Chapter 618
On the pitch-black scale the size of a bowl on the ground, there was a faint blue-red light circulating, as if there were clusters of blue-red holy flames dancing, and the fluctuations were shocking.

"That's what I saw on a stone tablet in the Death Star Universe. The world demon is an ancient beast born in the chaos. It has a violent and bloodthirsty temperament. It is as huge as a mountain. It is said that it can destroy a big world with one turn. The aura emanating from it is comparable to peerless sword aura."

Long Ma stared at the bowl-sized pitch-black scale on the ground, and said slowly, this is why it said that Tianfan's ability to survive the world demon was due to his character bursting out. It is very difficult for the strong to retreat unscathed when they encounter it, and it is very likely to become their meal.

"Damn, dead horse, are you bragging? Are there such terrifying creatures in this world? If so, who can compete with them? At least they must be saints, right?" Believe it or not, it's too exaggerated.

"Well, in fact, Master Ma also has some doubts about the existence of such an ancient creature, but that stone tablet seems to have an extraordinary origin, and was finally taken back by the demon, so it should be somewhat credible." Long Ma said, It has only been seen on such a stone tablet.

"The demon took it back..."

A few people were in a daze. They knew the powerful wisdom of the Heavenly Demon. He was the younger brother of a generation of Demon Emperor. He had half a foot into the Supreme Realm. It was absolutely impossible for such a person to take away a stone tablet for no reason. Great background.

"By the way, the fairy general guarding the capital of the undead said that what we saw was just a phantom of the world demon, not the real body, and it seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep." Tian Fan said in a deep voice, Recalling the situation in the sea of ​​blood back then, he still remembers that kind of power until now, it seems that it is really what Ryoma said.

"Well, that's right, he said so." Xiaolong nodded, echoing Tian Fan's words.

Several people looked at the black broken mountain in front of them. Outside the black mountain, there was a mysterious atmosphere lingering, making it look majestic. Although it was cut off from it, it still had a powerful power. It seemed that there was an ancient ferocious beast sleeping there, and several people couldn't help frowning.

"It's not like this big guy was suppressed here, right?" Little Phoenix said timidly, grabbing a lock of Ziying's beautiful hair.

"Little guy, you're scared again, that's not okay." Seeing her like this, the Son of the Demon Palace joked.

"Nonsense! No!" The little guy waved his colorful wings aggressively at the Son of the Demon Palace as if someone had stepped on his tail.

Tianfan was a little silent, and really didn't know what to say. Longma's statement was very reasonable. Some ancient beasts could indeed evolve into their own bodies after they had grown to a certain state. What's more, it's not surprising that an ancient ferocious beast like Jiemo can reach such a terrifying height.

"Whether it's a world demon or not, it's been suppressed anyway, it's a dragon... Ahem... Anyway, no matter what is suppressed there, it's impossible to escape, at least we don't have to face such an existence head-on." Long Ma With a dry cough, he carefully glanced at the two little guys, and almost said something wrong.

"Heroes see the same thing!" The Son of the Demon Palace stepped forward. Although he was trembling all over, his eyes were still shining, and he almost drooled. Enduring the pain in his body, he wiped the bowl-sized scale on the ground. Put it away, applied eighteen seals again and again, and said happily: "This is also a good thing, it is no worse than the white jade god stone in the dark stone gate, it can be engraved on it, and it can be issued in an instant. It is definitely a big killer .”

"Damn it, why didn't Master Ma think of it? Give me some of the bumpkins!" Long Ma howled dryly and rushed over.

"Damn it, don't snatch the horse, I want to find it myself!" After eating something in his mouth, how could this guy spit it out.


Several people got up, and just walked a few steps, there was a laugh from below, so eerie, it sent a chill down the spine, they turned around quickly, looked into the abyss, and vaguely saw there was a The black light flashed and disappeared in the surging black mist.


Tianfan shot out a nine-color divine light, which turned into a sharp Dao sword and slashed down, but he didn't hit it, but only caused the lower part to vibrate.

"What is that?" asked the Demon Palace Son, the laughter made him feel trembling all over, like a ghost.

"A flesh-and-blood creature in the shape of a human, covered with black scales..." Tian Fan said in a deep voice, taking a quick glance, the others didn't see its shape, but he caught a trace of it, it was a demon.

Several people stayed in place for a while, looked towards the black canyon below for a while, and finally left the cliff and headed towards the center of the black broken mountain. According to Tian Fan's induction, the death seal was there, and they still had It's a long way to go.

In this broken mountain, there are many raised soil bumps, but they are no different from real mountains, and this area is full of formations, although Tian Fan can see it, cooperate with the devil's son to decipher it, and choose the The only way to survive, but it is still difficult to walk. Inside, they feel as if they have endured thousands of times higher gravity than the outside world. Even if they are immortal-level powerhouses, it is extremely difficult to walk, as if carrying a heavy weight. Walking forward with a giant.

"Damn, what a broken place, why is it so difficult to walk!" After walking for a long time, Longma was already sweating profusely, almost lying on the ground, complaining endlessly.

During this period, there were roaring sounds from the black mountains, as if there were countless wraiths screaming in it, which made people's hair stand on end.


As they moved forward, from time to time, a strange black wind would howl and blow past them, like a sharp magic knife, making their bodies ache.


Longma stuck out his tongue, and accidentally stepped on a wrong step. The gray sky was instantly black, and a pitch-black thunderbolt fell from the sky, blasting it into the ground with a bang. His hair was scorched black, his skin was ripped apart, and his bones were broken several times. root.


The dragon horse howled miserably, got up from the deep hole, and lay on the ground like a puddle of mud, unable to move.

"Well, I smell the smell of barbecue..." The little guy said so innocently.

"I... a heartless bastard!" Long Ma's forehead was full of black lines, and he wanted to go up and bite someone.

Tian Fan took out the divine liquid from the magic weapon of space, poured it into the mouth of the dragon horse, and subsidized it with divine power. The creature immediately glowed, and the injury quickly improved, and even the scorched black hair gradually became shiny.

It has to be said that the source of life they obtained from that ruined island is really of heaven-defying value, and it can be called a holy medicine for healing. In just a moment, the seriously injured dragon horse returned to its original state, alive and kicking.

"Matsu, this ancient formation is too terrifying. It covers such a large area. After so many years, it still has such power. Master Ma was almost hacked to death."

Long Ma said with a lingering fear at the same time, the thunder and lightning just now came too fast, and it was surprisingly powerful, this is this kind of thing, with thick skin and thick flesh, if another angel came, it is very likely that he would have explained it there Under the black robbery light.

"That's natural. This is left by the saint. The area we walked is already the weakest area. It was left by that idea. Otherwise, you think that the saint-level magic circle is so easy to pass, how could it be possible?" It's just such a little power." Tian Fan said.

Saint-level powerhouses all contributed to good fortune, and what they left behind, even a corner of the array pattern, is powerful. Even if the power of time is ruthless and terrifying, it is still hard to completely erase.


There was a tsunami-like sound coming from the front, and a strong black wind blew up all around, rustling, uprooting many ancient trees and rolling them to the sky, bringing dust and gray dead fog all over the sky.

"Damn, isn't the weather changing? Is it going to be a storm? Why do you always encounter such black winds!" Longma pursed her mouth, 180 people were unhappy, because just now a huge boulder hit its huge horse head-on. On his face, everyone laughed wildly, this guy has a lot of resentment at this time.


The strange black wind made people feel a little cold, and there was an extremely cold laughter, which was exactly the same as the laughter under the abyss before. They opened their eyes and trembled together, and couldn't help shivering.

In the black wind eyes, a pair of blue-red eyes fixedly stared at the few people, cold and vicious, like a ghost who escaped from the abyss of despair.

(End of this chapter)

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