Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 185 Is Qingcezhuang Water Source Polluted?

Chapter 185 The water source of Qingce Village is polluted

In addition, Lin Yan also specially customized a set of clothes for Xiaobai.This suit is not simple, because Xiaobai looks so much like a beautiful white-haired girl in the Two-dimensional world, so Lin Yan drew a set of JK uniform production drawings based on his own memory.

It was a bit difficult for Liyue's tailor to make this kind of ultra-modern clothing, but after Lin Yan personally instructed and failed several times, he finally made a finished product that satisfied him.

Although this suit directly cost him hundreds of thousands of moras, he didn't feel bad at all because it was worth it.

That night, Lin Yan went back to let Xiaobai try on the clothes, and he was very satisfied with the results. Sure enough, Xiaobai was very suitable for wearing this type of clothes.

It's not because Lin Yan has any special hobbies, it's just that who wouldn't like a white-haired beautiful girl with a JK uniform?

As for daily life, it is no different from before.

Until noon today, Lin Yan, who was still taking a nap at home, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

They don't have many friends in Liyue, so it is impossible for someone to be a guest. If they are excluded, it should be someone from the Adventurer's Association or the General Affairs Department.

Because of his high reputation in Liyue, some things that the Adventurer's Association and the General Affairs Department can't handle will come to him for help.

Pushing open the door, standing outside is a Qianyan soldier. Although he is different from the person he guessed, the purpose should be the same.

"Excuse me, is this Lord Lin Yan's home?" the Qianyan army immediately asked in a reverent tone when he saw someone open the door.

When Gan Yu came last time, he was still called "Mr. Lin Yan", but now the Qianyan Army calls him "Master Lin Yan", which also shows the change of his status in Liyue .

It can be clearly said that Lin Yan's status in Liyueren's heart is already second only to the Liyue Seven Stars.

"I'm Lin Yan, what do you want from me?" Although he knew what the other party was here for, Lin Yan still asked politely.

After the Qianyan Army knew that the person in front of him was Lin Yan, he immediately performed a standard Qianyan Army etiquette towards him.

"Lord Lin Yan, please forgive me. My name is Dakun. I am the Qianyan Army patrolling Liyuegang Street. You must be able to tell from my clothes. I am here to disturb you this time. Because I want to ask you for a favor."

As expected, Lin Yan didn't show any surprise, but just asked him to talk in detail inside the house.

Yula and Xiaobai were taking a nap, and the two of them didn't seem to be reminded of the knock on the door just now, otherwise they should have gone downstairs to check the situation.

"The specifics of the incident are like this." Da Kun told Lin Yan the specifics of the incident, "You should know Qingcezhuang, right? It is known as Liyue's retirement sanctuary, because few young people would go there , and most of the people living there are old people over fifty years old, so it got its name."

"Originally, Qingcezhuang is a very suitable place to spend your old age in peace. The rice crops planted there are all planted by the old people. There is a lot of harvest every autumn, and some of them can even be harvested. Ask someone to sell it to Liyue Port and earn some Mora to meet daily needs."

"However, recently, Qingcezhuang discovered a strange thing, that is, all the water sources seemed to be inexplicably infected. Although there seemed to be no problem, it smelled like a stench from the ditch. It is even unsuitable for human consumption, and several elderly people have passed out due to poisoning after drinking the polluted water."

"This is not the most serious thing. Now it is the autumn harvest season. All the rice crops in Qingcezhuang are fed with water. However, because all the water sources in Qingcezhuang have been polluted, even the crops cannot survive. This year Qingce Village, but nothing. This can be said to be worse for the old people who are already suffering."

"Seven Stars attaches great importance to this incident, especially Mrs. Yuheng Keqing. She even went to Qingce Village in person to investigate the source of the water pollution. Unfortunately, she did not find any clues after investigating for a day and a night. In addition , In order to prevent the shortage of water sources, we specially brought some drinking water with us."

"But who knows, once the water enters the scope of Qingcezhuang, it will be polluted. Helpless, Lord Keqing can only take all the old people in Qingcezhuang to Wangshu Inn and temporarily place them here. She She also swore that she would never return to Liyue Harbor unless the source of the water pollution was found."

"However, after learning about this, Master Ningguang asked me to come to you. Please go to Qingcezhuang to investigate and see if you can find the root of the matter."

The other party explained what happened in great detail, but if he summed it up in one sentence, he was asked to find the source of the pollution of Qingcezhuang's water source.

Of course he would not refuse this invitation, although his reputation in Liyue has reached its peak, but his chances are not enough.

What is an opportunity?It's like the protagonist in the novel suddenly found a relic that had been dusty for thousands or even ten thousand years, and then obtained a peerless exercise in it, and since then he has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Lin Yan is very clear that there are too many unknowns in this world waiting for him to explore, and among the unknowns, there are also opportunities for him to improve his strength, so in a situation like the present one, he must come as much as he can, Because he is really busy recently.

"I understand. If I promise you now, when can I leave?" Lin Yan asked after agreeing to the other party's request.

"If possible, I hope Master Lin Yan will leave now, because time is very tight, because any water source close to Qingcezhuang will be polluted, so Master Keqing and the others can only stay in the village for a day and a night at most, and then they must Go back to Wangshu Inn to replenish water."

"However, in this way, the required distance will be greatly increased, and more time will naturally be wasted, so I hope you can understand."

Dakun's tone of voice was very polite, from which it can be seen that he respects Lin Yan. After all, it is the lifelong dream of every Qianyan Army to save Liyue from a strong enemy.

Lin Yan was silent for a while after listening to Da Kun's words, and then he said: "Okay, let me prepare the dry food and the necessary items, and we will set off right away."

After finishing speaking, just as Lin Yan was about to turn around and go back to the room, he suddenly saw Xiao Bai, who was wearing pajamas and rubbing his sleepy eyes, coming down from the second floor.

Xiaobai's pajamas are very big, about one or two sizes larger than her body shape, and because they are summer pajamas, they look very thin, which makes her snow-white right shoulder and delicate body impeccable His collarbone was exposed to the air.

She is originally a beautiful girl who can make the opposite sex shine at a glance, but Xiao Bai's current appearance makes people unable to help but get angry.

Dakun immediately turned his head when he saw this scene. As a Qianyan soldier, he couldn't look straight at the scene of "see no evil".

But it is impossible to say that he has no feelings for Xiaobai. After all, even Lin Yan feels that he can't stand it when he sees this scene, let alone him?

"Master, is it time to eat?" Walking down the stairs slowly, Xiao Bai rubbed his eyes, as if he didn't get enough sleep.

Glancing at Da Kun who turned his head to one side, Lin Yan said to Xiao Bai: "Xiao Bai, tidy up your clothes, there are guests at home."

After hearing this, Xiao Bai finally saw Dakun who was sitting at the same table with Lin Yan, so she immediately arranged her clothes, and Dakun turned his head back.

"Master Lin Yan, who is this lady?" Da Kun was very curious about Xiao Bai's identity, because Lin Yan didn't have a younger sister, so it couldn't be his daughter.

"Don't worry about her. Then, please give me some time to prepare my luggage. After we are ready, we will set off." Lin Yan smiled at Dakun. This smile was to remind him not to ask questions that he should not ask.

Da Kun understood what he meant, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But as soon as Xiaobai heard they said they were going out, he immediately became excited: "Is the master going out to play? Take me with you, okay?"

Xiaobai didn't like wearing shoes at home, so she ran to Lin Yan with bare feet, hugged his arm tightly with both hands, and looked at him with a begging look.

Of course, Lin Yan would not refuse Xiaobai's request. After all, it wasn't just him, Xiaobai was about to fall ill while nestling at home.She does have places she wants to go, but Lin Yan doesn't let her go out to play alone. Now that Lin Yan is going out, she certainly won't let go of such a good opportunity.

"It's fine to take you with me, but shouldn't you inform the mistress about this matter? If she agrees, then you can change your clothes before coming down."

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Xiaobai turned around and ran back upstairs, his bare feet stepping on the steps making a thumping sound.

Lin Yan also turned around and walked into the room, and began to organize his luggage. Because there is another Xiaobai now, he has to bring one more dry food for one person, otherwise it will not be enough.

But because there will definitely be food at Wangshu Inn, he won't bring a lot of dry food.

When the luggage was half packed, Xiao Bai suddenly rushed into the room.

She was wearing the uniform that she had customized for her. It was in the style of a white sailor suit. The skirt on the lower body was of a moderate length, but because she was wearing safety pants, she didn't have to worry about being seen as fat.

"Master, master! Mistress, she agreed that I would go out with you!" Xiaobai rushed into the room and said to Lin Yan excitedly, "She also told me a lot of things to pay attention to, such as not messing around. Eat and don't run around."

"That's right, the mistress asked me to bring you a message, saying that if something happens to me, she will never end with you."

The front was fine, but Xiao Bai's last words almost made the clothes in Lin Yan's hands fall to the ground.

"Wait for me outside, I'll come out right away." Waving to Xiaobai, Lin Yan signaled her to go outside the room and wait for him.

"Oh, I see." Xiao Bai turned around and walked out of the room obediently, and closed the door behind him.

While waiting for Lin Yan outside, Xiao Bai couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he asked Dakun where they were going to play.

Da Kun didn't understand why Lin Yan wanted to bring Xiaobai with him. After all, this operation was dangerous, so it was not suitable to bring along a beautiful girl like Xiaobai who looked very weak.

Indeed, Xiaobai only looks weak, but in terms of strength, I am afraid that ten big Kuns will not be enough for her alone.

As for Xiaobai's question, Dakun's answer was to take her to a very fun place, after all, children must not be disappointed.

At this time, Lin Yan also packed his luggage and came out of the room.

"It's ready, let's go."

After finishing speaking, the three of them left the house and came to the street. He walked all the way towards the entrance of Liyue Port, and finally saw a carriage parked on the side of the road.

Obviously, this was prepared by Da Kun in advance.

The strange thing is that Da Kun was the only one in the Qianyan Army in this operation.After asking, Lin Yan learned that he was sent by Ningguang to support Keqing.

Since there are many Qianyan troops on Keqing's side, naturally there is no need for more manpower, and it is enough to just bring Lin Yan who may play a key role.

The three of them traveled in a carriage from noon to the next night before finally arriving at Wangshu Inn.

The Wangshu Inn at this moment is slightly different from usual, surrounded by temporary tents, in which the old people brought from Qingce Village live temporarily.

Those old people who were poisoned and fainted after drinking polluted water have been sent to Liyue Port for treatment.

There are several Qianyan soldiers near the inn maintaining order, and the staff inside the inn are taking care of the old people.

Lin Yan didn't see Ke Qing in the crowd, so it is very likely that she is leading people to investigate in Qingce Zhuang, and the person who is in charge of commanding the Qianyan Army is someone who had met him in Mond before. Chiayi.

From Chiayi, Lin Yan also learned about the general situation of Mengde today. Most of the urban reconstruction has been completed, and there is no shortage of manpower, so he sent them back to Liyue a few days ago.

As a result, they hadn't returned to Liyue Port yet, and when they passed by Wangshu Inn on the way, they happened to encounter the water source pollution incident of Qingce Village, so they chose to stay and assist Keqing to investigate together.

Since it was almost late at night, they would not go to Qingcezhuang to investigate now.

Based on time, Keqing and the others should be back in a while.If they didn't come back, they would have to send someone to check the situation.After all, if something unexpected happened to a Seven Star, it would be a devastating blow to Li Yue.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Keqing to return with nearly ten Qianyan soldiers who were depressed.

Having not drank water all day, ordinary people can't bear this kind of torture, even Ke Qing's mental state is not very good, the original red lips have become extremely dry and cracked at this time.

The staff of the inn immediately brought them drinkable water and food. After eating and drinking, everyone went back to the inn room to rest. Only Ke Qing, who was the leader, stayed up. She was still checking on the old man below. their situation.

Because in her opinion, the water source of Qingce Village was polluted this time, in the final analysis, it was because of their Seven Stars' dereliction of duty, so she must be responsible to the old people. If anyone feels unwell, they will be sent to Liyue Port immediately Seek medical attention.

As for Lin Yan, he didn't sleep either, and Keqing didn't notice him until he checked the old people's health and was about to go back to sleep.

"Lin Yan? Why are you here?" Because he didn't know that Ningguang sent someone to bring Lin Yan here, Ke Qing was very surprised by his appearance.

Dakun had already reminded Lin Yan of this point, and he also specifically told him not to say that Ningguang asked him to come, otherwise, with Keqing's character, he would definitely refuse his help.

(End of this chapter)

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