Chapter 161 New Moon Pavilion

"Does that really make us rich? Well, I admit I'm a mascot."

Paimon's speech caused everyone to burst into laughter. It seemed that as long as it was about money, Paimon's words would never go through their brains.

After the episode, everyone began to order food. If you want to say that the food in [Xin Yue Xuan] is really expensive, just a plate of vegetables costs tens of thousands of moras. If it is in Mond, a plate of vegetables can buy three thousand moras. very expensive.

Soon, everyone ordered the dishes, and the total amounted to about 60 moras. For Lin Yan now, it was just a drizzle.

"Speaking of which, Yula is from Mond, and Yanfei is from Liyue, so how did you two know each other?" While waiting for the food to be served, Paimon began to wonder how Yula and Yanfei met.

"Well, that's a long story." Yan Fei explained, "I remember that time it was in Jingfu Port. There was a batch of goods to be transshipped to Liyue Port. I was a consultant following the merchant ship. It was only after the ship that I found out that there was a ghost in the shipment, so I conducted an investigation without authorization.”

"Unexpectedly, it was not ordinary cargo at all, but dangerous goods of the Abyss Cult. The merchants on board were also members of the Abyss Cult. As a result, I was discovered because of unauthorized investigation of the cargo, just as they planned to When I was finished, Yura suddenly appeared with her guerrilla team, and saved my life from hanging by a thread.”

"I found out afterward that they were also investigating the dangerous goods of the Abyssal Sect. As a result, we got to know each other like this, and we also exchanged many letters. I'm a tour guide."

Yan Fei explained the process of her encounter with Yula for several people. Generally speaking, it should be that she was lucky and was rescued by Yula at a critical moment.

"It sounds so dangerous. Does the work of legal experts also endanger the safety of life?" Paimeng couldn't help but said after listening to Yan Fei's narration.

"Yeah, she would have been in trouble if we had come later." Yura nodded in agreement with Paimon's words.

Not long after, the dishes were served.Looking at the table full of delicacies, Paimon couldn't even control the drooling from the corner of his mouth. Although Xiaobai, as a slime, can't drool, his reaction was no different from Paimon's.

So, the two of them took the lead in talking.

Lin Yan randomly picked up a piece of lean meat and stuffed it into his mouth. It tasted really good, and it was very chewy. The more he chewed in his mouth, the more delicious it became.

As expected of a well-known restaurant in Liyue Port, the taste of the food is indeed first-class. If it is placed in a modern society, it must be a five-star restaurant.Next time, if there is a chance, Lin Yan also wants to go to [Liuli Pavilion] to try, and see how delicious their food is as the biggest opponent of [Xinyuexuan].

Time passed quickly, especially the time to enjoy the food. After everyone had filled their stomachs, there was no food left on the table. There were so many dishes on the table, and they ate none of them.

To say that the ones who contributed the most, it must be Pimeng and Xiaobai.

"It's so delicious, it's as delicious as the food at [Liu Li Ting]." Paimon said with satisfaction while sitting on a chair, holding his bulging stomach.

Yan Fei wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, and then looked at Lin Yan and Yula: "What are you two planning to do next, just as I have time today, if there is anything, I can help you finish it Oh."

Lin Yan thought for a while, and then he said: "I want to buy a house in Liyuegang, can you introduce Fang Yazi to me?"

"Of course," Yanfei immediately agreed, "I happen to have a friend who is Fang Yazi, and I often help him resolve previous real estate disputes with customers. If you want to buy a house in Liyuegang, I can help you Introduce him, maybe he will give you a discount."

"Really, that would be wonderful."

When the two were chatting, Yula said at this moment: "Why are you buying a house in Liyue? Are you planning to live here? But didn't you say that you would travel the entire Tivat continent?" ?”

Lin Yan couldn't help being stunned by the continuous questioning, and then he explained: "I did say that I would travel the entire Tivat continent, but after the tour, I must find a place to settle down, right? Otherwise, if the world is your home, Isn't that the same as a ronin?"

In fact, Lin Yan wanted to buy a house in Liyue when he was in Mengde, but he didn't have that much money at that time, so he just had this idea and didn't plan to implement it so soon.

But it's different now. With Mora who earned money through the auction, he can buy ten houses, let alone one house.

"Then why don't you settle in Mond, and insist on settling in Liyue?" Yula continued to ask.

"Because Liyue's atmosphere is more suitable for life than Mond. You can see this in the past few days. After all, it is the most prosperous country in the mainland, and there will be large-scale events every once in a while. If you live in Mond , then you must die of boredom."

From Lin Yan's point of view, Mengde's environment is too peaceful, and he can't get used to the national customs. He is more familiar with Liyue, so he wants to live here.

Even though it was a little ignoring of Yula's feelings in this way, as the saying goes, marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog, if Yula marries him in the future, she will not be able to live without thinking of Liyue.

"Forget it, I'll do whatever you want. If you want to buy a house, you can buy it. I will live with you at that time." After listening to Lin Yan's explanation, Yula said silently for a while.

"Since this is the case, let's talk about it. Without further ado, let's go find him. He likes to go to the teahouse for tea at noon. If we go there, we should be able to find him."

Afterwards, several people left [Xin Yue Xuan], and led by Yan Fei to the teahouse where the other party often goes.

Ying and Paimeng didn't go together, because they had already made an appointment with Zhongli to prepare the "Send the Immortal Ritual". [Ceremony to Send Immortals] There are a lot of things that need to be prepared, even if there is a young master to solve the problem of Mora for them, the time required will not be reduced.

So in the next period of time, they will be busy.

There are many teahouses in Liyue Port, because people in Liyue love to drink tea. The teahouse they often go to is located in the southwest of Liyue Port, which is relatively close to the port.

Drinking tea while watching the sea view from the window is not to mention how relaxing it is, so this teahouse has more guests than other teahouses.

After entering the teahouse, several people came to the place where each other often sat, and they really found each other here.

It was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s. The clothes on his body were no different from those of ordinary residents. He wore glasses and looked unsmiling.

Logically speaking, a real estate businessman like him should be very eloquent, and it is impossible for him to be as cold as he appears on the surface.But looking at Yan Fei's appearance, she didn't seem to recognize the wrong person.

(End of this chapter)

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