Chapter 189 Lin Yan Has No EQ
After returning the heart of pure water to Lodia, Xiaobai and Lin Yan left, because there was no point in staying here.

"Master, I'm hungry." On the way back, Xiaobai covered his stomach, and looked at Lin Yan with pleading eyes, "Can we wait for dinner?"

When Xiaobai said this, Lin Yan also felt an extreme sense of hunger.

Thinking back, the two of them didn't seem to have eaten anything all day, not even drinking water, so they hurriedly ate a bowl of porridge when they set off in the morning.But that thing doesn't care about being full at all, not to mention it's already afternoon, let alone Xiaobai, even Lin Yan can't stand it.

"Then go eat, but you have to be careful not to eat too much." Lin Yan said.

"Okay!" Xiao Bai was so happy that he jumped up on the spot, with that expression, it looked as if he hadn't heard Lin Yan's last sentence at all.

In the evening, the two returned to Wangshu Inn, because the heart of pure water had been returned to Lodia, so the water source near Qingce Village would be purified soon.

The old people who were arranged in the inn also planned to return to the village immediately, but Keqing asked to stay for another night and send them back together tomorrow morning.

It's a very reasonable idea, because it is already evening, if you go back at this time, you will definitely walk at night, and if you walk at night, it will be difficult to avoid being attacked by monsters.At that time, even with the escort of Qianyan Army, it will be difficult to protect so many old people.

Ke Qing also plans to return to Liyue Port tomorrow, because Sun Lan is a very important figure in the Treasure Bandit, and he has most of the next action plan of the Treasure Bandit in Liyue. If that is the case, then an ambush can be carried out at the location where the treasure robbers operate in advance.

However, it is precisely because Sun Lan is an important figure in the Treasure Bandit that Ke Qing cannot let him stay here for a long time. Once other members of the Treasure Bandit find out about this, they will definitely come to save him. There will be some trouble.

Therefore, he must be escorted to Liyue Port as soon as possible. When he arrives at Liyue Port, he is not afraid that the Treasure Thieves will implement a rescue plan.

And now, Lin Yan is taking Xiaobai together, eating at the bottom of Wangshu Inn.

Plates half as high as Lin Yan were stacked on the table, all of which were Xiao Bai's masterpieces. As for Lin Yan himself, he was already full, and now he just watched Xiao Bai eat.

"I didn't listen to what I said at all." Looking at Xiao Bai who was eating extremely ugly, Lin Yan showed a wry smile on his face.

Xiaobai is good at everything, but her appetite is amazing. Even if she said she was full one second, she could still eat a few more bowls the next second.Although Lin Yan is rich now, he can't stand Xiaobai doing this.

It seems that Lin Yan has to think of a way to deal with Xiaobai's appetite.

At this time, a figure came from a distance and finally sat beside Lin Yan.

That was Keqing.

It seemed that Keqing had already dealt with the next matters and preparations, so she came to Lin Yan when she was free.

"I have a good appetite." Seeing Xiao Bai who was devouring the food on the plate, Ke Qing did not show the surprise of ordinary people, but smiled slightly.

"Although I may be a little dissatisfied according to my personality, I have to admit that the two of you have contributed the most to the successful resolution of this matter." It seems that Ke Qing came here specially to thank you, "I said no before." I like to owe favors to others, so tell me, is there any reward you want."

Obviously, less than a week later, Lin Yan got another chance to get paid from Liyue Seven Stars. If it was an ordinary person, he probably wouldn't even dare to dream about it.

But to be honest, Lin Yan really couldn't think of what he wanted.

Mora?house?He has all.woman?If he dared to ask for it, Yura would definitely kill herself.

Or... Let's be an official, but it's not interesting to be in the public eye, and he won't stay in Liyue for too long.Although I have plans to live in Liyue in the future, it will be a long time later.

"I can't think of anything I want right now, so let's talk about it later. If I have something I want, I will definitely go to you." In the end, Lin Yan chose to keep the reward first, and wait for him to have it later. It's not too late to talk to Keqing about what you want.

Regarding this answer, Keqing is actually not very satisfied, because she has said that she does not like to owe favors to others.Although Lin Yan said that he would go to her if he wanted something in the future, he didn't say when it would be.

If this does not come in the future, then she will always owe this favor.

But there's no way, Ke Qing can't force him to say a reward, it's a bit too domineering and doesn't fit her personality.

I only hope that what Lin Yan said will come sooner in the future.

"In that case, then I won't bother you." After speaking, Ke Qing stood up from her seat, then turned and left.

Looking at Ke Qing's leaving back, for some reason, Lin Yan seemed to feel a little bit of dissatisfaction from her.

Let’s talk about Lin Yan’s EQ here. Ke Qingming has already said that he doesn’t like to owe favors to others. You just want some Mora. If you have to say something later, how can he be happy?

But Lin Yan didn't realize this at all. In his opinion, Ke Qing's dissatisfaction can be described in four words: inexplicable.

It was evening soon, and Lin Yan and Xiao Bai, who were full of food and drink, looked at the scenery near the Wangshu Inn.

I have to say that the quaint Liyue scenery always makes people feel relaxed and happy. Although it is night now, there are lights shining in the surrounding lakes.

It was a fishing fire. Although it looked like a bean from a distance, it perfectly complemented the current atmosphere.

Unlike Lin Yan who was looking at the scenery, Xiao Bai was not interested in these things, but she loved the insects in the bushes more. It took a lot of effort to catch them, but she let them go, and she would show a little bit of insects. A very happy expression.

A few slimes occasionally appeared in the woods, but because of Xiaobai's presence, they didn't dare to approach at all.

The evening wind in late autumn is very cool, and Lin Yan is still wearing summer clothes, so he feels a little chilly.Xiaobai doesn't seem to have any discomfort, because monsters have the ability to resist cold and heat, but this has something to do with their own elemental attributes.

For example, grass slime will spontaneously ignite when it encounters high temperature, and fire slime will evaporate when it encounters water.Xiaobai does not need to worry about these because he has no fixed element attributes.

Speaking of which, Lin Yan has never been able to understand why Xiaobai turned into a human.If it is said that monsters will transform into humans when they are strong enough to a certain extent, then why hasn't Twarin changed?It can't possibly be weaker than Xiaobai.

This question is worth pondering. Lin Yan thought about it carefully, and found that Xiaobai had one thing, which was not possessed by other monsters, not even Twalin.

That is divinity.

Andreus once gave Xiaobai a portion of his divine power. Although that divine power did not make Xiaobai's strength improve by leaps and bounds in the first place, it was divine power. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to be so simple Bar.

Andreus said that its divine power, like Xiaobai, has almost unlimited growth potential. As Xiaobai gets stronger and stronger, the power of that divine power will also increase slowly.

Lin Yan didn't know why Xiaobai turned into a human being, but if it wasn't for its own reasons, then it must be because of Andreus' divine power.

But on the whole, Andreus' divine power is definitely not harmful to Xiaobai. Although Xiaobai's transformation into a human has caused some troubles for Lin Yan, it is not without benefits.

After all, she is a beautiful girl with white hair, and she is still wearing a JK uniform. No matter how you think about it, she is very eye-catching.

After strolling around outside for a few laps, the two returned to the inn and rested for the night. They will leave for Liyue Port with Ke Qing tomorrow morning.

The plan went very smoothly, unlike when they came, because Sun Lan and his party were being escorted, the team was very vigilant when marching, and was very worried that members of the treasure robbers would suddenly come out to snatch people.

But worry is nothing to worry about, with Keqing and Lin Yan here, they don't think the rescue operation of the Treasure Bandit can be successful.At that time, not only may they not be able to save Sun Lan and the others, but they may also involve themselves.

Fortunately, until they arrived at Liyue Port, they did not see half of the members of the Treasure Thieves Group, which made them breathe a long sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Keqing sent people to escort Sun Lan and the others to the dungeon, and waited for Ningguang's fate.

Because they were so important, Keqing actually chose to send them to the dungeon in person, and finally left with peace of mind after seeing them locked in.

As for Lin Yan and the others, they returned home immediately.

Time passed like this for a while, and Lin Yan's life returned to peace. Although he knew that this peace would not last long, he still enjoyed it.

He also heard that Ningguang obtained information from Sun Lan about the next actions of the Treasure Group in Liyue, but the method she used to obtain the information was not torture, but the use of Mora .

That's right, to put it bluntly, it's bribery. Isn't the Treasure Group willing to die for Mo La?Then I will give it to you, you just need to give me the information you want.

As for the number of Mo La that Ningguang gave to Sun Lan, it seems to be eight figures.

The eight-figure Mora, that is not a small amount of property for Lin Yan. Ning Guang waved it so much, it is hard to imagine how amazing her total property is.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not a bad deal to exchange for the Treasure Bandit's next operation in Liyue territory with only eight figures of Mora.As a businessman, Ningguang knows what kind of transaction is beneficial to her, so she must think so, so she will do this.

Moreover, Ningguang also promised Sun Lan that if the information he said was true, not only would he be given Mora, but he would also be given freedom. I don't know if it is true or a lie.

But these are not things that Lin Yan should care about. What he should care about most now is his wedding with Yula.

There are still ten days before the wedding. Walking on the street now, Lin Yan can often hear blessings from the people of Liyue. It is estimated that only he has this kind of cards.

This morning, Lin Yan came to Liyue's Adventurer's Association distribution, intending to receive daily commissions as usual.

Standing at the window of the association is still Catherine, both in appearance and clothes are exactly the same as Catherine in Mond.

There are rumors that Catherine is a mass-produced robot within the Adventurers Association. Not only can it work 24 hours a day, but even the memories of every Catherine are the same.

This is a high-tech product. In Lin Yan's memory, the world he lives in requires a lot of money to make even the most basic AI intelligence, let alone make a robot like Catherine who has self-awareness and can even be mass-produced. .

It is clear that Tivat Continent does not look like the world he is in, but the technology inside is more and more surprising.

But after thinking about it, the magical world of Tivat Continent cannot be compared with his world, even if there are some incomprehensible technologies, it is normal.

"Mr. Lin Yan, are you here to accept the daily commission again today?" Catherine greeted Lin Yan politely, "Speaking of which, I really want to congratulate you, the wedding will be held soon, and Mr. Lin Yan must be in your heart Very nervous."

"Hahaha, it's actually okay. After all, I proposed marriage, so there's nothing to be nervous about." Lin Yan said with an embarrassed smile.

In fact, Lin Yan was not nervous when he first decided to marry Yula, but as the wedding day drew closer, he found that he gradually became nervous.

Why is that?Obviously some time ago, I could wake up laughing because of this every night when I went to sleep, but now I am so nervous that I can't sleep, I really don't understand.

So under normal circumstances, Lin Yan would not think about whether he was nervous or not, because as long as he thought about it, he would become more and more nervous.

"Is that so? I'm really sorry, I was thinking too much." As she spoke, Catherine handed over the daily commissions prepared today to Lin Yan.

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently, which caused the entrustment paper in Catherine's hand to accidentally fall to the ground, and even Lin Yan almost lost his balance and fell down.

"What's going on?" Lin Yan was puzzled by the sudden shock, since this had never happened before.

"I don't know, anyway, it's been like this a lot in the past few days anyway," Catherine said after she stabilized her body, "but this kind of ground vibration usually happens in the middle of the night, so it's hard to be noticed. This is the first time this has happened.”

Indeed, if the ground tremor occurred in the middle of the night, it would be difficult for people to notice it. For example, Lin Yan never felt the ground tremor while sleeping, probably because he slept too hard.

"Didn't the General Affairs Department send someone to investigate the cause?" Lin Yan asked. This kind of ground shaking is not a natural phenomenon, so it is impossible for the General Affairs Department to let it go.

"The local people have sent people to investigate, not only the General Affairs Department, but also our Adventurer's Association." Catherine explained, "However, because the ground vibration is unpredictable, we can't judge the source of the earthquake. Which side is the direction, it is impossible to turn over the whole Liyue to find it."

It can be heard that the Department of General Affairs sent people to investigate, but they found nothing because they could not determine the direction of the source of the earthquake.

Because this is not an earthquake, but a phenomenon that occurs from time to time, and each occurrence only lasts for a short period of time, it makes people wonder how to investigate.

However, judging from the degree of vibration in different areas of Liyue, the source of the earthquake should be located in the area from Liyue Port to End Cloud. This greatly narrowed the scope of the investigation, but it still took a lot of time.

"Forget it, since the people from the General Affairs Department didn't come to me, then I won't participate in this matter." Picking up the commission paper that fell on the ground, Lin Yan turned and left the Adventurer's Association.

Now there are only ten days before the wedding, and he doesn't want the wedding to be postponed or canceled because of any accident, so Liyueren's affairs should be left to Liyueren himself.

 Guys, there is a problem with a paragraph I wrote in yesterday's chapter.At that time, I said that the water god is the god who pursues wisdom, but in fact, the god who pursues wisdom is the grass god, and what the water god pursues is justice.

  But because the plot has been fixed, I can't change it. I apologize to everyone here. I am not rigorous enough, but overall it should not affect reading
  sorry Sorry sorry!Say important things three times!

(End of this chapter)

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