Chapter 102 Strange Wendy
After buying a few glasses of wine and taking them away, Wendy said that she was going to [the old place].

Lin Yan and Ying immediately realized what was going on, but Paimon was the only one who hadn't reacted yet, scratching his head in confusion.

Finally, they came to the square in front of Mond Cathedral and found Wendy on the huge statue of Fengshen.

After carefully climbing up the statue, several people sat on the arms held up by the statue.

"I really miss it." The breeze gently blew across her cheeks. Looking at the scene in front of her, Wendy recalled the past in her memory, "The first time I saw the scenery here, I didn't look like this. Or The whole of Mond is not what it is now."

"About 600 years ago, it was still in the period of the Demon God War, and the earthly world had not yet belonged to the Seven Gods. At that time, [Old Mond] was surrounded by a hurricane blown by the tyrant, and even birds were not allowed to pass."

Later, Wendy told several people about the overthrow of the old Mond rule by the Mond people more than 2000 years ago.

Although he knew it from the beginning, Lin Yan still listened very carefully.

Because the story is really wonderful.

After narrating the past to several people, Wendy took a sip of the dandelion wine and fell into a long silence.

Lin Yan turned his head to look at Ying, and after noticing his gaze, Ying immediately understood what he meant.

"Pimon, let's go, let's pick two apples to eat." Suddenly grabbing one of Paimon's legs, Ying pulled her and planned to jump off the statue's arms.

"Why are you picking apples at this time!" Paimon waved his little hands, expressing his dissatisfaction with all his might, but Ying didn't like this, and still pulled her and jumped off the statue's arms.

After Ying and Paimeng left, only Lin Yan and Wendy were left in place.

Wendy still chose to remain silent. Lin Yan stood behind him, opened a bottle of dandelion wine, and took a big sip without hesitation.

"You seem a little strange today." Lin Yan wiped the corner of his mouth after drinking the wine in his mouth and said, "Especially after helping [Stanley] find himself, I feel like you have changed. "

"Although it's a good thing to be serious once in a while, to be honest, you no longer have the image of ruling the gods of Mond in my heart. You can only fish when you are fishing."

He spoke in a joking tone, and after finishing speaking, the two fell silent again.

Lin Yan could clearly hear the sound of the evening wind blowing past his ears, and Lin Yan had inadvertently drank most of the dandelion wine in his hand.

"Did you see yourself from him?" After a long time, he spoke again.

Wendy's expression seemed to change after hearing his words: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

As if trying her best to hide herself, at this moment Wendy, even that unscrupulous smile seemed a bit forced.

Lin Yan looked into the distance and began to narrate what happened in the past.

"In the past, Mond was covered by blizzards and hurricanes, and people were trembling under the rule of a tyrant. At that time, no one dared to stand up to resist, and no one believed in freedom."

"Until later, an ordinary young man came to this world under the rule of a tyrant. It's just that he was different from others. He was not afraid of the rule of the tyrant, but sang the world recorded in the books. That is absolute freedom, and it is also a world that people yearn for but never dare to imagine."

"The boy's brave singing and his extreme longing for freedom finally moved others. So, under his leadership, people held up the banner of rebellion, and finally overthrew the rule of the lonely king of the tower, bringing Mond the original freedom of."

After a pause, Lin Yan continued after taking a sip of the dandelion wine.

"It's a pity that the boy didn't have the chance to see the world he longed for in the end, because after the war, he was shot and died. The only thing left for people is the harp he once played .”

"Later, the harp was inherited by his fellow wind elves, but as time went by, the boy's existence was gradually forgotten, and his popularity was even far less than that of Vanessa, the lion tooth knight who later overthrew the nobleman's rule."

"His wind elf companion couldn't bear to see his friend being forgotten, so he turned into his appearance, and took the harp he once played, and passed on the past to future generations over and over again."

"That wind elf companion, isn't it you now? Barbatos."

After listening to Lin Yan's words, Wendy remained silent, looked up at him in the distance, and suddenly recalled a picture in her mind.

In a palace full of brilliant murals, the young man was kneeling on the ground, holding a harp in his hand, plucking the strings with his fingers, playing over and over again his yearning for freedom and his will that could never be shaken.

As for his audience, there was only one wind elf wandering around him without any form.

That was the original Wendy and Barbatos, except that Wendy was not an alcoholic poet at that time, and Barbatos was not the god of fishing later.

"I would rather live as his shadow than let him be forgotten by the world. Barbatos, isn't your approach contrary to the idea of ​​freedom?"

Transformed himself into the appearance of Wendy, but chose to abandon the identity of Barbatos.As the [God of Liberty], he chose to imprison his own freedom.

Perhaps he, like Hans Archibald, was acting this way only out of guilt for his friend.

Perhaps in his opinion, if he had had the power in his heyday when he overthrew the rule of King Guta Gao, the real Wendy would not have died.

At least he can live to see the world he yearns for instead of dying with regrets.

"But even so, it still belongs to me [Freedom]. Freedom cannot be defined, even as the [God of Freedom], I don't have the right. Mond is known as the capital of freedom, so in my opinion, even if Even gods have no right to intervene in their lives."

"Although sometimes there will be situations where I have to take action, as a god, it is also my duty to protect my people. Speaking of which, it seems that I did not take the position of God of Wind voluntarily back then."

"After overthrowing the rule of the demon god of Gale [Dekarapian], I unintentionally inherited his divine power, and blew away the blizzard and hurricane that covered Mond all the year round. The war of the demon god was not over at that time, and Tevat Demon gods from all over the continent are still fighting for land."

"Mond is no exception, except that Dekarapian, who is the most likely to win, has already been defeated, and Andreus, the second candidate for Fengshen, also gave up the battle for the throne due to his own reasons."

"In the end, let me, an idler, take the position of Fengshen, and those demon gods who died in the demon war have no time to envy them."

The tone of the speech gradually became lighter, and Wendy had inadvertently changed back to her usual appearance.

"Oh, I really don't know. How did you know this? It happened thousands of years ago, but you seem to have experienced it yourself."

"When we met for the first time, you could recognize me at a glance. I thought you were someone sent from [there]. It turned out that you have nothing to do with [her] at all, and you are still a A kind fellow."

"It's just that you took a share of my divine power from the Seven Heavens God Statue before we met. Would your behavior be a bit impolite? If you don't ask me to drink more glasses of dandelion wine, I will not choose to forgive you Oh."

(End of this chapter)

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