Chapter 190 Mona
The content of the adventurer's daily commissions is very simple, at least for Lin Yan. For example, it only took him less than an hour to complete all the commissions now.

After returning to the Adventurer's Association and receiving the reward from Catherine, the bored Lin Yan was planning to go home and take a nap, but saw a man on the way home.

Originally, Lin Yan didn't notice her, even though the clothes she was wearing were a little different, but Lin Yan still regarded her as an ordinary passerby.

Until two days passed by with Raglan shoulders, the other party suddenly stopped him.

"Hey, are you Lin Yan?" The other party knew his name, but Lin Yan was not surprised, because there were too many people who knew him, maybe the other party was still his fan?

However, when he turned around and was about to ask her what she was going to do, Lin Yan was taken aback after seeing the other person's appearance.

The other party was a young girl. She was wearing purple-based clothing, which was not too revealing in general. Her lower body was wearing a pair of black silk that tightly wrapped her thighs, and her hair was tied into two long braids. , down to her spine.

She wears a witch hat on her head, which is big enough to be used as an umbrella. As for her appearance, she is considered outstanding among all the women Lin Yan has met, and the only ones who can compare with her are Yula and Ke Sunny them.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Lin Yan recognized her at a glance.

That is the five-star water magic weapon character that appeared in the game - Mona.

Mona is a talented astrologer. She was originally from Liyue, but she moved to Mond for some reason in the game.But now it seems that the plot didn't seem to be triggered, otherwise Lin Yan wouldn't have met her on the streets of Liyuegang.

"Miss, what do you want from me?" Although he knew Mona, Lin Yan pretended not to know her in order not to attract her attention.

However, his pretense was directly dismantled by Mona in the next second: "You know my name, why do you still pretend that you don't know me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yan's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

This is too bad, he actually forgot that astrologers can read minds, and Mona is not as secretive as other astrologers, but tells everything she sees.

So she knows that she is a time traveler from another world, can she even read that the world of Yuanshin is only fictional?
Lin Yan was very afraid that Mona would read his background, but seeing the expression on the other person's face, she didn't show any surprise, so she probably didn't know yet.

Since you don’t know, it would be great, and facing Mona’s question, Lin Yan replied with an embarrassed face: “Hahaha, I don’t want to test it, the great astrologer—Astologi Is it the ability of Si Mona Megistus? Looking at it now, it really is well-deserved."

As soon as this sentence was explained, Lin Yan regretted it. He actually made the same mistake twice in a row within one minute.

Mona can read her own inner thoughts, so his lies will definitely be exposed by the other party in the next second.

But unexpectedly, not only did Mona fail to expose Lin Yan's lies, but she nodded proudly and said, "Of course, my astrology is comparable to that of no one except the old woman. "

But in the next second, Mona's face suddenly changed, and it seemed that she had read something.

"How do you know that my nickname is Meiji? Ah——old woman! It's fine if you call me that in private every day. Why do you let others know about it?"

Covering her face with her hands, Mona looked very mad, but she closed her mouth in the next second: "Oh no, I said bad things about her now, and she will definitely know when I go back."

A person was talking to himself there, but Lin Yan planned to slip away directly while the other party was not paying attention.Because he can't let the other party know his origin, otherwise it is very likely to refresh her understanding of the world.

"Stop!" However, before Lin Yan could take two steps, he was suddenly stopped by Mona.

Lin Yan, who was stopped, immediately dispelled the idea of ​​running away, because he knew that with Mona's ability, as long as he was still in Tivat Continent, he would be found by her immediately even if he hid in the ends of the earth, so there was no reason to run away. meaningful.

Now, he only hopes that the other party can quickly tell the purpose of coming to find him this time.

"Why are you running, am I so scary?" Mona stepped forward and grabbed Lin Yan's clothes, as if to prevent him from escaping again.

"Forget it, take me to eat something first." After finishing speaking, Mona didn't care whether Lin Yan agreed or not, she grabbed him and walked towards Wanmintang.

After arriving at Wanmin Hall, the two found a table inside and sat down, while Lin Yan had a bitter expression on his face.

He obviously didn't do anything, so he was pulled over to buy a meal like this. If Mona had been replaced by a trick, he probably would have done it long ago.

"Isn't it impolite to ask the other party to invite you to dinner without his consent?" Lin Yan couldn't help but said, looking at Mona who was leisurely ordering food.

But Mona put the menu in her hand aside, and then said with a face of course: "No, because my astrology has predicted that you will definitely invite me to this meal, so I will pull you over gone."

Good guy, isn't this the same as telling the fortune teller that you will have a bloody disaster tonight, and you must give him money to do away with the disaster?If it were someone else who said this, Lin Yan would definitely treat the other party as a charlatan, and then turn away dismissively.

But Mona is different, her astrology is either impossible to predict, or the predicted results are very accurate, and there will be no wrong predictions at all.

In this way, the dissatisfaction in Lin Yan's heart disappeared a lot.Since he would definitely invite Mona to this meal, then please, anyway, he can't afford to invite her.

And Mona also seemed to know that Lin Yan was rich, so she was not polite at all. She ordered a portion of the most expensive dishes on the menu, which must have cost at least [-] Mora.

"Although I have predicted that you will definitely invite me to dinner, as a reward, I can answer some questions you want to know. As long as I can see it with astrology, I will tell you the truth." Waiting for the dishes to be served In order to repay Lin Yan for inviting her to dinner, Mona decided to answer some questions he wanted to know.

After all, the profession of an astrologer is equivalent to a fortune teller, but there are very few astrologers like Mona who can calculate accurately.

Lin Yan knew this, so he didn't refuse Mona, because he also had a few things he wanted to know.

"How did my life go after my fiancée and I got married?"

The first question is about his and Yula's married life. After all, they are considered family members after they get married.

After listening to this question, Mona thought for a while and said: "Your life is very good. With your prestige in Liyue's family property, you are even happier than those high-ranking officials. Although your wife sometimes has a bad temper , but she will love you very much. As for whether you love your wife or not, I won’t say this, because you know it better than me.”

 There are two updates today, and one more at [-]:[-] pm

(End of this chapter)

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