Chapter 139 To Liyue

"Liyue? What are you doing in Liyue?" Lin Yan's words seemed to bring down the extremely ambiguous atmosphere immediately.

Facing Yula's doubts, Lin Yan gave the answer: "I can't tell you the specific reason yet, but what I can tell you is that I went to Liyue for our future."

The nonsensical answer made Yura, who was already puzzled, even more confused.

"So you brought me out today because you are leaving soon?" Although she didn't know why Lin Yan was going to Liyue, Yula realized why Lin Yan brought her out today.

"Almost," Lin Yan said, "but compared to these, I actually want to ask you. Can you go to Liyue with me?"

"Why should I go to Liyue with you? Don't you come back after going for a while?"

It seems that Yula thinks that Lin Yan will return after going to Liyue for a while, but the fact is not what she imagined at all.

"Of course not." Seeing Yula's puzzled expression, Lin Yan explained, "I want to travel all over the Seven Kingdoms of Tevat, and Mond is just my starting point. , will go to Daozu, and after Daoju, it will be Sumeru, Fontaine, Nata, and finally Zhidong."

"Only by traveling through the Seven Kingdoms, can I get all the things I want and be prepared for what will happen in the future, otherwise... our future will be just a shadow of good expectations. However, traveling through the Seven Kingdoms It’s not all smooth sailing, for example, I encountered several disasters in Mond, who knows if I will encounter the same thing in other countries.”

"So... I'm not sure that it will be successful. If I had an accident in another country, you might not even hear the news of my death. I don't want to leave you, but I have to embark on a journey, so let me be willful for once , take you away with me, okay?"

The atmosphere completely changed at this moment, it was no longer as romantic as before, but became extremely serious.Yula's answer will determine whether Lin Yan wants to change the original journey plan.

"What if I leave the guerrilla team? The acting team leader may not agree to my request to leave. If I can solve these two problems, I may be able to." It seems that I deliberately wanted to avoid answering Lin Yan's question. , Yula tried to procrastinate, wanting Lin Yan to give her some time to think.

But before she finished speaking, she was directly interrupted by Lin Yan: "You can choose a person in the team to succeed you as the captain. I performed a mission some time ago, and I found that there are a few good seedlings in the team. As for the agent Head over there. I asked together yesterday, and her answer was: You can leave as long as you agree. After all, she will not restrict anyone's choice."

After listening to Lin Yan's words, Yula chose to remain silent, her expression seemed to be making a choice.

"Answer. I'll tell you tomorrow, because it's too sudden. Some people can't accept that I want to leave Mond, so give me some time to think about it." Finally, she said her true thoughts. The answer was completely within Lin Yan's expectations.

"Okay, now, let's continue with the unfinished plan. The sun hasn't set yet, and our date hasn't ended yet."

Nodding her head, this time, before Lin Yan could make a move, Yula chose to throw herself into his arms.

With one hand on Lin Yan's chest, she remained motionless with her eyes closed.Lin Yan put his hand on her face and stroked it gently, but also remained silent.

Until the sun went down and the sky gradually became dark, they didn't say a word at first, even after they returned to Mond City.

Sending Yura downstairs to the dormitory as usual, this time, they didn't even say goodbye.

Looking at her back, Lin Yan had mixed feelings in his heart. Perhaps he shouldn't have said those words, but from his point of view, he had to say them.

Back at the dormitory, Xiaobai had already been sent back by Barbara. At this time, he was hungry and was looking for food in the room.

Seeing Lin Yan's return, Xiao Bai jumped to his feet expectantly, as if he knew that Lin Yan would bring him something to eat.

If it was normal, Lin Yan would never forget this little guy, but today because of what he said, he actually forgot to bring dinner to Xiaobai.

There was no way, in order not to let Xiaobai go hungry, he could only take it with him and eat a big meal for the deer hunter who closed the door.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Yan maintained an absent-minded look, as if he had something on his mind.

Xiaobai noticed this, but because of the language barrier, he didn't know how to make Lin Yan recover.

After taking Xiaobai for dinner, Lin Yan returned to the dormitory and began to pack his luggage, because he was going to Liyue, so he had to be fully prepared.

Especially Mora must be well-prepared, because Liyue Port in Liyue is the most famous business capital in Tivat, so he must bring all of his Mora, otherwise he will have no money on the way before reaching Liyue Port. Embarrassed.

After packing up his luggage, it was already late at night, Lin Yan took a hasty shower, and then fell on the bed, thinking about what happened today, he fell asleep after a while, while Xiao Bai was the same as usual, in his After falling asleep, he slept on his stomach.

During the daytime of the next day, it was almost noon, but because Lin Yan slept a little late yesterday, he still hasn't gotten up yet.

Xiaobai woke up twice, but after seeing that Lin Yan hadn't woken up yet, he continued to sleep.

Suddenly, the door that had been locked was pushed open, and Lin Yan, who was startled awake, opened his hazy eyes, and found that Yula was walking towards this side aggressively.

"What time is it? Why are you still sleeping? Get up quickly!" Lin Yan, who was still in a dazed state, was forcibly pulled from the bed, and his attitude was completely different from the attitude he had when he sent him back last night.

Not to mention the different attitudes, it looks like they are completely two people.

"Didn't you say you were going to Liyue? Then hurry up and leave. If those old guys in the family find out, it will not be so easy to leave."

He was forcibly dragged to the bathroom by Yula, and when Lin Yan saw himself in the mirror, he finally regained his senses.

"Go to Liyue?" Tilting his head, Lin Yan seemed to be confirming what Yula just said.

"Yes, I have prepared the carriage. If you don't hurry up, I will regret it."

Hearing Yula's words, Lin Yan hadn't had time to be happy, and didn't even think about why Yula agreed, so he washed up quickly, and then went downstairs with Xiaobai and the luggage he had prepared yesterday.

Yula's luggage and the carriage were placed at the gate of the city, so she opened the key to Lin Yan's room empty-handed, and she also asked the dormitory downstairs to come.When the dorm supervisor saw Yula coming to the boys' dormitory, he was taken aback.

After coming to the deer hunter and packing a lunch, the two came to the gate of the city. Because no one was notified of this matter, no one came to see them off.

 At this point, the chapter on Mond will be finished, and the chapter on Liyue will be next.To be honest, Carvin was a little serious during this period, so I wrote this in a hurry at the end, because I also wanted to start a new chapter quickly.If there is no accident, this book will write Dao Wife, and the subsequent plots will be original, fighting against the abyss of heaven and the like.

  The Monde chapter has a total of more than 30 words. I said that it will be finished with a million words, so I will never break my promise.

  If there are any other book lovers who are reading it, please raise your claws. Recently, new subscriptions have fallen sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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