Chapter 596
The hazy darkness is like eternal silence. Since the birth of the human race, it has not been so powerful and prosperous at the beginning. In the oldest era, human beings were hazy and ignorant, with weak resistance, even incomparable to wild beasts. Survive on the land of the world.

In that era, it was the few wise men who provoked the future of the human race. They stood up and shouldered the heavy responsibility of the mountain. They paved the way forward for the human race with their blood and bones. They paved a bright road for the human race. Let the world become stronger slowly, and be revered as the cradle of the strong.

But these people, how many people can know?

An unwilling roar came from the dark space, and the void shattered with a bang, and three figures rushed out of it, appearing in a dark space.

The land here is wet, and it is as imagined as hell, but it is obviously not hell. They are still in the dark cave, because they will not forget the dark atmosphere, but it is thicker here.

The three looked behind anxiously, but what they saw was a haze, completely overwhelmed by chaos.

"Damn it! Break it open!"

Tianfan roared and punched out with a fist, the powerful physical strength spread unreservedly, his eyes were not completely closed, and the faint black and red divine light was flickering, this punch was enough to smash the celestial beings The terrifying energy of the masters of the sixth heaven, but the chaotic sea did not respond, and Tian Fan's attack had no effect.


The Holy Son of the Demon Palace was also angry. He saw with his own eyes the legendary emperor of the human race, the supreme figure who led the human race out of the chaotic era, but he was so desolate that he could not be rescued. He finally called back a remnant soul, but he died to save them. Overwhelmed by evil light.


The void in front of it split open, and Ryoma and others rushed out of it, fell down, and merged with several people.

"Opened up a world..."

When the three people in the Qi Realm saw the chaotic ocean, they immediately screamed out in shock, dumbfounded, but then they were relieved. It is very normal for such an existence to be able to do this kind of thing.

"Can I go back?"

Tian Fan asked in a deep voice, he knew that these three people were all old antiques who had survived from the ancient times. Although their combat power was not so strong, they were far from being able to compare with him, but their understanding was beyond his reach. Having existed for millions of years, this is an insurmountable capital.

The three people in the Qi Realm looked at him with some confusion, finally shook their heads, and said: "There is no way, it is a real big world opened up by the invincible saint, and the front has been submerged by the chaotic sea, presumably it should be that saint Those who have wrapped the sea of ​​chaos around themselves, with our combat power, it is impossible to break through, unless it is the real ancient saint himself, otherwise there is no possibility."

The few people slowly fell silent. In fact, they knew very well that Tianfan himself had tried just now, and even with that kind of terrifying power that could smash the sixth-level heavenly powers of the immortals, he couldn't make any waves in the chaotic ocean. Suffice it to say, its sturdiness is unimaginable.

The three people in the Qi Realm looked slightly regretful, but they still spoke, and said: "To be honest, it may be a bit cruel, but with your strength, even if you can really enter that space, you can only die. The difference in realm is too much. It's hard to be of any help."

"The legendary saint, although his soul was extremely confused, he sensed the aura of the descendants with his subconscious mind. He knew that you could not resist that kind of power, so he sent you out at the last moment , maybe that hazy remnant soul knew that you would return again, so it completely sealed off that piece of world..."

The three of them were full of admiration, without the slightest concealment, and said: "The man who has been famous for ages, the supreme god, is worthy of his name, destined to illuminate the entire starry sky, and is an existence that countless powerful people look up to. This kind of courage is enough to make many strong men bow their heads."

Several people were silent. They knew very well that the words of the three people in the Qi Realm were true. With their strength, they really couldn't rescue the Fuxi Ancestor God who was trapped in that world. The difference in strength was too great.

At this moment, even the two naughty little guys and the rascal Ryoma didn't speak, their expressions were filled with regret and unwillingness, and the atmosphere here seemed very gloomy.

They felt even more uncomfortable. Just as the three people in the Qi Realm said, Fuxi, the saint of the human race, was only summoned with a remnant soul, and his mind was confused.

The few people suddenly felt like crying. At the last moment, the hazy soul blocked the devastating blow for them and absorbed all the evil power in their bodies. Disappearing again opened up a path of life for them, and in the end it completely closed that piece of world, preventing them from returning. These are all the actions of potential will, and it is a kind of belief that supports this supreme being, even if it is death. It also protects the flames of the future of the human race.

The will of the ancestors of the human race, such a strong will, made them very uncomfortable.

The three people in the air world were also silent, and they couldn't say anything more. For the human race, this is a kind of pain.

In the end, it was Ziying who broke the silence, her big black jewel-like eyes shone with beauty and wisdom, her beautiful face showed a firm expression, she looked at Tianfan and the others, and said softly: "Don't do this, everyone, I I believe Lord Fuxi will not disappear, and one day, he will return again, we should not be so discouraged, we must boost our morale."

Several people were in a daze, stunned by Ziying's words, and then felt a little ashamed. They didn't expect that the little girl was the first to figure it out, and they seemed a little inadequate to wait for others.

"Yes, how could the ancestor of my human race pass away like that! There is no power that can make him disappear! Return is inevitable!"

The Son of the Demon Palace finally spoke, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists. In the end, even the two little fellows spoke out, claiming that Fuxi, the ancestor god, will not disappear and will return in the future. reincarnation.

"That's right, Master Ma also firmly believes that such a man, how could he be so silent! Sooner or later he will return! He will reappear the supreme demeanor of the past!" Long Ma also said.

Tian Fan finally raised his head, with divine light in his eyes, and said, "That's right, the hopes of our ancestors will not disappear, the blood flows in our bodies, and we have inherited the land they guarded. Improve your strength, this time, let us guard that land."

"We are no longer obsessed, and should no longer be the object of protection. The battle between heaven and man, the ultimate showdown, even if the last drop of blood is shed, let the enemy know that the dignity of our race cannot be violated!"

They all became more determined in the end, a powerful aura permeated this space, deeply shocked the three people in the air world, this is an unparalleled belief.

Finally, they looked back at the chaotic ocean behind them, and bowed deeply to it. The human emperor's body was in it. They believed that one day they would return again.

In the end, Tianfan turned his head, with a strange light in his eyes, looked at the three people in the air world, nodded slightly, and said, "Let's go, seal the power of darkness, and move on."

Xiaolong also opened his mouth, made a tender voice, waved his golden fist, stood on the head of the dragon horse, and said: "Rush, rush, seal the darkness, break through hell, we still have to fight to the Nether Spring Realm, welcome back The head of the ancestors!"

The holy words of the Demon Palace echoed, and even the dragon and horse opened their mouths, swearing again, looking like a magic stick, saying that they would make the bastards in the Youquan world tremble and all lie under its holy hooves.

"What did you say!"

Suddenly, Tian Fan, who was walking forward, suddenly turned around, and two astonishing divine lights shot out from his eyes.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" The little guy was taken aback.

Tianfan was a little distracted, looked at the chaotic ocean behind him, his face was a little shocked, his eyes flickered violently, his brows were deeply wrinkled, and he whispered to himself: "How could this be? Could it be, impossible!"

At this moment, his face was full of inconceivable expressions, as if he had encountered some incomprehensible problem, Zi Ying and others all looked at him, even the people in the air world were puzzled for a while, and they didn't understand why.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Tiantian?" Zi Ying asked.

"Yeah boy, what's the matter with you?" said the Holy Son of the Demon Palace, looking at Tianfan's eyes, and then his expression became a little gloomy again, and said: "Don't look at it, boy, what they said is right, with our strength, It is really impossible to enter it, as you have experienced just now, that kind of power is not something we can resist, even the ancient saints, it is difficult to say that they can bear it."

"In that world, among the big black mountains, the ancestor god Fuxi has no head!" His voice was very deep, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which changed everyone's color.

(End of this chapter)

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