Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 538 Ignore

Chapter 538 Ignore
"Hand over that stone order, I will let you all die happily, otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to live or die, don't doubt, I have plenty of means to deal with you!"

The man on the opposite side looked aloof, with both hands in his arms, full of confidence. Behind him, almost all the undead in the kingdom of the undead gathered, and the banners were flying, densely packed, and it seemed that there was no end to it. The momentum was really real It is not ordinary vast.

At this moment, Tianfan and the others were caught in the world-shattering magic circle, and the red order chains were densely packed, shining with a strange brilliance.

Tian Fan frowned slightly, not because the formation was so terrifying, but because he felt a familiar aura in it.

"What's the matter, Xiao Tiantian?" Zi Ying looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you doing, kid? What did you find out?"

"I'm hungry brother, let's go back quickly."

"Master Ma was also hungry, and he was not full when he came out."

On a high platform outside the lore formation, the leader of the undead kingdom's face was ashen, with veins growing on the forehead of the reborn flesh and blood, and he clenched his fists fiercely, because in front of his eyes, a few guys. Just a word from me, I ignored him directly, and didn't care about his words at all.

"You are looking for death!" The leader of the undead kingdom looked gloomy, and then put on a sneer: "It is difficult for you to die now, trapped in this killing array, I will let you learn my methods! "


As his words fell, the big formation boiled instantly, and those red chains of order began to emit an extremely evil and strange light, completely sealing the void, and stirring up a certain mystery in the world. Power, in just a moment, tens of thousands of half-curved magic crescents floated in the void, all of which were condensed by gray mist, exuding a strange aura.

"This is a corner of the magic formation that my lord brought back from the ancient battlefield, you should experience it well!" The leader of the undead kingdom sneered again and again, and said: "But don't worry, I will not kill you, I will let you survive Yes, when our lord returns from the ancient battlefield, you will be the best supplements I can offer!"

"Idiot..." Ryoma gave him a sideways look.

The Lord of Death has died in the hands of the ancestors of the heavens, and the Heavenly Demons have been keeping a low profile since their return. The kingdom of the undead has never received any news. In the past, another cup of loess that became the ancient battlefield disappeared.

"Dead horse! Let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart!" I have to say that Longma and Mogong Shengzi really have a fight, and their mouths are so hated.


Tens of thousands of moon arcs came obliquely, causing the air to vibrate. In the surrounding space, patches of gray mist rose. At this moment, they seemed to be in a stream of light, and they clearly felt There was a sense of coldness, which did not come from the body, but a kind of induction, as if some force was disturbing their Dao foundation.


Tianfan flicked his fingers, and a ray of light shot out from his fingers, like a sharp arrow, in the shocked eyes of those undead, it instantly shattered all the gray arcs of the moon in front of him.

He spread his five fingers together, sucking a trace of gray mist into his palm, and several people walked over to stare together, completely ignoring the undead army outside.

"This is..." The Son of the Demon Palace frowned, and said, "It's very similar to the last power emitted by the Lord of Death in the ancient battlefield."

Tian Fan nodded and said, "This should be the power of the curse, that's right. According to the senior Tianmo, the Lord of Death brought back a few broken stone carvings from the depths of the ancient battlefield, and there was another thing. I think this magic circle should be one of them, it was obtained by the Lord of Death in the ancient battlefield, and he bestowed a corner of the circle pattern to be controlled by some undead who returned to the immortal realm to deter the enemies."

"I'll poke, boy, go outside and analyze if it's okay, Mr. Ma can't hold on any longer!"

It has to be said that the power of the curse is really difficult to deal with, it is difficult to wipe them out, and it is even more difficult to resist. In this short moment, the protective barrier outside their body has been almost worn away, and there will be a moment at most. It will be completely broken. It is a power that can hurt people and Dao Ji, and it is a taboo power.

"Hey, don't say it's you, even a strong man from the third heaven at the end of the celestial being will die when he arrives. Back then, with this ancient formation, I sent the elder of the demon clan, the first heavenly celestial being, to death. Killing is in it, you are not enough to see it, you should be honest, hand over the stone order, so as not to suffer!"

Hearing Ryoma's words, and seeing the body barrier outside his body disappearing at an extremely fast speed, the leader of the undead kingdom sneered again and again, standing on a high place and looking down.

"Damn it, that stuff is too short of smoking!" Long Ma spewed out two streams of white smoke from his nose.

"Little dragon horse, don't be as knowledgeable as it is, we are all people of status, oh no, status beasts!" Standing on top of the dragon horse, Xiao Long said in a similar manner.

Ryoma: "I..."

Zi Ying looked around leisurely, sitting on the back of the dragon horse, the little girl's eyes flashed with beautiful brilliance, she looked at the leader in front, and said innocently: "Do you know where the Fort of the Undead is? The ones brought back by your master Where is the treasure hidden? We are here to loot, take us to the place where the treasure is!"

Little Phoenix nodded his furry head like a chicken pecking rice, and said, "Yes, take us to find the baby."

Tian Fan, Son of the Demon Palace, Long Ma, Xiao Long: "..."

Behind the leader of the undead army, a dense group of undead was stunned. Although they were all bones, at this moment, Tian Fan and the others could clearly see a drop of sweat on the smooth skulls of the undead. It's sweat.

"Who is that? Did I hear wrong? That human said that our leader should lead her to find the Lord's treasure?"

"I shouldn't be dazzled, right? They should be trapped in the ancient lore array, right?"

"The supreme master of death, I am sure that they are indeed trapped in the killing array, on our territory, in our killing array, and ask our leader to lead them to find the master's treasure."

Hundreds of thousands of undead chattered and chatted. In such a massacre, they said without hesitation that they were here to loot, and asked their leaders to take them to find the master of death and stay in the castle of the undead. My dear, they almost thought that they and others were dreaming, and they were so speechless. You know, although this magic circle was only incomplete, it also wiped out an elder of the first heavenly heaven of the demon clan in the first place. Among them, the human being in front of him dared to do this.

"Are you despising me! The first one to give you death!"

The leader of the undead army has been reborn in flesh and blood. Hearing the discussion of a group of subordinates behind him, his body trembled from anger, and he almost spewed out smoke like a dragon horse. A piece of bone jade rushed up behind him, emitting With a piece of white brilliance.


With the appearance of this piece of white jade, the space in this ancient formation boiled instantly, and the countless killing order chains all started to move, and the evil light continued to spread out to the surroundings.

"Damn it, you dead skeleton, wait for Master Ma to go out, and see if Master Ma doesn't play with you to death!"

The leader of the undead army was muttering something, and the bones and jade flakes emitted streams of light, which hooked up with the ancient killing formation, and those chains of order seemed to have a sense, and at this moment they all drowned in Ziying's side, frightening the dragons and horses. erected.


Tianfan's eyes turned cold, and the leader of the undead army actually bluntly attacked Ziying. No matter what, he couldn't tolerate it. A ray of light flashed between his pupils, and the chains of order in front of him instantly became chaotic. He got up, and then changed the direction of the wind, and rushed out of the ancient formation. In the surprised eyes of everyone, the leader of the undead army was sent flying with a bang, and half of his body was instantly broken, blood staining the starry sky.

"Master Chief!"

"This...what the hell happened!"

Seeing this scene, the undead army was completely in chaos, it was simply unacceptable, if it had eyeballs, it would definitely stare out, those chains of order in the ancient formation reversed, and the master who controlled it flew out .

"Xiao Tiantian, what was that just now?" Ziying looked over, with a little surprise on her beautiful face.

"It's nothing, it's just a little trick. It didn't take long to realize it, and the effect is not bad."

Tianfan smiled and said, he just wanted to experience the power of the so-called curse a little bit here, it is no longer necessary now, a hazy brilliance appeared, the light of the domain wrapped everyone in it, and instantly pierced through the cursed ancient killing formation out.

(End of this chapter)

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