Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 318 The Celestial Clan's Conspiracy

Chapter 318 The Celestial Clan's Conspiracy

The thunder calamity has gone, the world has returned to nature, and it came and went quickly. Fengdu City was once again shrouded in black smoke. out.

"elder brother……"

The little guy was the first to rush over, and he was very happy lying on Tianfan's shoulder. The fairy general stood and nodded to him. At almost the same time, Ghost Witch and Shura also arrived.

"What do you want to do!"

Seeing Ghost Witch and Shura approaching, the Immortal General looked unkind, and blocked Tian Fan with a slight movement. Although he did not have any blood feud with these two, he was not an ally, and was afraid of their attack.

"The strong of the human race don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions."

The ghost witch shook his head, then stared at Tianfan, his eyes full of approval, and said in a deep voice: "Young man, you are very good, very powerful, and you are indeed the descendant of the legendary Xeon."

"very good!"

This is the evaluation given by Shura. He is very cold and arrogant. It is very rare to be able to speak like this to a younger generation. Tian Fan was slightly stunned, feeling that he was too similar to an old friend of his, and they all looked like that. Martial arts fanatic, indifferent and reticent.

"Thank you two seniors for your praise..."

Tian Fan saluted the two strong men in the void. Although he had been promoted to the Human King Realm, he was still like an ant in front of such an existence. It was already very polite for the other party to talk to him like this, so naturally he would have nothing to show off Yes, some etiquette is still essential.

"Young people don't need to be too humble. What I'm saying is just the truth. When we were your age, we were far less powerful than you are now, and we are not as courageous as you."

The ghost witch said lightly, then seemed to think of something, looked at the immortal general and said: "Don't be too uncomfortable, we are also somewhat responsible for what happened back then, and we investigated later, the rape who was with you back then Or, maybe not dead yet..."

This sentence was like a blockbuster, which immediately excited the immortal general, his eyes flickered, and he asked eagerly: "Really? You are telling the truth? Where is he?"

In fact, he also knew that Guiwu and Shura were not to blame for the incident in the past at all. At the beginning, their battle was just to prove the Taoism to each other, and it was not a life-and-death confrontation. The Tianqi Immortal will directly attack and send Tianlin, who is now the Immortal General, out at a painful price.

But later he gradually realized that something was wrong. After entering the city of the undead, the battle between the spirit imprint and the ghost witch avatar let him know some cause and effect. There's some resentment, after all they're involved in it.

And the main factor of this dissatisfaction was Immortal General Tianqi. Knowing that he might still be alive, he immediately became excited and anxious, and the trace of hostility towards the two powerhouses completely disappeared. Tianqi was his elder brother.

"We don't know about this, it's just a vague feeling."

The Ghost Witch said this, which disappointed the Immortal General. Looking at his appearance, Shura took over the words and said, "The Pluto is dead, you can go to the Nether Realm, but it's very dangerous..."

"Thanks to the two seniors, since there is such news, no matter how dangerous it is, we have to go there."

Looking at the gaze cast by the immortal general, Tianfan said firmly, and then saluted the ghost witch and Shura again, with a serious expression at this moment, and said: "Tianfan has something to discuss with the two seniors, I hope the two seniors can Complete, I don't know if it will be possible..."

"We know what you want to say. The Celestials want to control the world and start a bigger conspiracy. We can't let them realize it."

The ghost witch suddenly looked very serious, and then smiled coldly, saying: "In the past, a king of the Celestial Clan who was at the peak of the earth burial smuggled in. At that time, that is, a million years ago, we were fighting a war. Peeping from a distance, the strong man of your human race sensed his presence and splashed a drop of blood."

"Hey... 1000 years later, he woke up in Fengdu City, but his past cultivation base was completely abolished, and he became a little ghost. The spiritual seal that once blocked him in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness was also blocked by the special aura of the capital of the dead. Open it, and we know their purpose!"

"Their purpose? Isn't it to rule the entire sky? And only the human world is left behind."

Tianfan said suspiciously, he didn't understand what Ghost Witch and Shura meant, and asked the two powerful men for advice.

"They want to control the six realms, stand at the highest point, and control reincarnation!"

The ghost witch said indifferently, and the two powerhouses sneered again and again. Hearing this, Tianfan and the others gasped. It's not that they didn't think that the Celestial Clan had a big conspiracy, but they didn't think that their ambitions would be so big.

The so-called six realms refer to the six super-big worlds, which represent everything, and the so-called reincarnation is a kind of supreme law. People have birth, old age, sickness and death. These are destined in the dark, and all living beings are in reincarnation. Among them, everything runs naturally and is not affected by external forces. Although some spirits belong to the outside of the six realms, they are also in the cycle of reincarnation. The Celestial Clan's move is too exaggerated, and the plot is too big.

"Aren't they afraid of being punished by heaven? How dare they do this!" Tian Fan said in shock.

"Hey, scourge? There is a prophet in the city of the undead. After hearing the news, we once visited that prophet. At the cost of 10 years of life, the prophet deduced a message of extreme chaos, but because of this Touched the taboo and disappeared shortly after that!"

When saying these words, the faces of the ghost witch and Shura were very gloomy. Although the prophet in the capital of the undead is not strong in combat power, his deduction skills even surpass the lord of the gods. The strong respected.

"What's the news that senior got?" The immortal general asked doubtfully.

"Someone from the Celestial Clan sacrificed a taboo treasure!"

"Forbidden Treasure, Forbidden Treasure, don't mean that thing?"

Tian Fan was shocked, sweating all over his body, his body was trembling, and he remembered the remnant flag of the Celestial Clan that he saw under the Dragon Palace, on which was half of the blue sky.

"Now we can already believe that the Celestial Clan sacrificed the Nine Heavens at any cost!"

The ghost witch looked cold, and said coldly: "They used that treasure to cover up the secrets of heaven, and they wanted to control the six realms, build the reincarnation platform, control all the creatures in the world, decide their life, old age, sickness and death, determine all orders, and control the world. The laws of heaven and earth, establish their own eternal kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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