Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 319 Heading to the Underworld

Chapter 319 Heading to the Underworld
"Control reincarnation and establish an eternal kingdom!"

As soon as the ghost witch's words fell, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded above the sky of the city of the undead, and the pale lightning flashed across the vast land.

"My God..."

Hearing this, even the little guy started to gasp, his back felt a little chilly, and the dragon scales all over his body stood up. He didn't expect the plot of the Celestial Clan to be so deep, far beyond everyone's imagination. If it weren't for the buried king Perhaps no one really knows this odd number.

Because every member of the Celestial Clan has a very strange spirit seal set in the sea of ​​consciousness. This kind of mark is terrible, like the power of the big world. In the past, even the god kings who were good at sealing and deduction were not able to detect it. , I only know that the Celestial Clan wants to seize the human world and rule the heavens and worlds.

Now that I think about it, everything makes sense. If they really sacrificed to the Nine Heavens, then they can completely deceive all detections. No wonder the divine king's deduction and sacred arts are difficult to detect the astral coordinates of the heavens, and they don't know where they are hiding.


Thinking of this, Tianfan really began to doubt, suspecting that the Immortal Emperor and others had entered the capital of the undead and arranged some backup, otherwise it would have been a coincidence.

"Maybe you can't believe it, but the human world does belong to the six realms, which is its foundation. If they want to control the six realms, they must first control the human world!"

"We know what you want to say, we will advance and retreat with you, stop the conspiracy of the Celestial Clan, and we will appear in the final battle!"

The ghost witch said seriously, Shura also nodded, this made Tian Fan stunned, he didn't expect that forming an alliance was so easy, the other party agreed easily, but at this moment he couldn't be happy, although it was just a guess, I don't know if it is true, But it still made everyone feel heavy.

"Young people don't need to worry too much. The world is not as simple as you imagined. I dare say that when we really know the crisis, there will be super powerful people jumping out!" Guiwu said lightly.

"Thank you, thank you two seniors, no matter what, it is a blessing for millions of souls in the world to have the support of these two seniors, and Tianfan is grateful on their behalf!" He said solemnly, saluting to the two powerful men .

"Young people don't have to be like this. In future battles, you will be the main force and probably the most critical factor in turning the tide of the battle."

The ghost witch showed a rare smile, looked at him and said: "Go, you still have important things to do, find your companions, and then go back to the world, in the final battle, we will appear on the battlefield above!"

Tianfan understood and saluted the two of them again. The immortal general took a deep look at Guiwu and Shura, and said in a low voice to Shura: "If we can survive this battle, we will continue the battle with you!"

"Young master, Tianqi will be counting on you. My time is up. It doesn't matter if I can't find him. Your safety comes first!"

He turned around, his body slowly faded, and he saluted Tian Fan in the void. In fact, he really wanted to go there in person and rescue Tian Qi, because he was his elder brother after all, but in comparison In other words, the descendants of the Immortal Emperor are more important, and there must be no mistakes.

"Don't worry, if he's still alive, even if he's desperate, I'll definitely take him out to see you!" Tian Fan said solemnly, and the imprint on the immortal's spirit that had faded slightly trembled, and then dissipated with the wind.

"Seniors, I have something important to do, so Tian Fan will leave now."

He bowed to the ghost witch and Shura again, took the little guy and shot it out in a stream of light, crossed the sea of ​​blood, and flew towards the westernmost, towards the realm of the underworld.

"Sura, what do you think?" Looking at Tian Fan's distant figure, the ghost witch asked indifferently.

"It's very powerful. The Nether Realm can't trap him. In the future, he must be an existence that will make the Six Paths shudder!"

Naturally, Tianfan couldn't hear their words anymore. He had already traveled nearly ten thousand miles away, his divine cloud steps were extremely fast, and his physical body had also reached a terrifying height. The aura of the city of undead could no longer affect him. Yes, after stepping into the realm of human kings, all aspects of combat power have undergone a qualitative leap.

"Brother, how strong are you now, are you as strong as me?" On the way, the little guy stretched out a small head, shaking it in front of his eyes.

Seeing the innocent and cute appearance of the little guy, he smiled slightly, stretched out a finger in the void, and pressed down on a vast black mountain in the distance.


The void shook, and the ten thousand-foot-high mountain suddenly cracked, like paper paste, and exploded under this force, turning into jet-black fragments all over the sky, and dark stone chips splashed all over the sky, while the void on one side was like porcelain. Usually, there is a crisp cracking sound, full of cracks, and it bursts in an instant, and the turbulent flow of time and space sweeps across the world.

Pure physical strength shatters everything.

"So powerful!"

The little guy exclaimed, his eyes were full of little stars, even Tianfan himself was a little surprised, he didn't expect this battle body to be so powerful now, and now, he found that he fell in love with Tianjie, and longed to come back to it again several games.

He has walked all the way, starting from the Yuntian realm, every time he was promoted to a small realm, he would be struck by lightning. To be honest, he was really struck down all the way. From the initial resentment to the current adaptation, the benefits he got are huge Yes, opportunities and dangers always accompany each other, and now his physical body is enough to look down upon the heavens, he even feels that he can smash a celestial being with one punch.

"It feels so good to be full of strength, relatives and friends, I can protect you now!"

He murmured, clenched his fists tightly, feeling that he could pierce through a world with a light punch. Fight against the strong in the early stage of burial.

"Ziying, where are you? Where are you? Don't worry, I will definitely find you. I will take care of everything in the future, and I won't let you suffer any more!"

He whispered, thinking of that spiritual imprint, of Ziying fighting with her back outside Shangguan Castle, that innocent woman who had never stepped on an ant, was forced to kill her, her purple clothes were stained with blood, and in the end Lihua left her life with rain. The murderous aura surged out unstoppably, shattering the hundreds of feet of void behind him.

"Brother, we're here..."

The little guy said in a low voice, Tianfan came back to his senses, and looked forward, at some point, they had come to a huge plain.

Ahead, there are patches of blue mist, exuding a gloomy smell. On the horizon, a huge old castle is so conspicuous, like a haunted house.

"Pluto Hall?"

He smiled coldly, with a golden light shining all over his body, and took the little guy out with one step.

(End of this chapter)

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