Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 186 Pure Water Spirit - Lodia

Chapter 186 Pure Water Spirit - Lodia
"I wanted to take my Xiaobai out to play together, but when I heard what happened here, I came to check the situation immediately." Lin Yan made up a random reason, and planned to fool it directly.

Keqing didn't doubt his words, so she believed her.

It is worth mentioning that after Xiaobai transformed into a human form, Lin Yan never called her his pet again. If you want to ask Xiaobai who is Lin Yan's now, even he himself doesn't know.

It's definitely not good for a daughter. With such a big daughter, no matter who it is, it will feel very strange.It would be even worse for a servant, he never regarded Xiaobai as his slave, let alone Yula didn't allow him to do so.

What the younger sister said was more appropriate, but he still felt weird, so he didn't mention the title at all, and just said Xiao Bai's name.

"I've heard about the specific situation from Chiayi, so what's the progress of Lord Keqing? Have you found any useful clues?" Lin Yan asked. Keqing and the others have been investigating in Qingcezhuang for many days. If this If you can't find any clues, it means that this incident is really troublesome.

And Ke Qing's answer was also the answer he was most afraid of hearing: "Oh, we have been investigating in the village for three days, but in the end we didn't find any clues, and we almost dug three feet into the ground."

"Then do you have any idea? For example, what is the source of the water pollution? Or which direction should the investigation go?"

"If we have a clue, we will definitely not get nothing like we are now."

Indeed, because there is no direction of investigation, the investigation by Keqing and the others in the past three days is meaningless. Let alone finding clues, they don't even have the slightest clue to continue the investigation.

Keqing couldn't get any useful information from Keqing's mouth, so Lin Yan didn't continue the conversation.After a busy day, Ke Qing was exhausted to the extreme, Lin Yan understood this, so he let her go back to the room to rest.

Before leaving, Lin Yan also handed Xiaobai to her, and begged Keqing to let Xiaobai sleep in her room, even if it was a bed on the floor.

Ke Qing asked him why he did this, but of course Lin Yan wouldn't tell her, he just fooled around a few words, and then he went back to the tent that Dakun had prepared for him.

Early the next morning, Keqing, who had only slept for less than three hours, was the first to wake up, and organized a new batch of Qianyan Army, planning to go to Qingce Village to investigate again, and I don't know if this investigation will be successful. There are results.

Da Kun was selected into the team, and he also woke up Lin Yan, because he didn't expect Ke Qing to wake up so early, so when they were about to leave, Lin Yan was still sleeping.

Keqing originally didn't want Lin Yan to help, because it was her own business, but Lin Yan said that she must participate in this investigation, so she could only agree.

Xiaobai was also brought along by Lin Yan, because if she was left here alone, Lin Yan would probably hear that she ate up all the food in the Wangshu Inn when she came back at night.

The gain outweighs the gain, that's why he brought Xiao Bai with him.

On the way to Qingcezhuang, Lin Yan has been thinking about the source of the water pollution.

Keqing and the others may not have any clues, but he is different, because Liyue is an open country in the game, so he knows most of the things.

Qingcezhuang is not as lively as Liyue Port. Let alone a game, even in reality, Qingcezhuang is easily forgotten by people. Lin Yan really can't think of why the water source is polluted there.

If someone wants to make Liyue panic, wouldn't it be better to just pollute the water near Liyue Port?Why choose Qingcezhuang, where the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled live?Lin Yan couldn't figure it out.

He thought about it for a long time last night, but he fell asleep before he could come up with a clue. He had some ideas, but when he was woken up by Da Kun this morning, some of the ideas he finally had disappeared without a trace .

This is a bit frustrating. Lin Yan is very happy to fight with people, but he really doesn't know what to do in a situation like this famous detective solving a case.

I can only go to the village to have a look first. If you are lucky, you may be able to find clues. If you are not lucky, they may continue to stay for a while.

Qingcezhuang is located in the northwest of Liyue, connected to the northern border of Liyue, and connected to Wuwangpo, which Lin Yan had visited before, in the east. Most of them are old people, so even the treasure robbers are reluctant to patronize.

When Lin Yan and the others came to Qingce Village, if they just took a look, they would find that there was nothing strange here.But if you look carefully, you will find that the rice in the field has died. In this autumn harvest season, this scene is very strange.

And the closer to the place where there is water, the more you will smell the smell of stinky water in the ditch.

There is no one living in the village, and it looks a bit desolate.

Apart from these places, Lin Yan couldn't find any strange places anymore. It is worth mentioning that the environment of Qingcezhuang was originally suitable for small animals like squirrels to inhabit, but now they are no longer visible. , It should be because the water source is polluted.

Keqing and the others had already investigated all possible factors before, so when they came back today, they didn't know where to start the investigation.

"Master Keqing, have you ever asked the old man in the village if any strange phenomena happened in the two days before and after the water source was polluted?" Just looking at it this way, Lin Yan must not be able to find the source of the incident, so he He could only try his best to get some useful words from Keqing's mouth.

"That's true." Ke Qing replied, "They said that in the middle of the night in those two days, they would faintly hear the whispering of a certain creature, appearing and disappearing from time to time, and they didn't know where it came from. What's more What's more, the sound came from a place where there was water."

"We have also followed this information to investigate, but unfortunately we couldn't find any clues."

This is a very helpful answer for Lin Yan.

The whispering of a certain creature indicates that the whispering sound is not from humans, so it will be easier to deal with, because Lin Yan knows a place, which is likely to be the source of this incident.

Zhongli mentioned to him about [Chi] before, he said that [Chi] was divided into seven pieces, besides the piece of Wuwangpo, there is another piece located in the northwest of Qingcezhuang.If Lin Yan remembered correctly, that place was next to a waterfall.

There is a complete fragment of [Chi] sealed there. Although the reason for the pollution of Qingce Village's water source is still uncertain, it should be related to [Chi]. After all, Lin Yan really can't think of what to do. direction to investigate.

Just when he was about to speak, Xiao Bai suddenly pulled his clothes, pointed in one direction and said.

"Master, I heard someone crying over there, it seems to be a big sister."

What Xiaobai was referring to seemed to be Wuwangpo's side, but it deviated from Wuwangpo's range.

Hearing her words, Lin Yan frowned slightly, and some of the less courageous Qianyan soldiers in the team even felt scared because of her words.

Because they have also heard rumors that Wuwangpo is often haunted by ghosts, and the old people in Liyuegang often say that children can see things that adults cannot see, which makes them even more convinced that the cry Xiaobai heard The sound came from an evil spirit.

But Lin Yan didn't think so. Originally, he also believed that there was a ghost in Wuwangpo, but after the last incident, he found that it was just a human psychological effect. The strange talk made many people feel great fear there.

"Xiaobai, are you sure you heard correctly?" Xiaobai couldn't lie, and she had no reason to lie, so Lin Yan chose to believe her.

"Well, I heard you right, I can still hear her crying now." Xiaobai nodded, affirming his answer.

Hearing this, Lin Yan looked at Ke Qing: "Master Ke Qing, since you have no clue to investigate now, you might as well go and have a look."

If it were normal, with such a big impact, Keqing would definitely not believe what a child said.But just as Lin Yan said, they had no clue to investigate in Qingce Zhuang, so they could only treat dead horses as living horse doctors.

"Then go and have a look, I hope it won't waste too much time."

So, Xiaobai stood at the front of the team and led the way, and everyone walked eastward all the way, and finally walked into Wuwangpo.

But after walking into Wuwangpo, Xiaobai said that the voice she heard was not here, so everyone could only continue to move forward.

Until the end, when Xiaobai walked out of Wuwangpo's range, she still didn't stop.

When Xiao Bai stopped, what stood in front of them was a small river that could not be passed by people on foot. The small river was still connected to a lake in the distance.

The strange thing is that the sky was clear and clear just now, but the next second the weather became extremely gloomy, and at the same time, it began to rain mistyly.

When he got here, Lin Yan instantly understood where the source of this incident came from, but he forgot about that problem.

"The crying big sister is right in front." Xiaobai pointed to the lake not far away, and everyone looked over, but because the visibility was too low, they couldn't see what was there.

It is impossible for them to walk across such a wide lake, so they can only go back and prepare boats or bamboo rafts.

Just when Keqing was about to give such an order, Lin Yan suddenly said: "Since you can't make it through, then let Xiaobai and I go and have a look."

If it was someone else, Ke Qing would definitely ask: 【We can't make it through, how can you make it through? 】

But Lin Yan was different, because Ke Qing had personally seen him flying in the sky in Qunyu Pavilion.

"Then go and have a look. We'll wait for you at a farther place. It's raining here. If you stay for too long, you'll get sick." Keqing hesitated for a while and said.

At this time, she can only trust Lin Yan. After all, they really have nothing to do. If Lin Yan can find the source of the water pollution, then he will be credited with great merit.

"Xiaobai, let's go."

After speaking, Lin Yan activated the magic armor and opened the water element form.

After the last battle with Auxerre, the magic armor absorbed part of Ausser's divine power, so it obtained the form of water element.

Lin Yan hasn't fully figured out what the ability of the water elemental form is, but what he knows is that the water elemental form can freely shuttle through the water, just like Mona's sprint in the game.

As for the little white slime form, she can change into slimes of different forms by absorbing elements. After transforming into a human form, she also retains this ability.

So she just absorbed some river water, and she has the ability to walk on the water, but her appearance did not find any change, which surprised Lin Yan.

After seeing this scene, Keqing and those Qianyan soldiers finally understood that Xiaobai was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and the ability to absorb elemental power alone proved this point.

Soon, the figures of Lin Yan and Xiao Bai disappeared in the water mist, and Ke Qing also led the Qianyan army back for a while, and did not stop until the weather returned to clear sky.

The surface of the lake is very quiet, and the water source here seems to be polluted. I don't know if Xiaobai's absorption of the river water will have any impact. At least it seems that she doesn't have any discomfort.

As the two continued to move forward, they soon saw a platform made up of nine stone slabs spliced ​​together not far away.The area of ​​the platform is very large, even if a hundred people stand on it at the same time, it is not a problem.

The lake is surrounded by high mountains. It seems that there are no other exits, but in fact there are, but the visibility is too low, so you can't see it.

After seeing the platform, Lin Yan strengthened his inner guess.But until the two of them boarded the platform, the surroundings still seemed very calm, as if there was nothing.

But Xiaobai said: "She is here, um, she seems to have seen us, and she is very angry."

The next second, a vortex of water suddenly appeared on a stone slab. Before they could react, a huge figure jumped out of the vortex and appeared in front of them.

The overall appearance of the creature looks a bit like a mermaid in a fairy tale, but the upper body is not human, and Lin Yan doesn't know how to describe it.

All he knew was that it was the BOSS that appeared in the game—the pure water elf.

Her name is Lodia, and her hometown is Fontaine, a country ruled by the god of water. Due to some unknown reasons, she came to Liyue and became the light-hearted master of water purification.

Just like her title [Qingce's Purified Water Master], she is the guardian of Qingce Village's water source. The reason why the pure water spirit is called "Pure Water" is because it has the ability to purify water, make flowers grow, The crops have been bumper.

However, because it has the ability to purify water sources, once the water source is polluted, it must be directly related to her, such as the Qingcezhuang water source pollution incident this time.

Xiaobai said at first that she was crying, but just now said that she was very angry.

When she didn't see herself, Lodia was crying, indicating that she was sad about something.After seeing her, Lodia was very angry, excluding it hating slime, it would be hating humans like Lin Yan.

But why does it hate humans?Even the records about the pure water elf in reality have shown that the pure water elf will never actively attack any creature, unless some creature actively attacks it, or some creature pollutes the water source in its area.

That is to say, before this, there were other humans who came here and attacked Lodia, or polluted the surrounding water sources.

While this move angered Lodia, it also polluted all nearby water sources.

Lin Yan didn't have time to carefully speculate on the ins and outs of the matter, because Lodia started to attack him after stagnating in the air for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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