Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 548 Underworld and Naihe Bridge

Chapter 548 Underworld and Naihe Bridge
It is self-evident how important the human world is. By now, they have almost all understood the meaning contained in Tian Fan's words.

They stopped staying in place and began to move forward. This is a dark and lightless space, and the air is filled with a gloomy and cold atmosphere. After Tianfan and others entered hell, looking at the endless blood-red land, they felt A creepy aura, like a peerless old evildoer waking up from a long sleep, about to start catching prey.

"There are so many people wanting to come in this shitty place! It's really hard for Master Ma to understand!" Long Ma shook his huge horse head.

The gate of hell opened, and all the heavens and myriad worlds were shaken. Many powerful cultivators gathered towards the world. After waiting for several days outside the gate of hell, strong men stepped into it one after another. Right now, in front of them, Many cultivators flew away, as if there was some peerless treasure in front of them, and it would fall into the hands of others later.

"Opportunities and crises always coexist. In this kind of space, it has not been opened for millions of years. Even a fool knows that there are definitely many incredible things in it!" There are peerless treasures in it, so there is always a fluke mentality. This is the reason for the so-called wealth and wealth.

After entering hell, the group of them was very careful. In addition to the extremely thin spiritual energy in this space, the geographical environment is also extremely harsh. For example, at this moment, in front of them, a yellow river of Styx is rolling, blocking the way forward, and they cannot see clearly On the opposite side, it seems to flow from the nether world, stretching endlessly, with no end in sight.

"This actually yellow?!"

The few people were dumbfounded. The water source in the whole river was yellow, and black smoke was constantly blowing out. There was a transparent barrier here, which cut off the road ahead, and they could not pass through it. The transparent barrier was extremely strong. , even with their cultivation in the realm of celestial beings, they couldn't break it.

There are also cultivators from other big worlds around. There is no doubt that those who dare to break into hell cannot be weak. The lowest is in the early days of immortality. Many cultivators of different races stopped by the stream for a while, looked at each other a few times, and then walked up the stream. Obviously, they also couldn't break through the invisible barrier ahead.

"Let's go downriver."

Tian Fandao, the rest of the people agreed, and they didn't want to have anything to do with cultivators of other races. This is a place of right and wrong, and it has been doomed since those cultivators entered it, because they come from different worlds, so once they find anything , It is bound to be beaten badly. Although they are not afraid of trouble, they don't want to cause trouble. It is the best choice for them to go on the road alone.

The stream is always yellow, with bubbles bursting out from it from time to time, and it seems like a fire is burning below, but it doesn't feel the slightest heat, instead there is a very cloudy and cold atmosphere covering the surroundings.

"There seems to be a bridge ahead?"

They have been walking along this creek for nearly three hours, but they still haven't seen the end. Within tens of feet on both sides of this creek, hazy mist shrouded everything. Outside, they saw a hazy shadow, which seemed to be an ancient suspension bridge, which reminded them of some kind of legend, and couldn't help trembling.

It's getting closer, getting closer, they finally came to this place, the misty yellow fog shrouded in front, a pale and dazzling long bridge across the river, it suddenly looked so dazzling, and the real scene in front of them was seen , so that several people couldn't help but smoked.

"This...can't be the legendary Huangquan and Naihe Bridge?"

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Regarding hell, the world of the human world is the most widely spread. Since ancient times, there have been Huangquan and Naihe Bridge. According to legend, it is a place where the dead walk, and it is a crossing point of reincarnation.

"Let me see what's ahead, don't follow."

Tianfan said in a low voice, although they have already stepped into the realm of celestial beings, they are still very careful, because this is the legendary hell, and there are crises everywhere. It is already known that the cultivators who entered hell this time will be buried in this space above the fifth floor, and their bet is that they do not belong to those who belong to the fifth or sixth floor.

"Brother, be careful." Xiaolong waved his golden claws behind him.

"I'm going too." Ziying followed, and together with Tianfan stepped onto the eerie and strange stone bridge, and was submerged in the misty yellow mist for a moment.

There was silent silence, the yellow water was constantly flowing, but there was no sound coming out. After an hour passed, there was no breath coming out from the pale white wooden bridge shrouded in mist, and no consciousness coming out. The Son of the Demon Palace and the others gradually became anxious. It had been more than an hour since Tian Fan and the others stepped on that bridge, and an hour was long enough for cultivators of their level.

"Why has there been no news for so long? Could it be an accident?" Long Ma whispered, and immediately provoked a severe beating.

"Death horse, can't you say something good?" The Son of the Demon Palace finally slapped it.

Not a short time has passed since Tianfan and Ziying stepped on the strange pale stone bridge, and two hours have passed before, but there is still no fluctuation coming from the front. When he was about to step on the stone bridge by himself, Tian Fan took Zi Ying and appeared, walked out of the fog ahead, and appeared in their field of vision.

"Why have you been here for so long, what have you found, can it lead to the other side?" Ryoma asked.

Tian Fan's face was a bit ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "It can lead to the opposite side, but..."

Before he could speak, there were several extremely shrill screams from the upper reaches of the small river. Those voices were full of fear and despair. After a brief scream, it fell silent. There was a chill, and there was no doubt that those who screamed all fell.

"What... what happened to them!" The devil's lips trembled a little, his eyes flickered, and he looked upstream.

You must know that the lowest level of cultivation of cultivators who enter hell is in the realm of celestial beings. The screams just now were undoubtedly all from the mouths of celestial beings, who can make celestial beings utter such miserable and desperate screams. Just thinking about it is scary, what happened to them?All of them have fallen!


Suddenly, a horned devil rushed over from the opposite side. Its eyes were blood red, and its pupils were made of green arcs, giving people an extremely evil feeling. But more importantly, the aura it exuded The machine is really weird, not only powerful, but also very complicated.

The reason why it is complicated is because this devil emits a variety of auras, and its power is composed of different elements. The pale stone bridge makes a creaking sound under the devil's feet, and it seems that it will be destroyed at any time. rupture.


Tianfan turned around, raised his right hand, and created a gust of hurricane. With a bang, the devil flew out, flew upside down a few meters away, smashed one side of the bridge, and the stone fell into the river , suddenly made a chirping sound, and was corroded clean in a blink of an eye.


The Holy Son of the Demon Palace and Long Ma Qiqi gasped. They knew how powerful Tian Fan's body was. Even the strongest in the third heaven at the end of the immortals could hardly compete with him, and they would definitely be crushed by a slap. This devil actually blocked the invincible body, only retreated a few meters, they almost didn't stare out their eyes.

The devil was repelled by a palm. It seemed very angry. It roared loudly and rushed towards Tianfan. It didn't have any magical combat skills, but it just held a huge iron fist, driving red, black, gray, and khaki, Several brilliance energies swept towards Tianfan and Ziying.

"What kind of monster is this uncle!"

The Son of the Demon Palace was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. Although he knew that many incredible evil things would be born in hell, he did not expect that they would encounter them so soon. Those strange energies, although others were not very Familiar, but the gray brilliance is so dazzling, it turned out to be the power of the curse, this devil is entwined with the light of the curse!
(End of this chapter)

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