Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 549 Weird

Chapter 549 Weird
This devil is too unusual, too weird, its body is shrouded in a cursed light, that weird taboo power has not corroded and devoured it, but has become its weapon, it's frightening to think about it, this But the taboo power is domineering and mysterious, and there is almost nothing in the world that can stop it.

Moreover, on this devil, there are actually several other forces that blend together with the cursed light.

It is conceivable that these forces are definitely not ordinary brilliance, being able to blend with the cursed light without being swallowed is enough to explain its horror.

Facing this weird and evil devil, Tianfan didn't feel slighted at all. The light of the domain wrapped his right fist, resisting hard and striking hard. This time, he secretly increased his strength a little. A faint nine-color divine brilliance emanated from the iron fist, collided with the devil's fist, and wiped out sparks all over the sky.

"Dong dong dong..."

The devil kicked back. In terms of physical strength, he was not Tianfan's opponent after all. He was absolutely below, and was knocked back tens of meters by a punch. The pale white bridge couldn't bear the weight of the devil, and it shattered with a bang. Suddenly, its strong demon body suddenly lost its balance and fell straight down from the bridge.

"Puff puff……"

The devil fell into the yellow river, and immediately struggled vigorously. At the same time, boundless fear appeared in those blood-red and bewitching eyes. For a while, the withered yellow water splashed continuously, corroding deep pits on both sides of the river. , and the bridge was also submerged by the surging waves, corroded directly, turned into yellow water, and fell drop by drop.

"Um, can't this guy know how to swim? Is it the legendary landlubber?" The devil's son was a little dazed.

At this moment, the devil's actions are exactly the same as the reaction of a person who can't swim when he falls into deep water. On the other hand, they are also deeply shocked by the strength of the devil's body. They know very well that in the dry yellow water, It contains peerless and terrifying corrosive power, but the devil is unscathed in it.

"Wouldn't it be true that the satyr hit it? Is it really a landlubber?" Xiaolong rubbed the back of his head.

"It's so cute, hehe!" Don't think about it anymore, there is no one else who can say such words here, except Ziying.

In the withered yellow river, the devil's face turned pale, and his blood-red pupils were trembling constantly. Behind him, a pair of black wings suddenly propped up. Resistance, but still slowly soaring into the air, most of the body has been separated from the river.

"Damn, it actually has wings!"

After the devil stretched out its wings, it became a lot faster, and soon got out of the river. It seemed to be relieved, really like a drowning person being rescued.

"The landlubber flew up, it... it came towards us!"

After the devil charged up from the water, two demonic lights flashed in its pupils, exactly like a wild beast. It carefully looked at the river below it, its black wings shook slightly, and two black hurricanes swayed towards the sky. Where they swept over, at the same time, the devil himself rushed over, and the aura on it became even more terrifying.

"Attention! This guy is dangerous!"

Tianfan said in a deep voice, the reason why he and Ziying stayed in front for so long just now was because they were entangled by some of these demons, and finally broke free, but obviously there is no time at this moment to conduct detailed investigations on them. To explain, he decisively threw out the Divine Light Domain, wrapping his right fist again.


Suddenly, the entire lake vibrated, and the water waves rushed hundreds of feet. In the eyes of everyone's horror, a huge magic hand protruded from the bottom of the river. It was covered with blue scales and covered by a Wrapped in a mass of jet-black magic light, it pierced through the space, and grabbed the devil above it in its hands.

The devil struggled violently, and several hazy brilliance shot out from its body continuously, but it had no effect on the huge devil's hand. The fearful look on its face seemed to have an instinctive fear of this devil's hand, but it The struggle was too pale, because compared with the huge magic hand, it was too small, not enough to see, and was directly dragged into the deep water by the magic hand.

Strings of bubbles rose from the bottom of the river, and the dry yellow river water slowly turned red, with a strong smell of blood floating from below, but this process only lasted for a moment, and the red in the river water soon disappeared. It was submerged by the flowing yellow river water, and it returned to the previous color again, and everything around it slowly quieted down.


The few people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and an inexplicable chill came from their backs. The scene just now was too terrifying. They never imagined that such a terrifying monster lurks in this yellow river. , pulled down the mighty devil with one stroke, and it can be seen from the color of blood that the devil died below.

"His grandfather's, what is that, it's too monstrous!" Even an old monster like Longma felt a sense of horror.

How powerful the devil is, they have seen it before. Although the body is no match for Tianfan, it is definitely a powerful existence in the realm of celestial beings, and there are several kinds of taboo powers shrouded in the body, but it is so powerful The devil in his body was dragged down by that pitch-black devil's hand in an instant, which was really terrifying.

They continued to walk downstream, and about an hour later, the Holy Son of the Demon Palace suddenly clapped his hands, and said with a look of sudden realization, "Damn, I know, so it's not a landlubber, it's afraid of the lake water." The horror in the world exists!"

"You're so smart!" Everyone cast contemptuous glances. They didn't expect this guy to spend an hour to figure out such a simple problem that almost an idiot can figure out.

This river seems to have no end. They have been walking for nearly five hours, but they still can't see the end. There is nothing in front of them, only the hazy yellow mist, like the steaming corpse, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. Comfortable, there is a sense of depression.

"There, it seems... there seems to be a bridge!" Suddenly, the little phoenix said, pointing forward with colorful wings.

The few people couldn't help but gasped, and looked along the little guy's wings, in the endless mist, a bridge-shaped shadow was looming, they slowly approached the front, and another pale stone bridge appeared in front of them In the eyes, it is exactly the same as the one that was destroyed before, no matter the material or size, no matter the pattern or veins, even the length and number of cracks are exactly the same as the previous stone bridge!
"This is? A hallucination?"

They felt chills on their backs. Such a situation is really weird. If many stone bridges like this were built on this river, they would not be suspicious or suspicious. This is normal, but this The stone bridge was exactly the same as the one they had seen before, it was as if the previous stone bridge had reappeared.

"Nimma, something is wrong!"

"Never mind it, let's move on!"

They continued to walk downstream, but not long after, they felt dizzy for a while, because in front of them, another stone bridge that was exactly the same appeared, which looked so dazzling in the hazy mist, strange and eerie, like A spirit summoner was waving at them.

"Damn, what's going on!"

"You guys are so stupid, why don't you just do a little experiment, what are you entangled with!" Zi Ying choked her mouth, walked forward, took Tian Fan's Mie Tian Sword, carved a little turtle on the stone bridge, and then Standing up and looking at her masterpiece, the little girl seemed very satisfied.

The Holy Son of the Demon Palace and the dragon horse opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but they held back in the end. It is a peak holy soldier. If ordinary people get it, they will probably confess it as their ancestors. The Peak Sacred Soldier Extinguishing Heaven Sword was actually used by Ziying to draw a little turtle, and even Tianfan couldn't help but twitched his lips.

"Let's go! Let's see if there will be a miracle this time!"

After doing all this, they continued to walk downstream, the surroundings were still gray and foggy, and they could not see their fingers. As they expected, three hours later, in the yellow fog ahead, there was a bridge-shaped shadow. It appeared in their eyes again.


Looking at the stone bridge in front of them, several people felt a sense of horror, the same material, the same size, the same pattern, the same cracks, and... the same little turtle...

(End of this chapter)

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