Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 537 Trapped in the Ancient Killing Formation

Chapter 537 Trapped in the Ancient Killing Formation

The divine map was misty, slowly rotating, and a hazy light of nine colors fell down, like a chaotic waterfall. The ancient giant crocodile at the peak of Tianxian was immediately crushed to the ground. Although it struggled with all its strength, it But it was difficult to move, as if being suppressed by a magic mountain.

"I rely on!"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace rushed out such a sentence, his eyes almost popped out, the majestic giant at the peak of the celestial being was pressed to the ground so easily, he couldn't even move, one person and three beasts looked at it together Everyone was a little horrified at the divine image above the giant crocodile's head.

"Brother is so powerful!" Xiaolong's big watery eyes were full of admiration.

They could clearly feel that Tianfan was only in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal, but he had such combat power, which was simply shocking.

In fact, that divine map is none other than the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams map. In the past month, he has been fighting in the depths of the Demon Mie Cave. He was on the verge of death several times. During the trial of blood, he realized his new mysterious method. The five elements and eight trigrams diagram is his original supernatural power. In 30 days, he sacrificed this diagram repeatedly, and finally formed the current appearance, which is completely invisible The five elements and eight trigrams have become his own Tao map, which contains his own Tao.

Apart from the Six Paths of Reincarnation and those mysterious eyes, this is his most powerful magical technique now, so he can so easily suppress the giant crocodile at the peak of the Celestial Immortal to the ground.

"Why do I feel that the aura on your body has changed again?" The Son of the Demon Palace frowned and noticed Tianfan's abnormality.

"Okay, let's go out!"

They looked forward, and after listening to the narration of the Holy Son of the Demon Palace, Tianfan put away the divine map, and did not make things difficult for the giant crocodile, and the other party obviously understood the horror of the white-clothed human in front of him, so he could only fiercely Staring at Ryoma, he roared one last time, and walked away unwillingly.

Outside the Momie Cave, Ziying looked very uncomfortable, and was pulling the old wolf's beard, the pain made him grin his teeth, and the several warcraft generals beside him felt distressed for a while, but they really didn't dare He went up to stop it, but at this moment, the scepter in the old man's hand suddenly emitted patches of black light, lingering around him.

"Little girl, they are coming out, don't talk about it!" The old wolf finally breathed a sigh of relief and found a chance to escape.

"Really?" Hearing this, Zi Ying became happy, and said: "Old man, quickly open that demon destruction cave, I'm so bored to death!"


The wooden crutches in the hands of the old wolf trembled slightly, emitting patches of black solitary light, one by one ancient runes were printed on the stone wall, this is the key to open the Demon Extinguishing Cave, and the eternal seal of hell Somewhat similar in shape, but far inferior to hell. At this moment, the door was opened again, but suddenly, an incomparably terrifying coercion came out from the depths of the door, turning into a wild hurricane, almost The old wolf was overturned.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Several Warcraft generals exclaimed, stood up together, and looked into the dark portal, feeling a trace of fear with their powerful strength.

"I poked, dead horse, I was killed by you!"

The angry voice of the Holy Son of the Demon Palace came out, and a group of people rushed out one after another, one by one in a panic, Tian Fan appeared last, with his black hair dancing wildly, he was fighting a black alligator, although there was no one for a while. Defeated, but at the absolute bottom, the black crocodile's eyes shone with the light of gods and demons, and it was covered in black scales, which made people frightened. monster.

Behind him, a three-tailed golden crocodile stared at the dragon horse angrily.

"Nimma, how did Mr. Ma know that there is another male!"

Long Ma quibbled, very depressed, it turned out that after they scared the female crocodile away, they thought it was over, but they didn't expect that the other party brought an even more powerful evildoer, the third heaven at the end of the fairy, higher than their Tai There were too many, and the few people had no ability to contend at all, so they could only retreat while fighting. They thought it would be fine to enter the space portal, but the opponent followed directly along the space channel.

"go back!"

The Heavenly Demon stood up, a ray of magic light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the black crocodile coldly, the other party trembled suddenly, the Heavenly Demon who was about to step into the Supreme Realm, could it be this crocodile from the third heaven of heaven? It can resist, it obviously felt a tremor, but its eyes also flashed with angry magic light, roared at the demon, stared fiercely at Ryoma and his party, unwilling to give in.

"You should be clear about the laws in the Demon Nest, go back!" the Heavenly Demon said coldly.


The black giant crocodile was obviously very unwilling. With a loud roar, it even ignored the words of the demon, and directly forced towards Tian Fan and the others, even rushing out from the space portal.

Tianmo's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he stretched out his palms to the front. He even held the two giant crocodiles in his hands, and then threw them directly into the space passage. Lao Lang quickly sealed the portal. , there are even more powerful demons escaping from it.

Demon Mie Cave is a very special existence. Heavenly Demon once said that its degree of danger is not inferior to the ancient battlefield. They even suspect that Mo Mie Cave is an area connected to the ancient battlefield, because some places in it, It's very similar to the ancient battlefield.

"Little phoenix, little dragon..." Ziying rushed over, hugged the two little guys, looked at Tianfan, and said aggrievedly: "It's not fun outside, if I had known, this girl should be with Tianfan." You went in together."

Hearing this, the Warcraft generals who stayed here immediately began to twitch their mouths. During this period of time, the territory of Warcraft has been rioted by Ziying. Many respected elders of the Demon Race woke up overnight and found that their The living place was painted with little turtles, even on the cheeks of himself and others.

Some young monsters gathered voluntarily, saying that they would follow her into the kingdom of the undead, and the parents of these little monsters hurried out of the customs, locked their cubs in a small black room, and strictly controlled them. After getting up, in just one month, people from the main hall of the demon clan came to complain every day, and there was an endless stream, which made the demon and the wolf sweat.

"Wahhahaha, as expected of the guy I like, it's just different!" Longma howled immediately, but the next moment it felt like it was flying lightly, and was kicked by Tianfan. go out.

"What, this girl is quite naughty. Her family has always doted on her, so please forgive me." Tian Fan hurriedly apologized. Hearing these things, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine. Say so much like it?

They stayed here for the last day, and asked the old wolf about other issues about this star universe, and Tianfan also communicated with Tianmo alone, and Tianmo told him that he would not leave for the time being. On the ancient battlefield, as for what exactly it was monitoring, Tianmo didn't say anything, and Tianfan didn't ask either.


They finally left the Territory of Warcraft, and several of them have made great progress. They tried for a month in the Momie Cave. Although they faced many dangers, they all reached a higher level in the end, especially Tianfan. , and created his own basic profound art in it, which is a great harvest.

After they left the World of Warcraft, they headed straight for the kingdom of the undead, which was the only way to go beyond this star universe.

Long Ma directly stated that he wanted to leave with them, Tianfan naturally did not refuse, Tianxian's mid-term combat power, and it is also a holy beast, definitely a super combat power.

"Huh? Why is it so quiet?" After they entered the kingdom of death, they didn't find a single skeleton soldier in the four fields, which was a little strange.


Then, less than an hour after they entered the kingdom of death, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and the divine chains of order appeared densely in the void, and red silk threads densely covered every corner of this space. Wisps of chaotic killing light descended from the sky, smashing towards them frantically, with great momentum.


There was a gloomy laugh, and the undead god they met when they passed here before appeared. He is the only skeleton here that has been reborn with flesh and blood. You didn't die in front, your luck is really not so good, but everything ends here, hand over the stone order, let you die more happily, otherwise, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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