Chapter 595


The evil spirit is so powerful that no one can imagine that it has been completely suppressed, and thought it has been completely refined, but at this moment it suddenly erupts again, and this power is so terrifying, counting The source of evil is like several ancient saints oppressing the environment, peerless coercion, unparalleled.

"Oh dog seller, I feel the breath of death, it seems, it seems, it seems to be really dangerous..." Xiaolong exclaimed, the two little guys turned into miniature size, retracted into the thick hair of the dragon horse .

"Almighty God, Master Ma was joking just now, please don't take it seriously! Master Ma still doesn't want to die!" Long Ma's hair stood on end.

In a peerless crisis, from the body of the headless corpse, several evil forces surged out, traveling for tens of thousands of miles, covering the entire world. At this moment, nothing can resist it. Then the chain of order is shattered and turned into a little bit of light dust.

In this world, there used to be a lot of prehistoric alien species, but at this moment, they ushered in their first catastrophe. The light of evil spread across the entire world, and lives continued to fall. Blood stained the earth, mountains and rivers. Completely dilapidated, this is a scene of the end of the world.

The soul shadow in front was submerged by endless evil light, the terrifying magic power was crazily eroding that illusory soul shadow, and even more endless evil light rushed towards Siye, as if seeing the scene of this world, the soul shadow let out a cry It was the first time he let go of the sky-shattering roar, and with a swipe of his right hand, he tore apart a void, sucked in all the endless evil light that permeated this world, and slapped it in with a slap.

In the world outside the dark cave, in hell, the sky is gloomy, and the earth seems to have been soaked in blood. Every step you take, a bloody liquid will emerge, emitting a bloody smell.

At this time, there are a total of seven people in the team, all of them are full of energy, and one can tell at a glance that they are people with extraordinary cultivation bases. If Tianfan and others are here, they will find that they are all members of the Celestial Clan. The four survived the force of the curse.There was one person he had never seen before, and the other two, when the holy power was passed into his body by the ancestor of the Phoenix, he had sensed that it was the two ancestor-level powerhouses of the Celestial Clan who went to hell this time.

They were heading towards the sealed land of the ancient ancestors, but at this moment, the void in front of them suddenly broke open, and an extremely terrifying evil force rushed out, instantly shattering the sky, breaking the earth, and The seven people flew out in unison, and two of them with a slightly lower cultivation base screamed pitifully, and were directly wiped out by the breath, completely annihilated.


"What's the matter!"

"What the hell is going on today, there are horrible things happening again and again!"

Except for the two ancestors, the other three looked very ugly. They have encountered many crises along the way, but relying on the shocking power of the two ancestors, they came here without any danger. Originally, they There were more than seven people, but many died on the way here.

And tens of thousands of miles away, all cultivators sensed this terrifying aura, as if they were about to destroy the heavens of all ages, and all looked towards this side, with chills coming out of their backs.


In the dark devil cave, this world has been completely plunged into destruction. The gate of gods and demons shakes violently, and hundreds of millions of colorful rays of light fall down. The five elements and eight trigrams are also spinning rapidly, and the holy power is entangled. Go, but it is no longer difficult to resist, this evil force is much stronger than before, this world is constantly broken, and countless gravel and soil particles fly towards the sky.

"Why, why did this happen!"

Everyone was shocked, and would never have thought that such an accident would happen.


In the sky, there are taboo thunders descending, and this world is constantly shattering. If it is not protected by the saint king-level magic circle, it will fall into destruction in an instant, but even so, it is still cracking, as if A crystal ball made a clicking sound.

The peerless and terrifying air mechanism swept across thousands of miles, the gate of gods and demons vibrated, the sword of exterminating heavens vibrated, the diagram of five elements and eight trigrams vibrated, there were hundreds of millions of divine lights, and tens of thousands of holy lights, but they were still difficult to resist.

The evil spirit here is the ultimate law of the true saint's peak state, and it is not one or two, not two or three, but a total of five, so powerful that it is unimaginable. The powerhouse who didn't really match its level cast it, and was shocked at this moment, and the brilliance ran wild.

"Puff puff……"

The three of Tianfan were the first to bear the brunt, the void in all directions was frozen, they couldn't move, they were swept away by an evil light, they were instantly blown away, they spurted blood together, the devil's son was the worst, his whole body was almost torn apart, blood flowed horizontally , was grabbed back by Tianfan and blocked behind him, all three of them were seriously injured and dying.

The God Demon Sect and Mie Tian Sword flashed above their heads. If the two supreme holy soldiers hadn't protected them with their holy splendor just now, the three of them would have been destroyed immediately, and they couldn't resist it at all. With the Heavenly Sword, there will be no surprises when you display the peak combat power, the difference is too much.

"Get out of here, use our strength to eradicate these evil forces!"

"That's right, let's go!"

The three people in the air world roared, they jointly sacrificed a precious soldier, protected the dragon horse and others in it, and mobilized them together with the divine power of the six great immortal-level powerhouses, but they were also on the verge of death, and one of them had already suffered The serious internal injury was not caused by evil energy, but just the force of the vibration made him hurt the source.

"I do not believe!"

Tianfan roared, and the divine light shot inwardly from his whole body. After that, two strange splendors, one black and one red, appeared on his body surface. Standing behind him, his left eye was as black as ink, and his right eye was as red as blood. He opened those eyes again.

"Myriad Realms Return to Yuan!"

As soon as the four words came out, the wind and cloud trembled, and the heaven and the earth moved together. At this moment, he unreservedly displayed the most terrifying and powerful magic skill at present, intending to refine those numbers with the supreme power that made the heavens envious and jealous. an evil force.

"'t do that!" The Devil's Son said weakly.

"Little Tiantian!"

"elder brother!"

Several people spoke one after another. They knew that those eyes would bring an extremely heavy burden to Tian Fan. Even if he had reached the peak of the Celestial Immortal, it was hard to tell how much he would struggle.

As soon as Wanjie Guiyuan came out, the world stabilized a lot in an instant. Obviously, this force was really terrifying, and it even briefly suppressed the endless evil light in front of it.

"This... this... what's going on with him, what kind of power is that!"

"That's... the power of the end..."

"How could it be! How could he have such terrifying power!"

The three people in the Qi Realm were horrifying, looking at the white-clothed man in front of them, it was as if they had seen an evil ghost.

Wanjie Guiyuan is extremely powerful, and it really blocked a few rays of evil light, but it was only for a moment, and the terrifying magic power came out again, knocking Tianfan away, even his indestructible battle body was destroyed. A crack appeared.

"You guys... let's go..."

Suddenly, that hazy soul shadow got rid of the source of evil and appeared beside Tianfan. A faint radiance came out, blocking all energy fluctuations. Half of this world was in turmoil and half was stable. The blurred ghost image became even fainter and was about to dissipate.


Tianfan was in a hurry, and finally summoned a ray of remnant soul. If it disappeared like this, he would really be unwilling and hate him forever.

"Come on..."

The soul shadow still only has these two words. Although it is still confused, it is full of determination. It puts one palm on Tian Fan's body, and stretches out the other hand, absorbing all the evil spirits that entered the bodies of the three of them, and Everyone passed a majestic holy power.


The three mourned, Fuxi only had an illusory remnant soul, and what he did was only based on his subconscious mind. He felt the aura of the three, the unique aura of the human race, and he wanted to protect them even if he tried to disappear again.

Absorbing the evil power in the bodies of the three people, the soul shadow became even more ethereal, flickering, and would disappear at any time. It raised its hand and tapped lightly on the void in front of it, shaking out a space tunnel with silver light. Slapped the three of them in.


The three words came out, and the soul shadow made another move, waved his palm in the air, and the soft divine radiance photographed all the people including the three people in the air world into the divine light tunnel in front of him. It closed with a bang, and everyone only saw the last scene, and endless evil light surged in, submerging that stalwart's body.

(End of this chapter)

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