Chapter 578
Dozens of monsters, although they are just puppets and unable to display supernatural powers, they are all physically strong, even more powerful than those at the peak of the heavenly immortals, and they are the biggest reliance of the four people in the Youquan world on this trip , with such a force, even if you encounter a strong person in the first heaven of immortality, you can still suppress it steadily.

But the current situation made them horrified. In just a short moment, dozens of powerful monsters were beheaded to death.


The hearts of the four were filled with shock and fear. These two people were too terrifying, beyond their imagination. In their impression, those two people were obviously only at the peak of heavenly immortals, but they were terrifying, especially that The man in white was like an unrivaled god king, whose pure physical strength made everyone tremble with fear.

"It doesn't matter whether you say it or not, I'll see for myself!"

Tianfan's expression was indifferent, and he stepped forward, with an overwhelming pressure, forcing the four of them away.The people of this clan once colluded with the Celestial Race to invade the land of the Human Race, and fought against the sages of the Human Race. Now they want to resurrect the Yuanzu and start all over again. He can't let these four people go. Now he wants to get information about their resurrection of the Dark Emperor. , must not let that person come to this world again, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"You are dreaming!"

The faces of the four were gloomy, and they stared fiercely at Tianfan. Their hearts were full of hostility, and their faces were extremely ferocious. They were about to succeed, but they killed such a group of people. They were invincible and disintegrated all their offensives. all their dreams.

"The remnants of the human race, let's die together!"

The person in the center said viciously, his face was full of ruthlessness, they could tell that these people were full of murderous intent towards them, and they would never let them go.This time it was impossible to survive, so they decisively chose to blew themselves up, wanting to drag a few people to death together.

As his words fell, several people gritted their teeth together, their bodies began to emit a dazzling black light, their limbs swelled one after another, and finally their whole bodies swelled up, a terrifying aura permeated the surroundings, one after another A strong wind suddenly appeared in the surroundings, the wind howled, and the black lightning struck wantonly.

"Damn it!" The three people in the Qi Realm turned pale with shock, forgot the severe pain in their bodies at this moment, stood up from the ground suddenly, their faces were a little pale.

"Damn, shit, these guys are so amazing? His grandpa!" Long Ma's eyes widened.

"Oh dog seller, these guys are not afraid of death. It's against common sense. Aren't all villains very afraid of death?" Even Xiaolong opened his mouth, but what the little guy said really made them speechless.

It is definitely not a joke that the celestial immortals explode themselves. The power is unparalleled. With their strength, the power generated by the self-explosion is enough to raze this ancient forest to the ground. Within a thousand miles, nothing may be left behind, even , the supreme seal that seals the dark power is very likely to be broken. After all, millions of years have passed, and under the mighty power of time, there is nothing that can counteract it.

And at this moment, they did not blew themselves up alone, but four celestial beings blew themselves up together. Among them, three were middle-stage celestial beings, and one was a peak celestial being. Horrible, even if a strong man from the third heaven of heaven comes and gets involved, he will only end up falling.

"Hahahaha... let's go to hell together!" The leader of the four roared frantically, his eyes were blood red, and he was almost crazy.

"Idiot!" Tianfan snorted coldly, his expression indifferent, without a trace of panic, covered by the divine light domain, and said: "This is hell!"

"Chi, Chi, Chi, Chi..."

Four soft sounds came, like four fireworks being annihilated in a raging fire, and several people who were about to explode were covered by the divine light domain by Tian Fan, directly suppressing the violent divine power in their bodies At this moment, they blew themselves up and failed, completely becoming prisoners.

"I won't let you die, even if you want to die, you can't do it!" Tian Fan's words were so cold that the four of them trembled in unison, their pupils throbbing violently, full of panic.


The three people in the air world opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but they didn't know what to say. They are old antiques who have practiced Taoism for millions of years. In terms of people, it can be regarded as a generation of strong people who can look down on endless creatures, but today they are shocked again and again.

In their eyes, the handsome man in white in front of him was really terrifying, with invincible combat power and unparalleled aura. It was unimaginable that he could even stop the self-destruction of a peak celestial being, because such things are generally irreversible. Because celestial beings are different from cultivators in other realms, if a celestial being wants to explode, it is difficult for even the supreme power to stop it.

"you you……"

Seeing everyone walking towards them, the four people in Youquan Realm were terrified to the extreme, and even the self-explosion of the primordial spirit was stopped by someone. They couldn't believe it. Suppressed, and this person's cultivation is only at the peak of the fairy, who will believe it?

"What do you want to do! Don't come here!" The leader-like figure asked, his voice was soft, his body was trembling, and he didn't have the majesty of a celestial being at all.

"Don't do anything, just find something!"

Tianfan said indifferently, it can be said that this is the enemy of the sages of the human race and the enemy of the whole world, so he can't show mercy to these people, since they are unwilling to say, he can only use the most tragic means, Directly launch the Soul Search Forbidden Technique to obtain the information they want to know from the souls of several people.

The reason why this kind of technique is called forbidden technique is because it is too overbearing and against the way of heaven. It is the most core secret technique recorded in the Heaven-killing Magic Art. Under normal circumstances, he is not willing to perform such an ancient technique , because it is really too sinister and beyond the scope of humanity.


The celestial being from the Nether Spring Realm screamed, almost heart-piercing, making his scalp numb with the three of them and the three envoys from the Qi Realm. The celestial being strong wailed so terribly. It was hard for them to imagine that the man in white had cast What a secret technique, so terrifying.


After a while, his expression froze, his face was full of anger, and he shot decisively, smashing the person's head with a touch, blood and brains flowed, and some even splashed on his snow-white clothes, but he didn't seem to notice it. , full of anger, with killing intent in his eyes, he stared at the other three people coldly, and unhesitatingly performed the forbidden soul search technique.

"Puff puff……"

After a few breaths, he got everything he wanted to know, with anger written all over his face, he shot one after another, ruthlessly, and decisively shattered the source of life of the other three people, and a divine light cast down the bodies of the four people. All shattered, turned into powder, and disappeared into the world forever.

The three people in the Qi Realm are all super old antiques, but at this moment they couldn't help but gasp, feeling their backs were chilly, and they were even more in awe of Tianfan. The man in white in front of them was simply too terrifying. They could clearly know that He was just a young man, but he was ruthless and decisive.

"What's the matter with you, kid? Did you find anything?" asked the Demon Palace Saint Son.

"Yeah, Xiao Tiantian, what did you find? Why are you so angry?" Even Zi Ying was puzzled, Xiao Long, Xiao Fenghuang and Long Ma all looked at him in unison, even the three angels in the air world were also confused and wanted to know reason.

"Come and see..." Tian Fan moved forward with a mental imprint, which was obtained from the ocean of consciousness of these four celestial beings.

"Damn it! This family should be killed! It should be wiped out!" After seeing the spiritual imprint displayed by Tian Fan, they were all murderous, and even the kind-hearted Zi Ying was filled with anger.

In that scene, they found a way to resurrect the Dark Emperor in the Nether Spring Realm. The cultivators of this family did not know what method they used to find the head of one of the two ancestors who destroyed the Dark Emperor in the past. Use this as a sacrifice to summon the remnant soul of the dark emperor who was lost in the prehistoric era and lost between the heaven and the earth.

"We must not let them succeed, kill them to the Youquan Realm, destroy this family, and welcome back my ancestor's honor!"

They are out of anger, dignified ancestors, for the pacification of turmoil in the world, suppressing foreign enemies, it’s okay not to be known by future generations, but now, a head after the fall has been found by someone, and they want to use it as a sacrifice. The resurrection of the former enemy of the human ancestors was an insult to the ancestors of the human race. They couldn't bear it, and each of them was murderous, wanting to smash the Nether Spring Realm with a sword and destroy everyone in that world.

(End of this chapter)

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