Chapter 579
"These bastards, damn it!"

The ancestor of the dignified human race was angry and made great achievements for the world. Now he is so insulted and will be used as a sacrifice to resurrect the enemy who died in his hands. This is a great disrespect and a shame. Filled with anger, the terrifying murderous aura shattered Gao Tian and shattered the large black wood forest around him.

"Let's go, kill now!" The devil's son was furious.

The three powerhouses in the air world remained silent. It was difficult to say anything at this time. After all, it was a matter of the human race and had nothing to do with them. However, as they saw it, it was indeed an angry thing. The human race doesn't have much to do with them, but as a cultivator, they feel ashamed of the people in the Youquan world. This is not only extremely disrespectful to the strong, but also a low-level performance.

"Wait, don't use it for now. If they want to summon the Dark Emperor, they have to wait until the two moons unite. There is still a long time before now."

Tian Fan is relatively calm. It is necessary to welcome back Ren Zu's respectable body, but he can't mess up his position. Right now, there are still things waiting for them in hell, especially Tian Fan. There is really something important to him, he believes in this feeling, and he must take it into his hands.

"Those bastards, let them live a few more days!"

"It's disgusting, I'm so mad at this girl!"

They were all furious. The cultivators in the Youquan world went too far. They dared to treat the great saints in the history of the human race like this. This was provoking the dignity of the entire human race. It's too shameless, and I will trample and kill him in the future.

Not long after, they all calmed down, and the three people in the air world thanked them, this is a world where the strong are respected, and Tianfan and others did save their lives, although they are all old antiques , but he was very polite to Tian Fan and the others, treating them with the etiquette of peers.

If the other party is like this, Tianfan will naturally not trust him, and after all, they are considered elders, and they have cooperated with the ancestors of the human race.

"Dare to ask seniors, which two saints of our clan are the brothers and sisters you are talking about?" Tian Fan saluted. It's not easy for brothers and sisters, and the background seems to be very big.

"Time is too old, and many things have been lost. It's just because the seniors in my world once fought side by side with the human race, so some orphans were left behind, but they only knew that there were such two people. That pair of brothers and sisters supported it."

The other person nodded and said: "Some of their peerless achievements have been handed down, which deeply shocked and revered the cultivators in our world, but we don't know about others."

"Is that so..."

A few people are inevitably a little disappointed, but there is no way to do it. As the three angels in the air world said, the time is too long. If you really want to go back, you can trace it back to the prehistoric era. They are just the strong in the ancient times , is the younger generation of the original generation, such a long time, it is inevitable that some gaps will be left.

"Several seniors rushed to hell this time because of the legendary dark power?" Tian Fan asked.

"Are you trying to take away the dark holy power of the Nether Spring Realm, and then, what, hehe..." Long Ma said in a very unscrupulous manner, causing Tian Fan to almost kick him away.

When the old hooligan said this, even if the three people in the Qi Realm didn't have such thoughts, they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and said seriously: "Actually, we came here this time with a seal grinding disc, and we want to use it here. When the gate of hell is broken, strengthen the seal that the brother and sister set on the power of darkness, otherwise, once this power is born, it will cause great trouble."

At the beginning, in the prehistoric era, the dark emperor controlled the power of darkness, and looked at everything. Once the dark magic power came out, the world lost its voice. The brothers and sisters of the human race suppressed and killed them so forcefully that even the original holy power of their world was sealed.

"To tell you the truth, our world and Youquan world have always been old enemies. They cultivate darkness, while we cultivate light."

One of them said, regarding the power of darkness controlled by the Dark Emperor, although these are just some phrases handed down from the prehistoric era and recorded in some ancient books of the air world, they are enough to make people in their world feel horrified , that kind of dark power is completely targeting and restraining them. If this kind of power is born, their world may be in big trouble.

Tianfan and the others nodded. Originally they were still wondering why people from the air world would go to hell to seal the dark power in this dangerous space.

If it is for the sake of the human world to do such a strenuous thing, they really don't believe it, because after all, so many years have passed, even if the ancestors of the human world cooperated with people from the air world, there is no reason for such a cooperative relationship. Millions of years later, the people in the Qi Realm were still so caring. Now hearing what they said, they all understood that there was such a [-]% reason.

"Since this is the power that my ancestors of the human race once sealed, then we also have an obligation, so let's go together."

Together with the three people from the air world, they went to the cave that was sealed with dark power. When they came to this magic cave, they all felt the cold. It is difficult to completely suppress it, and from time to time there will be a dark breath permeating from it, and this ancient forest has become pitch black because of this.

"Is this the place where the power of darkness is sealed?"

The dragon horse asked, stretching its neck. It originally wanted to take a look into the depths of the ancient cave, but the dark air made it tremble for no reason, and quickly retracted the horse's neck, sighing endlessly. It's just a trace of leaked power, far from being able to compare with the original power of darkness.

"That's right, our world has very detailed records about this power, and it is sealed in the devil's lair here." A person in the air world said in a very affirmative tone.

"It's so dark..."

Zi Ying said dissatisfiedly, they began to move towards the magic cave, the inside was pitch black, as if they had really entered a black hole, this was not ordinary darkness, but because of the power of darkness sealed here, the power diffused Such a strange place has been created, which can hinder the detection of the power of divine consciousness.

"Quack quack..."

Suddenly, screams came from all around, making one's scalp tingle. In their surroundings, in this devil's cave, pairs of blood-red eyes emerged, both the size of soybeans, but there was an evil spirit in them. A refined monster.


There was a sound of wings shaking, and there was a gust of wind. Those blood-red eyes all gathered towards the crowd, with a fierce light flashing inside, as if they were treating a group of them as food.

"Puff puff……"

However, this group of people are not ordinary people, so naturally they will not be frightened by this kind of thing. They directly shake the divine power of the gods in their bodies, sweep out a series of shocking sword energy, and cut off many blood eyes from the air on the spot. Opening Tianyantong, it was discovered that these bloody eyes were the eyes of a group of crows.

"Damn it, crows can grow like this? Nima, it's too heaven-defying! What do they eat?"

Long Ma's eyes widened. There were quite a few dead crows on the ground. Each one was as big as a young bull, but the eyes were so small that it made people speechless. The wings on their bodies seemed to be made of iron. Make a spark.

These were all swept away by their sword energy, and they had almost piled up into a hill at this moment, and it looked really infiltrating.However, their method was very effective. At least some other crows were quiet. Although they were watching them, they did not dare to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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