Chapter 107

"Jiu'er, how are you? Did they hurt you? Jiu'er, take a look at me?" Yin Tianyang really wanted to run over and hug her right away. Judging by her face, she must be seriously ill.

"Hmm..." Fu Jiu'er's head moved slightly, but she didn't have the strength to hold on for too long, and it tilted to the side again, "Hmm..." She couldn't speak, so she kept shaking her head, hoping that he would know she means.

"Let her go!" Yin Tianyang shouted angrily to the leader.

"Hehe, Boss Yin, don't worry. You guys, tear off the tape and let Madam talk to Boss Yin!" The man said in the same tone as on the phone, "very kind"!
One of the men in black took the order and tore off the tape on Fu Jiu'er's mouth.

"Brother Tianyang, didn't you... didn't you want you to come? You never listened to me! This place... is very dangerous, they will hurt you!" Fu Jiuer's mouth was free again, and she immediately complained about Yin Tianyang.

"Jiu'er, how are you? What's wrong? Tell me!" Yin Tianyang didn't care about danger or not, he only cared about her well!
These people are really inhumane, she is so sick, why tie her up?I'm afraid she won't be able to escape!

"I'm fine, you go, don't...don't care about me!" Fu Jiu'er was thinking about what she had heard before, they want brother Tianyang's blood, I can't let him do it for me!

"Jiu'er, why would I not care about you? You are my wife, and I cannot let you be hurt!" Yin Tianyang said to her sincerely, these words obviously vetoed his previous decision.

"What a touching pair of mandarin ducks!" The leader applauded again, "Boss Yin, where are things? After the matter is resolved, you can go back and talk about your love slowly!"

"The things are here!" Yin Tianyang pointed to the big box beside him, and without thinking, he kicked the box towards the opponent.

The leader made a gesture, and immediately a "little brother" came out to check the contents of the box.

After checking the amount of cash and the share transfer letter, the "little brother" nodded to the leader, telling him that there was no problem.

He made another gesture, and the "little brother" immediately retreated back with the suitcase.

"Boss Yin is so refreshing! There are no problems with these two, what about the last one?"

"Let her go first! Those two things should get her back, right?" Yin Tianyang still wanted to get her out of here as soon as possible. She couldn't watch some scenes.

"Brother Tianyang, you can't promise can't..." Sure enough, they mentioned the last one, and Fu Jiuer immediately became nervous.

"Have you thought about it?" Yin Tianyang asked again.

"Okay, Boss Yin is indeed a man! Let her go!" The leader seemed not expecting Yin Tianyang to be such an infatuated person, he hesitated for a long time before making a decision.

After receiving the order, the two men in black who were supporting Fu Jiu'er immediately untied her and pushed her forward.

With the help of external force, Fu Jiu'er rushed forward uncontrollably, and was embraced by Yin Tianyang who came up to him.

"Jiu'er, you go first! I'll come to you in a while, okay?" He was finally able to touch her pale cheeks, but there was still no blood there.

"No, brother Tianyang, I won't leave! I want to be with you!" Fu Jiu'er knew what he was about to face, how could she leave?If she couldn't help him, she would stay with him, even if she died with him, she wouldn't be afraid!
"Jiu'er, are you disobedient again? Aren't you afraid that I'll get angry?" He had no choice but to frighten her, and gently pushed her towards the stairs.

"No..." Fu Jiuer hugged his waist tightly.

"Jiu'er!" He said in a serious tone, "If you want to divorce me, don't leave! Otherwise, you should leave quickly!"

"Brother Tianyang..."

"If you don't leave, we will divorce tomorrow!" He finally said coldly.

Fu Jiu'er has known him for 19 years, and he has never spoken to her in such an unfamiliar tone. Every time, he pampers, loves and protects her. She knows that he is impatient.

She doesn't want a divorce!She doesn't want him to be in trouble!She doesn't want him to worry about herself anymore!

Fu Jiu'er left his embrace with tears in her eyes, slowly took a few steps back, and finally turned around and ran towards the stairs...

"Okay, Boss Yin, it's not a parting of life and death, why are you making it so sad? Look at Mrs. Zun, she won't leave you even if you lack an arm or a leg! Don't worry!" the boss said proudly said with a smile.

"Let's do it!" Yin Tianyang turned around, with a rare sharp light in his eyes.

"Huh, come on!" The leader no longer had a good temper, but suddenly became fierce, and waved to the "brothers" behind him.

The two men in black who were carrying Fu Jiu'er just now charged forward first, with vicious moves and a menacing approach, approaching Yin Tianyang's vital point!

Seeing their tricks clearly, Yin Tianyang is not in a hurry to make a move, just relying on these two, don't even think about touching him!

When the two came in front of them, Yin Tianyang shook his fists and fought with them.

The two men in black had just shown their disadvantages, and immediately two of them rushed up again.Four people surrounded Yin Tianyang, fists and feet flew wildly in the field, "bang bang" sounded...

Yin Tianyang didn't attack, but just defended. Every time he waited for them to attack in front of him, he would save a lot of energy. He still had to hold on until help came!
The leader who was watching the battle from the sidelines became a little impatient. He wanted to make a quick victory, but he didn't expect Yin Tianyang to be so difficult to deal with.There were not many of them in the first place, and several of them were sent out to "release the wind". Now there is really not enough manpower. It seems that he can only do it himself.

Thinking of this, the leader's eyes began to search around, as if he wanted to find something to be a "murder weapon"...

Yin Tianyang knocked down two people, and immediately turned around to defend the others, but left an extremely dangerous space behind him. This is an excellent opportunity for others to attack...

"Brother Tianyang!"

A familiar call came from behind, and before Yin Tianyang could turn around, he was hugged by a weak body from behind, and then he heard a scream of "ah", and the arms slowly disappeared from his waist up...

"Jiu'er!" He knew it was her, but when he turned around, he was still startled. His Jiu'er was lying at his feet, motionless; a few steps away from him, the leader held a A stick the thickness of an arm has not been put down...

The blow he wanted to hit Yin Tianyang on the back was blocked by Fu Jiu'er, hitting her right on the back of the head.

"Jiu'er!" He couldn't control those people who were ready to move, and immediately helped Fu Jiuer up, but was surprised to see that the right hand on the back of her neck was stained with a bright red liquid, "Jiu'er, Jiuer, you Wake up...Jiu'er, don't scare me..."

The men in black were obviously also frightened, they didn't want to kill anyone, they just wanted money!

"Big brother!"

At this moment, Yin Tianfang rushed out, and at the same time, more than a dozen men in black ran out from behind him. There were a large number of them, and within a few strokes, they took down the group of people and knelt down on them. .

Yin Tianyang gently picked Fu Jiu'er up, stood in front of those kneeling people, majestic, indifferent, and stern, and said to them coldly: "If anything happens to Jiu'er, you - you will all die!"

After speaking, he hugged her and strode away...

(End of this chapter)

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