Chapter 138 Sea Breeze and Sunset

After the burning pain in her throat completely recovered, Yula began to taste the roast chicken that Lin Yan specially cooked for her.

"The taste is not bad." After taking a bite of the chicken, and not being as exaggerated as before, Yula commented after savoring the taste carefully, "However, this kind of food should be more suitable for Liyue people. Like I don't have much interest in this kind of spicy food, as expected, cold food is more suitable for me."

Yula is right, Lin Yan's spicy chicken with honey sauce should be very popular with Liyue people because of its spicy taste.After all, most of Liyue's delicacies, especially meat, will be sprinkled with a little chili when cooking.

It can be said that the Liyue people are very important to spicy food. There are rumors that even Morax, the god of rocks, will appear in the image of a human in Liyue Port from time to time in order to taste the spicy snacks in Liyue Port.

"So you've eaten Liyue's food before." Throwing the bones aside casually, Lin Yan's mouth was full of greasy food.

Yula can know the taste of food that Liyue people prefer, naturally because she has eaten Liyue's food.

"That's right, the guerrilla knight's mission sometimes goes to other countries, but the main reason is because the target to be arrested escaped from Mond. The most memorable time I went to Jingfu Harbor to investigate a group of abyss religious orders goods, and accidentally rescued a legal expert of Liyue."

"She was the legal adviser on the ship at the time. After discovering something strange in the cargo, she began to investigate on her own. As a result, she was discovered and was about to execute her secretly, when we showed up. If it was later, that guy would be a big loser Moldy."

While gnawing on the roast chicken, Lin Yan listened to Yula's story about her heroic deeds: "Well, it's amazing."

"Hey! Save some for me. Didn't you agree that it's for me to eat? Why are you almost finished eating yourself?"

"Hey, there's no way, after all, I like this dish very much myself."

After lunch, the two sat on a reef near the beach after a full meal.

The cool sea breeze is blowing head-on. In this hot weather, it often gives people a kind of extreme comfort.

"It's really enjoyable. It would be great if I could have another bed for me to take a nap."

Stretching and saying, Lin Yan actually put his head on Yula's knee, his whole body was lying flat, and the length of the reef was exactly the same as his body after lying flat.

"Hey, you are very rude, do you know that?" Yula protested against Lin Yan's unreasonable behavior.

But Lin Yan didn't mean to buy it at all: "Lie down for a while, just for a while."

"Really, can't you be a gentleman." Although she said so, after seeing that Lin Yan had no plans to get up, Yula acquiesced in her behavior in her heart.

Time passed by bit by bit, and Lin Yan's breathing became even.

"I'm really asleep. Didn't I just lie down for a while?" Looking at Lin Yan, who still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his body was motionless, only his abdomen rose and fell in a very subtle way, Yula's face There was a trace of helplessness with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, she leaned down and gently kissed Lin Yan's forehead with her lips.

The sea breeze didn't stop because of her behavior, it beat the sea water on the reef, and occasionally splashed some water on them.

After a long time, Yula's lips separated from Lin Yan's forehead.Put your hands on your partner's face and start stroking gently.

With a soft smile on her face, Yula found that it was the first time she observed Lin Yan so closely.

I don’t know since when, she has never mentioned the word “sinner” again, and the residents of Mond City have never shown any malice towards her, especially after the disaster is over, some residents will even go out on the street. Say hello to her when you see her on the Internet.

You know, those residents didn't even have time to hide when they saw her, let alone greet her.

Such a change is not unrelated to her own efforts, but more reasons may be due to Lin Yan, because his reputation in Mond is too high, and now it is rumored in Mond every day that he is Barbatos himself rumors.

Although there is not much credibility, but judging from his performance so far, Lin Yan is indeed the person closest to Barbatos in the hearts of the Monde people.

Perhaps they never imagined in their lifetime that Barbatos' true identity is actually just a bard who spends drinking in taverns every day, and even has problems with food and clothing.

Yula is Lin Yan's lover, because the other party's reputation in Mond has reached its peak, so no one dares to provoke her anymore, which solves a problem she has been facing for many years.

Or maybe the reason why Lin Yan did these things was to prevent himself from being rejected by the people of Monde?

Just think about this kind of thing. After all, before the two became lovers, Lin Yan already had a high reputation in Mond, which shows that he did not do all this for himself.

There is no loss, after all, she can't ask Lin Yan to say that everything he does is for herself, right?In that case, it would be a bit difficult for others, and it was not in line with her personality.

But being able to meet Lin Yan should be the luckiest thing for her so far.

After Lin Yan woke up, the two left Yingxiang Beach. According to the plan, their next destination was the Fenglong Ruins.

Originally, they planned to have some fun on the road, but because Lin Yan had slept for too long, if they went to the Fenglong ruins now, they should arrive just before sunset.

As if racing against the sun, it was heading from the south to the west, and Lin Yan and Yula were also heading to the west.

Knowing that it was impossible to outrun the opponent, Lin Yan still felt a little unwilling to admit defeat. This was the first time he had this strange feeling.

In the end, they arrived at the ruins of Fenglong before the sun started to set, and found a high place, quietly waiting for the sunset.

"This date is much more interesting than last time." The two sat side by side, Lin Yan suddenly put his arms around Yula's shoulders, and let her body close to him.

"Almost, but the atmosphere is much more romantic than last time." Without resisting Lin Yan's behavior, Yula even took the initiative to lean her head on his shoulder.

No more words were spoken, and the two just snuggled together quietly.Not long after, the light of the sunset fell on their faces.

Lin Yan turned around and suddenly launched an attack, grabbing Yula's shoulders with both hands, and before the other party could react, he quickly pressed his lips to hers.

Yula, who was suddenly attacked, widened her eyes. She instinctively wanted to resist, but found that a numbness had spread to her whole body. She wanted to resist, but she had no ability to resist.

Until later, when she gradually calmed down, she took the initiative to hug Lin Yan's back with both hands, and she slowly closed her eyes while being close to the other's body, enjoying this moment quietly.

After a long time, they reluctantly parted their tight lips.

At this time, Lin Yan also said something unexpected to Yula.

"I'm going to Liyue."

(End of this chapter)

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