Immortal Tribulation

Chapter 617 World Demon Scale

Chapter 617 World Demon Scale
"You will be the main battle force in the future, so you can't be lazy. With the strength of that ghost just now, you don't need to be nervous at all, it can't pose the slightest threat to you." Tian Fan looked at Little Phoenix seriously, and said: "But, If you meet a powerful being whose strength is similar to yours, if you are still the same psychologically as before, you will only lose in the end."

Longma nodded in a rare way, and even the Holy Son of the Demon Palace interrupted, approving Tianfan's approach, and said: "Little guy, you are an immortal bird, but a phoenix, and you need to have the momentum to move forward, just like that kid, even if it is Even if you encounter an existence whose cultivation is higher than yours, you can't be weaker than others in terms of aura."

"Oh, I see..." Little Phoenix lay on Ziying's shoulder, waved the multicolored wings, and said, "I will become stronger in the future, as powerful as Phoenix's ancestor."

"Very good, it is necessary to have such self-confidence!" Looking at the little guy, Tianfan nodded and said: "We are born in this era, and many former sages have never seen the supreme heroism, but it is enough to imagine , in the ancient, prehistoric, ancient, and even unknown ages, those existences were so heroic, they defied the heavens and oppressed the universe."

"It's a pity not to be able to meet those people back then, even if I miss one person, it's a pity." The Son of the Demon Palace said solemnly, looking at Tianyu with infinite yearning.

In the place of burying the gods, he had seen the supreme heroic appearance of those four people in the ancient times. They were really invincible to the heavens. Later, I saw a few saints, but the impression of those people is still very clear. Although they are not holy, they are more vivid and unforgettable than saints.

"The supreme existence will surely make all the heavens and myriad worlds tremble in the future. Even if the saints try their best, it will be difficult to suppress those people..."

Tian Fan whispered to himself, in the great world of Heavenly Dao, in order to obliterate the demonic power in the Holy Sword of Heavenly Dao, the imprints of soul shadows manifested by the Immortal Emperor and others resolutely detonated their respective treasures, temporarily entering the world with that terrifying energy. At that time, the aura emitted by those four people was too terrifying.

Even though Tianfan has met several saints, he still can't find a few who can compare with the aura of those four people in the Heavenly Dao Great World. At that time, they seemed to have reached the realm of the saint king, really He has an invincible posture, especially the four unrivaled holy principles that he performed at the end, which makes him still deeply in awe. The power of the human body can reach that level, which makes him extremely yearn for.

At that time, his cultivation base was not very strong. It was not until now that he stepped into the peak of the immortals that he truly realized the horror of the four holy rules. He had an illusion that the few holy rules displayed by those people seemed to be It is not weaker than the Six Paths of Samsara, which contains the most primitive killing power.

"Immortal Emperor, Heaven and Earth Sect Master, Demon Emperor, God King..." Long Ma said with a rare solemnity, "In the ancient times, the four people who were famous in the heavens and the world, I really want to meet them!"

"Yes, once they appear, it will herald the beginning of the ultimate jihad. Whether reincarnation ends or restarts will be interpreted in that battle!" Tian Fan said in a deep voice, but his eyes were full of divine light. He had reason I believe that those four people will definitely return with the strongest posture, which will shake the heavens and the world.

Several people walked forward all the way. During this distance, formation patterns were scattered all over the ten directions. Even a master who is proficient in formation patterns like the Son of the Demon Palace would be dazzled. It was quite smooth, passing through many ancient roads without any danger, and came to the nearest part of the black broken mountain.

Standing here at this moment, they felt a strange aura.

This ancient peak is really strange. From the outside, it is just a black broken mountain, but when you enter it, you will find that the inside seems to be a primitive ancient land, with many strange places, valleys of flames, abysses, They even saw a Styx, thinking they had reached the underworld again.

At this moment, they are standing on the top of a cliff, focusing their eyes on the huge black mountain in front of them, feeling as if there is a huge living body there, and the vague breath makes them tremble involuntarily, even Zi Ying frowned slightly, feeling a very bad breath and feeling very uncomfortable.

"Couldn't there be some unrivaled old evildoer being suppressed here?"

Longma opened his mouth, feeling somewhat guilty, because it felt that the black broken mountain seemed to be suppressing an extremely terrifying existence. Although he hadn't really seen it, the aura made him unable to help being frightened. , with some horror.

"It's not impossible. This black mountain stands here, and it's a bit weird." The Son of the Demon Palace said, and he also felt this way.

"Whatever, even if there are, they are all suppressed by the saints of the human race. If it's a dragon, you have to coil up, if it's a phoenix, you have to lie on your stomach, whatever you want." Longma said sharply.

"Stupid horse, what are you talking about!" The two little guys were dissatisfied.

"Uh, I just said it casually, and I'm not talking about you guys." Ryoma explained.

"Hmph, God said that you hurt our young hearts, and you want to drive us to redeem our sins for a year." Xiaolong leaned on the top of the dragon horse, pulled one of his dragon-shaped horse horns, and said softly, with a resemblance The expression looks like a magic stick.

"I..." Long Ma rolled his eyes, can this heart be weak?I go.

"Let's go, climb over that mountain, and continue to move forward." Tianfan said, leading them to one side, avoiding many ancient lines, and came to the other side of the cliff.

They stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. There was an empty, dead silence, like an invincible abyss, black hole, with no end in sight.

"Something is shining..." Little Phoenix looked down and said suddenly.

"Really, there is a baby!"

Longma looked down, and immediately yelled out, in such a place, it is difficult to use the consciousness, they can directly see the glowing thing below, the old rascal immediately thought of these two words, otherwise how could he be worthy of this A forbidden place.

Ziying couldn't hear the word "baby" the most, her big black jewel-like eyes lit up at that moment, she lightly waved her right hand, and through the endless void, picked up the light under the void, but just as she appeared, she let out a clang. The sound made the void roar, and the frightened little girl quickly threw it on the ground.

"Damn! What the hell is this!" Ryoma screamed, his whole body went limp, and he backed up quickly.

Even Tianfan was terrified, they felt like a peerless sword was holding back the delay, the sharp edge made people tremble all over, and they couldn't help but retreat.

This is a pitch-black scale, which can be as big as the mouth of a bowl. It is crystal clear and bright. Although it is black, there are cyan and red divine lights flowing above it, like holy flames dancing. Ziying in the seventh heaven felt a little palpitating.

"What is this thing! It's too scary!" The lips of the devil's son were trembling.

The breath from such a scale made them feel as if a supreme powerhouse was standing in front of them, which was unimaginable.

"Brother, this is..." Xiaolong said with some doubts, looking at Tianfan.

Tianfan frowned slightly, nodded, and said, "This aura is very similar to an existence we have seen before."

"What, you've seen it before! What exists on the body?" Zi Ying was a little surprised when he said this.

"I've seen it before. The little guy and I went to the capital of the undead, under the sea of ​​blood in the ghost town, in the blood well, in order to pick up the fragments of the gods and demons, we met the demons there." Tian Fan Staring at the fast scale, he frowned and said, "This breath is very similar, but this scale is too small, it can't be compared with the world demon we saw."

"Not necessarily. After some creatures grow to a certain level, they will change themselves and return to their original nature, so the size of the scales can't explain the problem." Longma said, such things are not uncommon in the death star universe, and it is very normal.

But suddenly, Long Ma jumped up and exclaimed: "What did you say? Have you seen a world demon?"

"I've seen it." Tian Fan nodded.

"Damn, can you survive seeing the world demon? Are you so tough?" Long Ma exclaimed, his expression a little shocked.

"How do you say it? Don't you want a beating!" Tian Fan's forehead was full of black lines, and the words didn't please his ears no matter how they heard them.

Long Ma said: "Master Ma once saw a record about the World Demon on a stone tablet in the Death Star, it said that it was an ancient creature born in the chaos, it was a mess of tyranny, the most important thing is that the World Demon is addicted to Kill, no one who saw it has ever been able to survive."

(End of this chapter)

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