Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 564 Sacred Fire Art

Chapter 564 Sacred Fire Art
The ancestor of the Phoenix in ancient mythology appeared in front of them, and wanted to give the little guy a great opportunity. Now, everyone knew what she was going to send, and they all looked at the two primitive fires in front of them. The strong want jealousy and crazy things.

"I beg Matsu to be born, and give me a great opportunity." Long Ma's eyes lit up, and his saliva was drooling, that envy and hatred.

In the depths of the Divine Fire Hall, the blue light flickered, exuding an extremely chilly feeling, and the fiery red light jumped, filled with scorching heat. The little guy was covered by a group of faint red lights, like a small fireball. Zi Ying flew up from her arms, and headed towards the Phoenix Patriarch.

"Old... old ancestor..."

It was the first time for Little Phoenix to see their Gaidai ancestors in this group. Although she was very excited, she was a little embarrassed, just like a little girl who suddenly saw her parents she had never met. It was hard to describe the feeling. clear.

Ancestor Fenghuang is now a middle-aged woman, like a beautiful woman, graceful and luxurious, her elegance is reflected in every behavior, there is a kind of truth of heaven and earth, and a kind of charm of immortality beside her The circulation shocked Tianfan and the others. As expected of a legendary figure, this kind of aura alone is not something ordinary people can possess.

"The cultivation base is good, but the mind is not mature enough..."

With a friendly smile on his face, the ancestor of Phoenix stretched out his hand like a mother, and pulled Little Phoenix over. Although she said so, everyone could still feel that for this junior clansman who met for the first time, She likes it very much, and the doting feeling in her pupils can be seen at a glance.

"I'm sorry, ancestor..." Little Phoenix thought that ancestor Fenghuang was blaming her, and said a little timidly, then looked at Ziying, as if asking for help.

Seeing her appearance, the ancestor of Phoenix couldn't help laughing: "What a cute little guy..."

Zi Ying gestured to the little guy behind her to cheer him on, Tian Fan also smiled at the little guy, Long Ma, the Son of the Demon Palace and Xiao Long also encouraged the little guy.

The ancestor of the Phoenix walked forward with the little Phoenix wrapped in a red light, and did not stop until he approached the two groups of primitive fire, saying: "At the beginning, I spent 10 years to subdue them and destroy them. The original killing intent, what you see now is the real fire core, the purest original power."


Tianfan and the others were astonished, and couldn't help but gasp. You must know that the ancestor of Phoenix is ​​definitely a holy existence, but it took a long time of 10 years to subdue these two groups of divine fire. It is enough to imagine their horror. Even a saint is difficult to control, it takes such a long time to refine the original killing intent.

Now, they found that they still underestimated the ancestors of these two groups of fire sources. How could the flames that were born when the world was opened up be ordinary? This is the supreme holy fire that is enough to threaten the supreme powerhouse.

Little Phoenix blinked a pair of watery eyes, and looked straight ahead. Although the blue and red flames were small, the energy emitted was earth-shattering, terrifying and unimaginable. destructive gas machine.

"Now I will teach you the Sacred Fire Jue. You use this method to fuse the original fire seeds and let them become your power." The ancestor of the Phoenix became serious, stretched out his finger, and a ray of soft brilliance shot out and shot into the air. Between the little guy's eyebrows.


Suddenly, the little phoenix emitted monstrous flames, the heat was overwhelming, scorching the world, even the Youlan Holy Flame and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire seemed to be affected, they jumped up slightly, above them, a circle of divine splendor emerged, Rippled out like light streaks, permeating the entire space.

The little phoenix seemed to have entered the Tao, closed his eyes, and silently comprehended this set of phoenix mentality. Behind him, a mountain of flames emerged, in which all the flames of the world surged, which deeply shocked the few people This set of profound techniques is extremely terrifying, because, in the illusory flame behind the little phoenix, they actually saw the shadows of the blue sacred flame and the red lotus fire.

"This set of holy fire formulas is my comprehension during the 10 years of fighting against the original fire, and I realized it in the next 3 years..." Seemingly seeing their shock, the ancestor of Phoenix explained.

Several people were shocked. A Gaiden sage spent 13 years creating a mysterious method that is absolutely shocking to the world. , once the Holy Fire Jue is released, it will definitely make the powerhouses of the Endless Heavenly Clan terrified.

In this space that is neither too big nor too small, there are various visions of the Fire Clan. The little guy has a solemn treasure, and he carefully understands the mystery of the Holy Fire Art. In this short moment, the little guy's realm is like It was the flood that broke through a sluice gate and suddenly improved a lot. Knowing that the mid-term peak of the Celestial Immortal is only one step away from reaching the peak of the Celestial Immortal.

"How about you little guy? How much have you understood?" The ancestor of Phoenix pointed forward lightly.

"That... I..." When asked by his ancestor, the little guy was a little squeaky and didn't know how to answer.

Zi Ying was in a hurry, she was gearing up behind her, and shouted to the little guy: "Little Phoenix told the old ancestor that I have understood everything."

"What a lovely girl..." The Phoenix Patriarch smiled, then looked at Little Phoenix, and said, "Don't worry, just know how much you have understood, and now use the Holy Fire Art I just passed on to you, Absorb those two holy fires into your body and refine them."

"Old man, this isn't going to be dangerous, is it?"

Tianfan and the others were a little worried. After all, it was the primordial kindling from the beginning of the world. Even the ancestors of the Phoenix in the holy realm took 10 years to subdue them, which is enough to see the powerful relationship between them, and the little guy is only now It's only in the mid-stage of the Celestial Immortal.

"It doesn't matter..." Ancestor Fenghuang obviously knew what Tianfan and the others were thinking, and said, "I have completely refined the killing intent of the original fire, and the holy fire formula created in the past 10 years is the key to unlock them, the person who controls the holy fire formula It is their master, the primordial fire will not repel, let alone harm the person who possesses the Holy Fire Art."

Although Tianfan and the others already knew that Little Phoenix would be fine, they still felt relieved to hear the Phoenix ancestor say it himself.


The ancestor of the Phoenix said softly, using her divine power, and moved the little guy between the Youlan Holy Flame and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. In the next moment, she once again removed the red divine light that shrouded the little Phoenix's body, allowing him to The little guy was completely exposed between the two primal fires.

In an instant, the Youlan Holy Flame and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire vibrated at the same time, and the red and blue divine light surged out, submerging towards the little phoenix like a tide.

"Oh, help..." The little guy had never seen such a scene before, he was frightened at that time, flapping his wings in anxiety, screaming, and forgot to run the holy fire formula for a while.

Ziying wanted to rush over at that time, but was stopped by Tianfan, who shook her head at her, Longma and Xiaolong were also worried, but they didn't make any moves, they just looked straight ahead, expecting the little guy next performance.

"Calm down, calm down, the holy fire has spirit, you are the divine bird Phoenix, the master of all flames in the world!" The ancestor of the Phoenix stood at the outermost edge, his words seemed a little serious, she opened the barrier, sealed the little Phoenix in the At the same time, it also blocked the burst of breath from the two divine fires.

"Oh, it's so cold! It's so hot!" The little Phoenix was pitiful, being submerged in the flames of two different attributes.

The Sacred Fire Art is working, although the little guy still feels hot and cold, but there is no danger to his life at all. Even if it does not use this kind of mysterious method, as long as it has this breath in the body, the two fire sources will not hurt it, because Possesses the original breath of two fire sources.

"It's really absorbed!" Ryoma's eyes lit up and he looked forward.

Youlan Holy Flame and Red Lotus Karmic Fire flickered slightly, each turning into a piece of red light, red and blue interlaced, combined to form a cocoon of light, wrapping the little guy in it, several people opened their Celestial Eyes, and they could clearly see the little guy Its metamorphosis was submerged by the red and blue light, and the holy fire spiritual source continued to rush into its life source, stabilizing its Dao foundation.

"You guys come here too, I'll give you some small gifts, although it's not as good as the original fire..."

The ancestor of Phoenix smiled slightly, stretched out his palm, and pointed at the bottom. In an instant, a light of divine fire surged out. There was no scorching heat, only the aura soaring to the sky, and even more endless vitality, like a star. The universe is generally vast and boundless.

(End of this chapter)

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