraordinary achievements. Only great men can be in debt because they have a high degree of credit.The same can be applied to powerful states.Weak nations and individuals cannot have debts because they are not capable and the moneylenders do not believe they can pay off their debts quickly.The names of people in debt will often appear in front of the public. Everyone wonders whether they have the ability to repay the money and when they can repay the money. Their every move is displayed in front of everyone, and people even express curiosity about their daily life .And those who are not in debt, those who are not in the public eye, live quietly behind the conspicuous people.

In people's consciousness, moneylenders and debtors are two extreme manifestations of human nature, and people's compassion will involuntarily favor the debtors.But people only see one side of the situation.We felt sorry for Goldsmith when he was taken away due to rent and milk money, but don't forget that because of his debts, the landlord and the milkman couldn't get the money, and their lives were too difficult. affected.Whenever we see someone in debt, we can't help feeling compassion.Pendagorul once said sternly to Balucci: "If you have no financial disputes, who can value you? The gods will turn to me. Don't think that things related to money are all noble things, only being in debt To be a great man.”

But no matter how much debt is celebrated, its consequences have always been painful.In order to pay off their debts as soon as possible, so that they will not be urged by their creditors, people will take risks and choose dangerous ways to make money.The relatives and friends of the debtor will not give them a good look, and they will gradually stay away from him.Even in their own homes they trembled and trembled when they heard a knock on the door, thinking that it was the creditor who came to collect their debts.However, Sheridan had his own tricks to deal with creditors. After the creditors came to his door, he sent them to his stables and received them there to eat and drink.A debtor is embarrassed to be fidgeting anywhere.His temper also became weird and gloomy. If others showed some happy appearance, he would get angry at others inexplicably.In the past, he thought that as long as he had money, he could have everything, so he kept pursuing money, but in the end he owed a lot of debt.His self-esteem and ability have been hit, and the eyes cast on him by others are also contemptuous and disdainful.After being in debt, he didn't dare to refuse other people's requests, even if he couldn't do it, he would insist on agreeing.He could no longer hold his head up, and his freedom was in the hands of others, as if his soul had been taken away.He hoped to be forgiven by his relatives, and hoped that the creditors and lawyers would give him more time to repay the debts, but his relatives ignored his pleas, and still had a cold attitude. The creditors might agree to relax the deadline for a few days, but this might not be a problem He fell deeper and deeper into the trap, although he also knew the trap, but is there any other option?Either he was stalling for time, or he was sent to prison by his creditors and lived there until he was old.

In fact, as long as we estimate our abilities when doing things and don’t do things beyond our abilities, debts can be avoided, and some of the consequences it brings, such as moral deterioration and loss of self-esteem, will not appear in our lives. body.But people nowadays are always too optimistic when making a decision about something, feeling that they can do anything, and that they will be able to pay off their debts.Want to buy beautiful clothes, want to live in a luxury villa, want to eat delicacies, want to see all the opera performances, these things are really enviable, but when you can't do it yourself, it's better to stay away from them.In order to participate in the party, you borrowed money from the businessmen, but you didn't expect these parties to be held by the businessmen. Isn't your behavior ridiculous in the eyes of others?

We must ensure a balance of living expenses, and don't blindly and impulsively use the money that should have been saved to buy things you want but don't need now.If the social system can be modified, the first thing that should be abolished is the loan system.Whether it is lending or borrowing, we must resolutely stop it.Whether a person is in debt indicates whether his future life can be happy.If he counts his living expenses carefully, arranges the amount of savings reasonably, always buys goods in cash, and never borrows money from others, his savings will be enough to meet sudden emergencies, and his family will not have to bear a heavy burden. Can more and more.

As long as he has bills that exceed living expenses, his finances will be tight. He owes a little money here and a little money there, and he starts to become irritable and depressed.Don't think that you didn't pay a penny when you bought things. In fact, all the money was written on the debt slip, and he didn't realize it, and he felt complacent about it.When the debt was placed in front of him, it was time for him to sigh.You know, behind the sweetness is the bitterness.

Taking care of the interests of small citizens and small businessmen, the country promulgated a legal policy a few years ago to allow the establishment of small loan groups to provide loans to ordinary citizens, but this policy has become a means for some people to make huge profits. They form a loan The group lends money to people, and the conditions offered are very attractive, and the loan can be repaid every week at an interest rate of 5%.People come to borrow money after seeing it, but many people just want to buy or enjoy something that they can’t get by themselves, and some people spend ahead of schedule, although they can repay the loan after their salary is paid, but this kind There are always some risks in doing it. Isn't it the same to wait until the salary is paid before buying?You will feel much more at ease in your heart.

Don't think that 5% interest is a good deal, let's do the math.For example, if a person takes a loan of £10 and pays it off in 3 months at an interest rate of 5%, he will have to repay 10 shillings every week after the repayment starts.If you think 10 shillings a week is not high, then you are wrong. There is still 5% interest. Although you only need to pay 10 shillings a week, the interest is calculated on the basis of the total amount of loans, and the amount of interest will increase every week. On the surface it looks like 5%, but in fact, the interest has reached 100% in the last week.So the conspiracy is hidden under the surface.

Poor marriages don't last long

Self-reliant people will inevitably use mathematics knowledge when managing money, but many women know nothing about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Even female teachers feel that mathematics is irrelevant. They prefer courses in words, music and handicrafts .In fact, mathematics can be seen everywhere in life. If you don't even know basic arithmetic, how can you properly arrange your income?How much is the rent, how much is needed for food and clothing, all of these need arithmetic to solve.If everyone does not understand mathematics, life will be very difficult and difficult, people will be in a mess when calculating their income and expenses, and even many families will gradually become poor due to improper income and expenditure arrangements.

Today's young people are too hasty about marriage, which is also one of the reasons why they live in poverty.When a young man sees a beautiful, lovely lady, he invites her to dance, chat, and even dreams of her when he sleeps.So the young man began to woo the young lady, and finally embraced the beauty.Thinking about it carefully, what he loves is actually the lady's appearance, and for this lady, getting married means learning many things that she has never encountered before, such as housework and financial management.The beautiful young lady started to work for the family.

(End of this chapter)

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