Chapter 162 Buying a House

"Long time no see, Zongfang." Yan Fei greeted the other party with a smile, while the other party looked up at her.

"Miss Yan Fei, what can I do for you?" The other party said after seeing that it was Yan Fei, putting down the teacup in his hand.

"It's not a big deal, but I have a friend who wants to buy a house in Liyue Port, so I want to introduce you to him. After all, you are the only one in the real estate business among the people I know." Yan Fei laughed.

Zongfang glanced at Lin Yan and Yula who were standing beside Yanfei, and after a moment of silence, he said: "So that's the case, please sit down."

The tone of his speech was very flat, not at all what a real estate business should look like, after all, this is Liyue, but all businessmen in Liyue must have some eloquence, otherwise they will not be able to retain customers.

"You two, he is the Fang Yazi friend I told you about. His name is Zongfang. It's strange to say that Zongfang is in the real estate business, but he doesn't like people at all. I don't like to beat around the bush when I talk. Originally, such a person is not suitable for doing business in Liyue, but what I didn't expect is that his overly straightforward character is actually very popular with customers."

Yan Fei introduced the Zongfang to Lin Yan and the others in a brisk tone.

"Hello, Mr. Zongfang, my name is Lin Yan, nice to meet you." Greeting the other party politely, Lin Yan also extended his right hand.

The other party also stretched out his right hand and shook him tightly for a while.This is Liyue's most common way of greeting, and Lin Yan is relatively familiar with it.

"Are you two going to buy a house in Liyue Port?" Zongfang said, "If that's the case, then I'll tell you straight."

"Most houses in Liyue Port range in price from 500 million to 3000 million Moras, unless they are some foreign-style houses, which are more expensive because they have to buy building materials from other countries. You can contact Can I tell you the type of house you want? For example, a courtyard house or an ordinary residential house."

There are many houses of different styles in Liyue Port. Although this is not reflected in the game, it can be seen in reality.For example, on the way here, Lin Yan saw a Monde-style house in the corner of the city.The surroundings may also be houses with styles from other countries, but since Lin Yan has never seen houses in countries other than Mond and Liyue, he can only guess like this.

"As for the type of house, it should be a two-story residential building." After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yan decided.Because he lived in high-rise buildings before, he is not very used to living in a bungalow with only one floor.

"So that's the case. If this is the case, do you two have time now? If you have time, you can go directly to see the house." Zong Fang said after hearing Lin Yan's decision.

"So fast?" Lin Yan was a little surprised. He thought the process of buying a house was very troublesome, but he didn't expect to be able to see the house directly now.

"Of course, there aren't many foreigners coming and going in Liyue Port recently, so those of us who are engaged in real estate business can be said to be bleak to prehistoric heights. Besides, I don't like to go through those cumbersome procedures. Now I will take you to see the house, if you are satisfied. , you only need to sign a contract and deliver it to Moura."

In one sentence, I finished all the next steps of buying a house. It can be seen that the Zongfang is indeed different from other businessmen in Liyue.

"Okay, let's go and look at the house." You can finish all the procedures for buying a house in one day, and of course Lin Yan doesn't want to delay until the next day.

So next, they went to see the house under the leadership of the clan house.

The house is located in Feiyunpo, which is the street where Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, [Xinyuexuan] and [Liuli Pavilion] are located.This can be said to be the busiest place in Liyue Port, and it can be regarded as a combination of residential street and commercial street.

"Here it is." Under the leadership of the Zongfang, several people finally stopped in front of a two-story residence. The overall architectural style is no different from ordinary residential buildings.

Until the Zongfang opened the door with a key, and after a few people walked in, an intoxicating aroma of refined wood came to the nostrils, which is not available in ordinary residential buildings.

"It smells so good." Yula couldn't help but marvel at the aroma of fine wood, and Xiaobai, whose body shrunk and hid in Lin Yan's pocket, smelled this smell and thought it was dinner. Lin Yan stuffed it back and reminded it not to run out.

Seeing the intoxicated faces of several people, Zongfang explained to them: "This house is made of weeping incense wood, so it often emits this kind of fragrance on weekdays. As you can see, this house has two floors. There are four bedrooms on the first floor, and two guest rooms and two study rooms on the second floor. In addition, the living room and rooms have the most basic furniture.”

As he said that, the Zongfang led several people to continue forward, and after pushing open another gate inside the house, a courtyard surrounded by walls on three sides appeared in front of them.

"This is the backyard. After buying the house, you can plant flowers and plants on the lawns on both sides. The back is the kitchen and the toilet. I don't think I need to introduce more about what it is for."

After introducing the backyard, the Zongfang introduced other matters about the house to them, and all of them were introduced in a short time.

"Okay, this house is roughly like this. If the two of you are satisfied, sign this contract. The price of the house is 45 million moras." He took out a stack of kraft paper from his pocket and said The content of the contract is full. Compared with the contract signed at the last auction, the content is unknown.

"I know that you will definitely bargain, so I will give you a cheaper price directly, and just give 1000 million moras."

In Liyue, you must bargain when buying things, even if you are buying a house, so before Lin Yan and the others opened their mouths, the Zongfang took the initiative to lower the price.

It was a full 45 moras cheaper at once. As a businessman, it is very generous for the Zongfang to be able to do this.If Lin Yan wanted to make it cheaper, it would be a little unkind.

"Well, if that's the case, let's take this house, here is 1000 million moras." Lin Yan took out the money bag from his body, threw it to the clan house, and took the contract in his hand .

Zongfang opened the money bag and found that it was full of coins with a face value of 1000 moras. After counting, he found that the number was [-], which was exactly [-] million moras.

After signing the contract, because there were two contracts in total, Lin Yan returned one of the contracts to the clan house, and kept the other one for himself.If any party violates the content of the contract in the future, they can take the contract to report to the General Affairs Department and demand compensation from the other party.

If the other party refuses to compensate, they will be punished by eating rocks.

"This is the key to the house. Since you have already bought this place, I won't stay here for long. If you have any questions, feel free to consult me. I will go to that teahouse almost every day."

After finishing speaking, Zongfang turned around and left the house, Yan Feiyu also chose to leave after the two said a few words.

After that, the two returned to the hotel to pack their luggage, and left a note with the shopkeeper. If they came back at night, they would give this note to them.

After moving all the luggage into the house, the two of them officially moved in here.It was the first time that Lin Yan had his own real estate, and Lin Yan was quite excited.

It's just that he doesn't know if the days to come will be as smooth as he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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