Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 539 Undead Castle

Chapter 539 Undead Castle

In the death star universe, the dense army of death was almost petrified collectively. They hadn't recovered from the situation in which the leader was blown away by the chain of order controlled by them, and they saw Tianfan and others directly passing through the cursed killing formation out, they all took a step back in fright.

In fact, where there is the Divine Light Domain today, there is almost no large formation that can trap him in this world. He even passed through the death storm that could trap and kill the supreme powerhouse, not to mention the broken formation at one corner. , There is really no deterrent effect at all.

"Wahhahaha, stinky skeleton, the great Ma Ye has come out, let's see if he doesn't play tricks on you."

The dragon horse let out a dry howl, and rushed over. The undead leader had just reorganized his body, and before he came back to his senses, he was stepped on by the dragon horse's hoof with a bang, and his arm turned into flesh on the spot, and a hoof kicked out. The leader of the undead coughed up blood and flew out for dozens of miles.

"Are you crazy? Aren't you crazy? Show me another crazy one?"

Who is this Ryoma?The ten-thousand-year-old evildoer, screaming like saliva stars flying around, trampled on the leader of the undead, a large army of undead rushed over from all around, trying to surround and kill it, but Longma has been promoted to the middle stage of the fairy, and it is still a holy beast, where is it? These weak undead can stop it.

Moreover, the overlord crocodile egg that this guy ate in the Momie Cave was really as good as it said, and the effect was amazing. It got great benefits from it, and its fur became more shiny. After so many years, the condensed monster energy has been refined a lot.

"Let go of me, or my lord will cut you to pieces when my lord returns!" The undead leader coughed blood from the corner of his mouth, and shouted sternly.

"I'll pooh-pooh your dewy face. It's a great honor to play chess with Lord Yan, that old man of yours. How can I come to rescue you?" the dragon horse yelled, showing no mercy on his feet. Directly stepped on and broke several sternums of the undead leader.

"You are bold, my lord is immortal, who can kill him, you die...uh..."

How could the undead leader believe that the Lord of Death had fallen, so he scolded weakly, but what was waiting for it was the face-sized hoof, which dented its chest on the spot with one kick, and almost all the bones in its body were broken. There is almost no human form.

"Let go of the leader, kill!"

The undead army charged again, and at this time, Tianfan and the others also walked over, the Son of the Demon Palace waved his right hand, a black light flashed, and in an instant, a large number of undead were shaken into powder and fell again.

For these undead, they don't need to be merciful, as long as they dare to obstruct, they will kill them directly.

After a while, no undead dared to rush forward anymore. In their sight, the combat power of that group of people was too terrifying. They looked like omnipotent devils. Killing them was a hundred times easier than mowing the grass. , they have no resistance at all.


Seeing Tianfan and the others approaching, looking at the surrounding environment, a look of panic appeared on the face of the undead leader. He is a powerful existence in the realm of celestial beings, but at this moment, he clearly knew that he was no match for these people. , the difference is too far.

I thought that the cursed killing array left by the death lord could kill all these people, get their mysterious stone order, so that my strength could be improved again, and then I would compete with other death warriors for the throne, but Unexpectedly, it caused a fatal disaster. The strength and terror of Tianfan and his party exceeded his expectations. They even ignored the cursed killing formation that could kill the first heavenly powerhouse of the celestial beings, and directly walked out of it.

"You are looking for death, do you know that you are looking for death? If you dare to treat me like this, my lord will not let you go!" The undead leader was trampled by the dragon horse, with a ruthless look on his face.


A loud slap came out, and Tianfan slapped it directly, and blood spurted out wildly, half of the undead leader's cheek was swollen at that time, and the teeth mixed with blood flowed out.

"You, how dare you hit me!"

He roared angrily, but what greeted him was another loud slap. Its other cheeks were also swollen, and all its teeth fell out.

This was Tian Fan's mercy, otherwise, with his current physical strength, one slap would be enough to smash the leader of the undead into a pulp, not even bones left.

"No...don't kill me!" At this point, the leader of the undead was completely frightened, begging for mercy weakly, and he could feel the cold killing intent emanating from Tian Fan.

"Give me a reason not to kill you?" Tian Fan said indifferently.

"I... I... That's right, I know... I know where the treasures of the Lord are. They were brought back from the depths of the ancient battlefield by the Lord. They are legendary ancient relics that are priceless. As long as you don't kill me, I'll tell you everything!" The undead leader was completely resigned.

"Say, as long as your information is useful, I won't kill you!" Tian Fan said.

How dare the leader of the undead say 'no'? He quickly told about the master of death and the castle of the undead, and even revealed where the treasures are hidden and what restrictions are in place, for fear that Tianfan will be unhappy. Just end his life here.

"Are you finished?"

"It's over, it's over, I'm telling the truth, there is absolutely no falsehood." The undead leader nodded repeatedly.

"Then you can die!" Tian Fan said indifferently.

The lord of the undead was dumbfounded at the time, and then roared extremely angrily: " said you wouldn't kill me!"

"I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say it won't kill you!" Tian Fan said flatly, and glanced at Ryoma.


"Wahhahaha, don't worry, Ma Ye is kind and will not kill you. At most, he will suppress your primordial spirit into the black hole of death, or exile you into the turbulent flow of time and space. I want to use your supreme supernatural power to There must be no problem, and the way back will definitely be found, wow haha, thank the great Ma Ye..."

Long Ma stomped on the leader of the undead, and shouted at the same time, making the Holy Son of the Demon Palace cast a contemptuous look, Nima, it would be better to kill him directly.

"Little Dragon Horse, hurry up, let's go find the baby first, don't delay too long." Ziying's voice came from the front, and the little girl was in high spirits, leading the team at the front, going to copy the Lord of Death's lair.

They passed through a fog circle, shattered one after another, and came to an old castle, which was the undead castle. The castle was as black as ink, emitting a faint light.

Although this ancient castle looks grand enough to surprise anyone under the Eighth Heaven at the End of the Immortal, after seeing the Palace of Yin and Yang Death, it was really difficult for Tian Fan and the others to feel a little bit of surprise, even with , It can't even compare with the Hades Palace in the capital of the undead.

"Whoever trespasses on the castle of the undead, doesn't stop quickly!"

As soon as they entered within a thousand feet of the Castle of the Undead, a voice of divine consciousness came from the secret, a little indifferent and very cold, but who are they?How could it be possible to stop because of such a sentence?
"Boldly, take another step forward, it's...uh..."

The sound stopped, Tianfan's eyes flashed, and dozens of skeletons fell out of the darkness, falling down like dumplings, and the fire of the soul inside them had been annihilated.

"Boy? Did you attack with the power of your spiritual consciousness? How did you do it?" The devil's son was a little surprised. You must know that in the death star universe, the spiritual consciousness can't explore anything.

Tian Fan cast a look of disdain directly, and said casually: "Don't they say that they have already spoken? Can't you hear me?"

Son of the Demon Palace: "..."

He wished he could slap himself twice for asking such an idiotic question.

"Aww, Master Ma is here!" Before the Longma man arrived, the howling sound had already been heard.

"I said dead horse, what did you do with that skeleton with flesh and blood? Did you throw it away in the black hole of death or exile it to the turbulent starry sky?" The devil's son squinted at it.

Long Ma immediately became unhappy, and said: "I said bumpkin, is Mr. Ma that kind of person? We are pure and kind, do you know that you are pure and kind? Although that guy is very hateful, but people like Mr. Ma Holy One, how can you treat it like this? The Holy One has a saying that all creatures have the right to live, and they also make mistakes, so we should be kind to them."

Seeing Longma's serious look, the Demon Palace Son thought he had wronged it, but the guy finally said something, which made the Demon Palace Son almost couldn't help but want to kick it.

"Master Ma put it in the void..."

(End of this chapter)

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