money and life

Chapter 13 Don't live a life of debt

Chapter 13 Don't live a life of debt (4)
Captain Hall said: "I don't think people need to be overly troubled by the loss of property. It is only a small point in the many misfortunes of life. Compared with the pain of losing a friend, it is more intense. How did it happen? This is the crux of the problem. We must work hard to make up for the consequences of that disaster. If this pain befalls honest people, then I sincerely hope that they can solve the problem and quickly and satisfactorily solve."

Scott wrote many works when he was in pain, sorrow and poverty, including "Woodstock", "Biography of Napoleon", "Chronicle of Cologne", "Miscellaneous Essays", "Grandfather's Tale" and A number of articles published in quarterly journals.He relies on these earnings to pay his debts.He said: "I couldn't even sleep well when I was in debt. Now that I have finally let go of this burden, I feel much more comfortable after hearing the words of thanks from my creditors. I have maintained my honesty and integrity for myself." I am very proud of my reputation. My path to the preservation of my innocence is dark, oppressive, and long. I may die in pain, but I would rather die in glory. Creditors will be punished for paying my debts. Trust me, and my conscience won't be lost. That's the only way I won't be disturbed."

He has since written more articles and memoirs.Before he became paralyzed, he wrote articles such as "Bourne's Pretty Maid", "Anna of Kyrgyzstan", and "The Grandfather's Story".However, as soon as he recovered from his paralysis, he continued to write. He ignored the doctor's reminders and wrote "Study of Demons and Witchcraft" and "Radler's Encyclopedia". No one could stop his work.To Dr. Abercrombie, he said: "If a kettle full of water can be kept from boiling over the fire, I shall stop working. A life of idleness would drive me mad."

Scott's debt was slowly reduced by his hard work.He believes that he will be able to pay off the debt in the near future and regain his freedom.It was already difficult for him to write, but he continued to write "Count Robert in Paris", which made his illness worse, and his paralysis became more serious.He felt that he was running out of time, but he had not lost his courage and perseverance.In his diary, he wrote: "I feel pain, a lot of pain, but this is not from the torture of the soul, but from the pain of the body. I think it will be good to sleep like this all the time. But I will persist until Die and never give up."

When he recovered from paralysis again, his fingers were no longer dexterous, and now they are not under his control, but he still insisted on writing and completed "Dangerous Castle".He then made a final trip to Italy to rest his mind and body and recover from exhaustion.During his travels he went to Naples, where he started working on a new novel again, and no one could stop him from working for a few hours every morning.However, it is regrettable that he did not finish the novel in the end.

On the way back to Aberford, he said: "I have been to many scenic spots, but those places bring me far less happiness than my own home. I am most relaxed and happy at home." Speaking of his achievements when he was awake: "I may be the most prolific writer of this era. I have unshakable faith, and I have the determination and courage to live. This makes me feel relaxed and happy, and it also brings me comfort. ’” Scott died shortly after returning to Abfordford.

Lockhart is no less devout than his great uncle.It took him several years to write "The Life of Scott," and it was a success.But he didn't get a penny, he used it to pay off debts, even though they had nothing to do with him.He regards reputation first as his belief, and the reason why he wrote this biography is to commemorate this outstanding deceased.

refuse temptation
There are countless temptations in society, and we must have the courage to reject them when facing them.Whether it is spiritual temptation or material temptation, as long as it is beyond your tolerance, you should firmly push it away.Many people give in to temptation only for the moment's pleasure, and the consequences can only make them miserable.When he was impoverished, people around him laughed at him and publicized him as a living example, "Look, this is the consequence of not considering one's ability"!If he had had a group of playmates before, these playmates would have scattered around when he was in trouble, and they would all look at him gloatingly, and no one would lend a helping hand.

I believe that there are weak-willed people around everyone, they can't always strengthen their beliefs, we can safely make friends with them, because they will only be enemies with themselves.They spend all the money as soon as they get it, and then borrow money from friends or relatives. In the long run, his life will be spent on debts. Once there is no money, his life will cease to exist, and people will laugh at him after his death. His ignorance and stupidity.

Because this kind of person is obedient to anyone and cannot bear to refuse.We can say that he regards everyone as life-and-death friends, or that he is afraid that others will look down on him, so he can only show his ability in this way.Anyway, few people turn to him for help, because his ability is limited, he has no money and no power, but he is too embarrassed to refuse other people's request, so people simply don't ask him for help.

A man had just inherited some property from his father, and people flocked to hear the news, and everyone wanted to get something out of him.It would be fine if he could refuse these people's requests, but he dared not refuse.He was born with a meek and cowardly character, and he was afraid that if he rejected others, he would not be loved by them, so his money was gradually divided up by peeping people.Those people befriended him for the sake of money, and kept asking him to sign guarantees for themselves.They would usually plead, "Please write your name here for me." And this meek man, feeling that it was a sign of respect, simply asked "what" and signed his name.Not long after, just three months later, he received a lengthy invoice.

It's not over yet.A malt businessman who he had only met once went bankrupt when investing, and he was the businessman's guarantor, so the businessman's heavy debts had to be borne by him.This incident gave him a big blow. He spent all his money and became a poor man.If only he had been a little firmer and brave enough to say "no" when others took advantage of him, how could things have developed to this point.He is simply a public tool, anyone who is interested can use it.

If a person wants to live a peaceful and stable life, he must resolutely reject his powerless demands.A lot of people refuse because they are not kind, and their lives and lives are ruined.We humbly sacrifice our lives for others because we cannot say the word "no" ourselves, we are too cowardly.People with jobs are afraid of losing their jobs, so they dare not refuse; beautiful women are obsessed with money, so they can't refuse invitations from rich people; .

Learning to say no is the best way to avoid trouble.We must maintain inner peace and not let external disturbances disturb it. If there is temptation, we must stay away decisively, otherwise your mind will be polluted and your virtues will disappear.Maybe it will be a little difficult at the beginning, but you will get used to it later.We must resolutely avoid those bad habits, such as idleness, pleasure, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.Don't feel embarrassed, learning to say no is also a good virtue.

funerals are extravagant

Don't think that a person can no longer bear the heavy burden, and after passing away under its oppression, he can escape everything in his life.Inevitably continued to be haunted by social mores after his death.His funeral was to be held in the fashion of the day, and it would have cost a great deal of money in materials, decorations, utensils, and the hiring of persons to carry him.To do so is to bow to society.However, there is a clear difference between the fake grief of the helpers who take money to do things and the real grief of the relatives of the deceased. The money was spent and the effect was not good.

However, in the eyes of the rich, a decent funeral can represent the social status of the deceased.If the funeral of ordinary people is too extravagant, it will be considered extravagant and wasteful. If it is rich, it will undoubtedly represent their status.The middle-class man sharpens his head to squeeze into the upper class, and all he gets in the end is more people to attend his funeral.The people who arranged for his funeral took care of everything in such a way that it seemed to others that it was almost enviable, so people followed suit.They invite friends to attend the funeral and let others see who they are. "Whatever other people do, we have to do the same."

If there is not enough money, such a grand funeral cannot be afforded by every ordinary family.The pillars of the family fell, leaving only the helpless to attend to the funeral.It may be a wife who is dragging her children, or it may be a child who has lost both parents. In short, they are incapable of discussing how to arrange a funeral with the undertaker.Besides, the funeral supplies are so expensive that they can't save themselves a few coppers from the merchants.The small amount of money is related to their future life, and now they have to be used to hold a decent funeral for the deceased.Does it make more sense to spend money on the dead than on the living?

Now some of the lower classes are following suit, spending as much on income terms as the upper middle class.For example, if the funeral of an English businessman costs 50 pounds, the funeral of a laborer will cost about 5 pounds to 10 pounds.But these phenomena only exist in England. In Scotland, the cost of funerals is much less.Laborers in England have very strict requirements for funerals. They would rather spend less money on their own than to hold a luxurious funeral for their friends or relatives.Usually the husband’s funeral costs 10 pounds, and the wife’s funeral costs only 5 pounds, but many laborers have joined clubs, and most of these clubs are funeral clubs, so the original 10 pounds of funeral expenses may increase.If a worker has joined several clubs at the same time, his funeral expenses will be much higher. It may be twenty or thirty pounds, up to forty pounds.Because multiple clubs he joined during his lifetime will attend his funeral, the funeral planners have to spend more money to cope with the arrival of these club members.Even if it is a child, it is possible for an adult to purchase life insurance in multiple funeral clubs. I have heard one of the most bizarre things, a person purchased 40 different club insurance policies for himself!
If a deceased did not join the funeral club, his funeral must also be organized by the club. The difference is that his family has to pay a lot of taxes to ensure the grand funeral.If a father dies, his life savings will be used for his funeral.What an extravagant waste of money spent on funerals.

Do people think that mourning the dead has to be reflected in the money and size of the funeral?They all forget that real grief comes from the heart.When Bingham was researching early Christianity, he found that the believers at that time did not pay much attention to funerals. He said: "The believers neither pursue nor reject a decent funeral, but treat it as a common thing. If you want to do it, you can do it." Do it. Those who disdain funerals, and those who treat it with a normal heart, are believers who truly understand the essence of Christianity."

John?Gongsley said: "I don't want to have a funeral procession and a hearse at my funeral. I just need to find 6 poor people to carry my coffin for 20 shillings each. I don't want to see that it doesn't matter to me. People are crying for me, as long as the person who truly loves me sheds a few tears, I will be satisfied. I will carry my lover's thoughts on me, and follow God's call to ascend to heaven. This is my wish, and I hope the organizers A funeral can be held according to it."

If we are too eager to correct this social phenomenon, the result may backfire.Because people nowadays have scruples about public opinion, fearing that their changes will cause dissatisfaction or contempt from others.We care too much about what other people think, which makes us timid and fearful.But the hard work and time you put in will slowly change all of this and reverse the unhealthy trends.Queen Adelaide's funeral did not arrange a funeral procession at her request, and Robert?Sir Peel also opposed the extravagance and waste of funerals. Their example had a certain influence on the social atmosphere, and middle-class people who liked to follow the upper class would certainly follow their example at some point.There is no shortage of common people who are opposed to lavish funerals, and I have no doubt their numbers will continue to rise.As long as we keep promoting, there will always be a day of improvement.

In response to this situation, the United States has established many social groups composed of people who oppose organizing funerals. These groups publicize the disadvantages of funerals to people.The power of the masses to gather together is much stronger than the power of individual meagerness. I hope that more and more like-minded people will join the ranks of opposing funerals.

Being thrifty keeps you out of debt
People with strong ability to do things may not necessarily save and control themselves, but they have a higher probability of borrowing money than others.If a person can't count, no matter how capable he is, he can't change it, and capable people usually disdain the theory of "business wisdom" proposed by Bacon.Although Bacon was good at reasoning, he was not convinced by himself, and his luxurious life dragged him into hell.Bacon, who was poor when he was young, has not improved his economy in the following time, but it has become more and more serious, but he still enjoys life according to the standards of the upper class of society.Once a creditor sat waiting for him in the living room of his house. Bacon said after seeing the creditor: "Dear gentlemen, I hope you don't stand up, or I will fall into greater suffering." With the pace of quality life, the debts on his body became heavier and heavier, and finally he had to use the money bribed by others to satisfy his growing desire.After the Dongchuang incident, he was defeated by his opponent in the competition, and was punished, losing his career and freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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