Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 563: A Great Opportunity

Chapter 563: A Great Opportunity

The ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​the undead bird, the ancestor of the Phoenix family, and is the oldest antique, much older than the Dragon Emperor.

This is a legendary Xeon. Even many masters of the Phoenix clan have never seen this ancestor. According to legend, she disappeared in the depths of the Phoenix clan's ancestral land in her later years, leaving nothing behind. , became a mystery, and did not appear until tens of thousands of years later, the tribe finally had no choice but to think that this ancestor had fallen and transformed into the world.

"This must be the ancestor of Phoenix..."

Even Tian Fan was a little shocked, unable to speak for a while, Zi Ying even grew her small mouth, even the little Phoenix who was hugged by her was surprised, the feathers all over her body stood on end, the old Phoenix Ancestor, that is its ancestor.

"Back then, the Emperor of Heaven fought against the Evil King, and the Evil King was defeated in the end. When the Emperor of Heaven opened the eternal seal, I sensed the breath of the original fire in the ancestral land..."

The middle-aged woman said calmly, when the Emperor of Heaven sealed the evil king into hell, the ancestor of the Phoenix happened to be retreating in the ancestral land of the Fire Phoenix. At the moment when the eternal seal was opened, she sensed the original fire, which is Youlan The breath of holy flame and red lotus karmic fire directly tore open the world barrier and appeared in the human world.

She entered hell voluntarily, and the Emperor of Heaven couldn't stop her, and finally opened the eternal seal for her.

"But senior, in this case, millions of years have passed. With your cultivation, how could you not subdue these two primordial fires?"

Tian Fan was puzzled, and it could be predicted that the ancestor of Phoenix and the Emperor of Heaven must be people of the same period, otherwise he would not have obtained the permission of the Emperor of Heaven to enter hell.Calculated in this way, the ancestor of Phoenix is ​​at least a saint. With the strength of a saint, he should be able to subdue this primitive fire.

Little Phoenix blinked her big eyes and listened carefully.

"It's not that easy..." The Phoenix Patriarch shook his head, looked at Tian Fan, suddenly a little surprised, and said, "What's the relationship between you and that little fellow Xuanzong? In you, I feel something similar to him." breath?"

"Xuanzong?" Tian Fan was a little dazed, he thought for a long time, convinced that he really didn't know Xuanzong, and said, "Your junior doesn't know who Xuanzong is?"

"Did I admit it wrong?" The ancestor of Phoenix was stunned for a moment, and said: "Xuanzong, the number one genius in the God Realm back then, if I didn't make a mistake, within 10 years after I entered hell, he would definitely become Lord of the God Realm."

Xuanzong?Lord of the God Realm?The Son of the Demon Palace and others were all surprised, and suddenly thought of another person, Xuannv; Xuanzong, Xuannv, should be the father of Jiutian Xuannv!They all looked at Tianfan, shook their heads, and sighed. They were almost unfilial.

"Ahem..." Tian Fan suddenly felt very embarrassed, and said, "What, this junior was a little confused just now, what, that person that senior said seems to be my grandfather..."

In fact, Tianfan himself was also very depressed. He only knew that his mother was called Xuannv and was revered as Nine Heavens Xuannv. Could the Xuanzong that the ancestors spoke of be the Lord of the God Realm?

"Are you the grandson of that little guy?" Ancestor Fenghuang looked a little surprised, looked at Tianfan seriously, and said in surprise: "That little guy even has a grandson? I remember, when I entered hell, He looks like he's in his 20s."

"Senior, it's been millions of years..." the Demon Palace Son explained.

Everyone was speechless. When the Dragon Emperor spoke, the Immortal Emperor, Xuannv, and the Heaven and Earth Sect Master became "little guys". Little guy, you don't need to think about it, the Dragon Emperor must be a little guy in the eyes of this ancestor.

The ancestor of Phoenix looked Tian Fan seriously, and said, "Well, your capital is much stronger than that guy Xuanzong."

"Can you not be honest? The only descendant of the daughter of the king of gods and the master of the fairy world has gathered the best blood of the fairy gods. He is an excellent breed."

Longma held back his mouth, it has been with Tianfan for a long time, although this guy's mouth is a bit cheap, and his animal products are a bit bad, but they can feel that this guy has no second intentions with them, so some Things, they will naturally not hide it.

A few black lines suddenly appeared on Tianfan's forehead, and there was an urge to beat it at that time.

The ancestor of Phoenix nodded, and looked at Tianfan seriously. She was obviously surprised, and said, "You have courage and courage! I am very pleased that there are people like you in the human race, but your future road will be very difficult. I hope You can always strengthen your beliefs and break the world!"

Tian Fan was a little shocked. A person in this realm is really not simple. He could tell the path he was walking with just a simple glance. Under those two eyes, it seemed that there was nothing to hide in this world.

"Dragon clan? The breath of that little fellow, the Dragon Emperor? Are you his descendant?" The ancestor of Phoenix moved his eyes again, looking at Ziying Xiaolong.

Everyone was speechless and could only sigh. Sure enough, in the eyes of this ancestor, the Heavenly Dragon Emperor was also a little guy, which made them want to cry without tears. When they came out of their mouths, they turned into little guys, how could they feel so embarrassed?
When her eyes fell on Ziying, the surprise and shock were undisguised. It could be clearly seen that there was a divine fire beating in her eyes, as if the universe was opening up in them. A little excited, he said: "The human race is really strong in this life, and there is such a rare arrogance in the ages. If the final battle fails, it will really be unreasonable!"

It can be seen that she has a very high evaluation of Ziying, which does not surprise Tianfan and others, they have already taken it for granted, but any old antique will definitely be shocked when they see Ziying. A proud girl, no one would not be shocked. In just a few hundred years, she stepped into the seventh heaven of immortals. It was difficult to find one in ancient times.

"Hey, this is..."

The ancestor of Phoenix suddenly frowned. In her eyes, there was a bright divine light beating. Looking at Ziying, the little girl suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of oppression. On her body, a faint purple-gold divine flower Emerging, the mysterious veil from the Castle of the Undead emerged, accompanied by patches of gray mist, scaring the Son of the Demon Palace and the dragon horse to jump high and hide far away.

Just kidding, this is the source of the curse. They have experienced it personally and know how terrible it is, and even a little bit of it may be in danger of falling.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Tian Fan wondered, of course he believed that the Phoenix Patriarch would not harm Zi Ying.

"This is the ancient times, that mysterious race, this is their sacred object, it was worn on the saintesses of their clan at the beginning." Ancestor Phoenix was a little surprised, but after that he seemed even happier, saying: "Good! Good! You are worthy of being the arrogance of the human race in this life, and you are indeed favored by God, even this kind of thing was obtained by you!"

Everyone was speechless, and felt very embarrassed. They got this thing from the death lord's lair in Death Star Universe, so it's God's blessing.

Ancestor Fenghuang thought that the few of them didn't understand this thing, and said: "You don't have to doubt, what she is wearing is a handed down holy garment, which can control one of the most mysterious forces in the world, I think you already know it. Well, it is the power of taboo, the power of curse."

"But, senior, the power of the curse is designated as a taboo power. Isn't that an evil power? Will it have any bad influence on her?" Tian Fan said, this is a question he has been worrying about in his heart, worried about Zi Ying Will be affected by this force, and now I meet such a living ancestor, of course I have to ask for advice.

"Evil?" The ancestor of Phoenix shook his head and said: "There has never been any evil power in this world, there are only evil people. If you use it righteously, you will be righteous, and if you use it evilly, you will be evil."

Tian Fan was stunned for a moment, then realized in an instant, and sincerely expressed his gratitude to Patriarch Fenghuang. At the same time, he was also a little embarrassed. Did not see through.

Finally, she looked at the little phoenix in Ziying's arms, with a kind smile on her face, she stretched out her right hand, a ball of divine light enveloped the little phoenix, and slowly flew towards the ancestor of Phoenix, she said softly: "Little guy, I give you a great opportunity..."

(End of this chapter)

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