Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 103 On Wendy's Drinking Capacity

Chapter 103 On Wendy's Drinking Capacity
Wendy's grinning appearance gave Lin Yan the urge to cut him off.But he was right in saying that, before he met him, he took away a share of his power.

If he just exchanged the money for a few more glasses of dandelion wine, then Lin Yan must be making a steady profit.

I hope that the Seven Gods can make this kind of unequal exchange with him.

Of course, this is just a thought, if this is the case, it must be unrealistic.

Let’s use the simplest analogy: Morax, the rock god next door to Liyue, is known as the [God of Contract], and it is obviously impossible to make an unequal exchange from him.

Although Lin Yan still doesn't know why Morax will voluntarily hand over the heart of God to the God of Ice because of a contract in the future.

After all, from an objective point of view, the Heart of God, as the power of the Seven Gods to rule the world, can be said to be the most valuable thing in the entire Tevat.No god, not even a human being, wants to have the heart of a god.

It's a pity that the God's Heart is an item that the Seven Gods must carry with them. If they want to get it from them, unless the other party is voluntary, if they use force to snatch it, it is very likely that they will suffer in the end.

Wendy was an exception, and he didn't know whether he was robbed of the God's Heart by the lady because of his own lack of strength, or if, like Morax, he deliberately handed over the God's Heart to the God of Ice.

Lin Yan may know the answer to this question in the near future.

Promising Wendy to ask him to drink more glasses of dandelion wine, the two came to the angel's gift and stayed until late at night.

During the period, Lin Yan made a rough calculation. Wendy drank fifteen glasses of dandelion wine, thirteen glasses of special apple brew, and various other types of wine.

The amount of all the wine added up should be no less than dozens of glasses, which is enough to make Lin Yan bleed a lot, almost half of his income for a week, and Wendy drank it all in one night.

This made his life not rich even worse. Looking at his wallet, Lin Yan couldn't help but start to bleed.

Originally thought that this guy would stop after drinking a dozen or so cups, but who would have thought that the more he drank, the more vigorous he became. By the time Lin Yan realized it, it was already too late.

Tonight, his wallet will be hit hard.

Wendy also noticed that the other party looked at him gradually becoming strange. After drinking another glass of special apple brew, he finally chose to stop.

There was only a slight blush on her face, and Wendy looked like she could drink dozens of more cups.

But he didn't have the courage. After all, Lin Yan's eyes now looked like he really wanted to cut himself into pieces, and there was only one legitimate reason to do it.

When he came to Charles to pay the bill, Lin Yan spent tens of thousands of moras. Although he was very reluctant to pay, he still chose to hand over moras to the other party.

I originally wanted to send the bill to the Zephyr Knights, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

Because the dragon disaster incident has just passed for more than a month, the economic income of the Knights, due to the subsequent impact of the dragon disaster, is not very optimistic during this period, and even slightly increased the tax amount for this month.

It is obviously not a wise choice to trouble them to pay for themselves at this time.

Without the angel's gift, there is no longer a pedestrian on the street, only a few lonely street lights on the side of the road are still emitting a faint light.

"Drinking is really fun." Wendy stretched her waist, her face full of unsatisfactory expressions. If it wasn't for Lin Yan's permission, he would definitely have to drink dozens more cups.

When Lin Yan heard his words, he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Come here first today, you should go to rest." Wendy stopped at a fork in front of the road, and said to Lin Yan beside him, "Good night, my friend, may the breathless wind Guide you to have a sweet dream."

After speaking, Wendy's figure gradually turned into a cloud of breeze, and finally disappeared in place.

He has achieved his goal, of course he will not continue to choose to stay.And he was also a little scared, worried that Lin Yan would suddenly be unable to help himself.

He wasn't afraid to fight Lin Yan, but it wasn't necessary, so it was better to avoid conflicts.

After Wendy left, Lin Yan was the only one left.

The surrounding area is very quiet, there is no noisy sound during the day, and even the patrolling West Wind Knights have already left work.

If someone came to attack him at this time, Lin Yan would definitely react immediately.

Speaking of which, the Fools didn't seem to have made any big moves during this time. Even after he made a fuss at the Goethe Hotel last time, Lin Yan never saw them again.

Mikhail and Lyudmila, the envoys of fools who usually stand on the side of the street, did not know where they went.

All in all, the Fools have been too quiet during this time. The quieter an evil organization like them is, the more disturbing it is.

Lin Yan remained vigilant the whole time, until he finally returned to the dormitory, he finally relaxed his tense brows.

Sitting on the bed a little tired, because he drank a few more glasses of wine just now, his head was a little groggy.

He didn't turn on the light, but put his hands on his knees and his head hung low.

No sound could be heard around, and Noelle had already moved back to the girls' dormitory, so he was the only one living on this floor.

A ray of moonlight shone in from the balcony, making the environment in the room look less dark.

Suddenly, in Lin Yan's perspective, a black figure slowly appeared in front of him.

There was an inexplicable black mist all over his body, and his figure was almost the same as that of Lin Yan.It was like a pine tree, standing straight in front of the bed, staring at Lin Yan.

That is magic armor.

The sudden appearance of the magic armor did not surprise Lin Yan at all. With his head lowered, he spoke suddenly after a moment of silence.

"I didn't understand it during the day, but now, I finally know." He said endless words, but the magic armor seemed to be able to understand what he meant.

"Maybe, you can try to change your view of yourself? Or you can try to believe in yourself?" Mokai suddenly spoke, and the voice was exactly the same as Lin Yan.

Hearing the words of the demon armor, Lin Yan was silent for a long time. During this period, the surrounding world was dead silent, as if time had been frozen.

"Believe in yourself? Of course I believe in myself, I thought I believed in myself." The tone seemed to be self-mockery, Lin Yan raised his head to look at the magic armor, "but if I really believe in myself, why do you still become my fantasy friend ?”

"It suddenly appeared and brought me to this strange world, and handed you over to me. And you, have successfully given me my current status and achievements."

"Originally, everything could go on like this, but if we think about it from another angle? Without you, what am I? If I didn't rely on your strength, I would even have to spend a lot of effort to eliminate the Qiuqiu people. Just ask, can I still believe in myself?"

"Can I still believe in myself like this, can I compete with them, can I defeat them? If I can't defeat them, when the most critical moment comes in the future, when their war spreads to the whole world, how can I save them?" The ones I care about?"

(End of this chapter)

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