Chapter 108

"Oh, I don't know what happened to Jiu'er?" Mrs. Fu said in a trembling voice.

"Mom, don't worry, Seventh Sister will be fine!" Xu Yingyu held her mother-in-law tightly, fearing that she would collapse if she couldn't bear it.

Outside the rescue room, a group of people surrounded by the number of people from the Fu family and the Yin family is enough for ostentation!
After a long time, the door finally opened, and a group of people immediately surrounded it, "How is it, doctor?"

"After rescue, the patient's trauma is no longer serious. But the injured part is the back of the head. Whether there are any sequelae can only be judged after the patient wakes up. You should let her rest first!" The attending doctor was almost shocked by this. The crowd was frightened to death, he had never seen such a group of "vicious" people before!

"Doctor Li, let's talk!" Yin Tiankang knew that some things should not be said too early, but there is still a general guess, so that they can be mentally prepared!

With that said, he invited Dr. Li into his office.

At this time, Fu Jiu'er was pushed out, and the two families rushed forward immediately, some were called "Jiu'er" and some were called "Seventh Sister", and they were in a mess for a while.The one who rushed to the front was naturally Yin Tianyang.

"Please be quiet, the patient needs to rest!" The nurse yelled at them unhappily, if they didn't yell, they couldn't hear it!
Everyone looked at the little nurse, but they didn't make a sound, hehe, at this moment, she can yell at them!

"Let's go, the patient is about to enter the ward!" The nurse shouted again with confidence.

Quietly, everyone quickly made way.As soon as the cart passed by, they immediately swarmed to follow.

"Brother!" Yin Tiankang stopped Yin Tianyang at the door of the ward, and he wanted to file a case for him.

"Why, is there something wrong with Jiu'er's illness?" Yin Tianyang could of course guess it, otherwise who would dare to stop him at this time?
"Brother, you have to have a bottom line in your heart, little sister-in-law, she..."

"Let's just say it, I can bear it!" It seems that there is really a problem!
"I talked with Dr. Li just now. He felt that the injury to the back of the little sister-in-law's head may affect her memory."

"What do you mean?" Yin Tianyang already had an idea in his mind, but he must ask clearly about this kind of matter.

"That is to say, after the little sister-in-law wakes up, she will not remember some things. However, if she doesn't remember exactly what, she can only judge after she wakes up. This is the partial amnesia caused by trauma. This kind of amnesia is not fixed, and it is easy to Okay, but I don't know when!" Yin Tiankang came one by one.

" you think she won't remember anything?" Yin Tianyang asked worriedly.He was afraid that she would not remember him!
"Brother, don't worry, no matter what, my sister-in-law will know you! Amnesia patients of this nature usually don't remember some things before the trauma happened. My sister-in-law has known you since she was born, no I won't remember!" Yin Tiankang naturally knew what his elder brother was worried about.

"I hope so!" Yin Tianyang said somewhat desolately.He was still very worried. After all, he had traumatized her and made her seriously ill!

"She won't wake up until tomorrow. Let's have a good rest at night, and I will be able to 'challenge' tomorrow!" He comforted his elder brother.

Yin Tianyang nodded and walked towards the ward.

The two families argued for a long time, and finally they couldn't hold back Yin Tianyang. In the end, of course he stayed with Fu Jiuer. He is her husband!
When the crowd dispersed and only the two of them were left in the ward, Yin Tianyang could finally take a good look at her.

Her face was still pale, and her brows were frowned, which seemed to be caused by pain. There was a pain in his heart, and he really wanted to hurt her for a while!
How dare she block such a fierce stick?It's better to let him bear it by himself. After all, he is a man with rough skin and thick flesh, and he won't be afraid of pain. She is really a silly girl!
For him, she would risk her life, he knew it!
"Jiu'er, if you don't remember me, I'd rather die! can't forget me, you know? Be good, listen to me!" Whispered softly in his ear.

One night, he just held her hand like this and fell asleep lying on the side of the bed.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the ward in the morning, Yin Tianyang woke up immediately and looked at Fu Jiuer hastily.Fortunately, she hasn't woken up yet!

At this time, her brows were no longer frowned, and her face was peaceful. It seemed that she slept very comfortably!
Thinking of her usual laziness in bed, he couldn't help but give her a doting smile.

At this moment, he noticed that the catkin in his hand moved twice. Could it be that she was about to wake up?
Yin Tianyang couldn't help but worry in his heart, he wanted her to wake up, but he was also worried...

Fu Jiuer flapped her long eyelashes, opened and closed her eyes, as if trying to get used to the sunlight in the room, after a few strokes, she finally opened her eyes, and looked at the tightly clenched figure sitting beside the bed without blinking. The person holding her hand...

Yin Tianyang's heartbeat seemed to stop, she didn't recognize him?Otherwise, why not call him?Isn't she the one who likes to call "Brother Tianyang" the moment she opens her eyes?But now...

"Brother Tianyang..."

An extremely familiar call that no one can imitate came.

Yin Tianyang looked at the lying person stupidly, not daring to speak, for fear that he might hear wrongly!

"Brother Tianyang, where is this?"

The familiar call didn't stop, and he asked again.

This time, he really heard it, yes!It's her, it's his Jiu'er calling him!
"Jiu'er, you're fine!" He excitedly pulled her up from the bed, brought her into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"Ah, it hurts..." Fu Jiu'er couldn't help but yelled softly due to the sudden movement that pulled the wound on the back of her head.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yin Tianyang quickly let go of her, only daring to gently support her shoulders.

"Brother Tianyang, where is this? What happened to the back of my head?" Fu Jiuer asked again.

"It's okay, it's okay, it won't hurt after a while! It's not because you were too naughty and accidentally bumped into it while walking." Yin Tianyang didn't want her to recall that dangerous scene, so he simply concealed it.

"Really, why don't I remember?" Fu Jiu'er murmured in disbelief.

"It's a good thing that you don't remember. Do you still want to bump into it again? You're already stupid, but if you bump into it again, you won't become a fool!" He teased her jokingly.

"You're a fool!" Fu Jiu'er glared at him angrily, then blushed and said shyly, "Brother Tianyang...I...I..."

"What's wrong? Is there anything you dare not tell me?"

"I've always wanted to ask you...are you...really willing to marry me?" After asking this sentence, Fu Jiu'er lowered her head to her chest, not daring to look at him.

But Yin Tianyang was troubled...

(End of this chapter)

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