Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 253 The Sea Lantern Has Arrived

Chapter 253 The Sea Lantern Has Arrived
It's nighttime soon, and there are a lot of sky lanterns in the sky today. If you want to ask how many there are, I can only say that it will cover the sky with a little more.

On a temporary platform picked up on Ganggang Street, there is a giant elk made by manpower, that is [Mingxiao Lantern], the finale of the annual Sea Lantern Festival, many people come to Liyue Port to participate in it The purpose of outsiders at the Sea Lantern Festival is to see the legendary Mingxiao Lantern.

Mingxiao Lantern can be understood as a huge lantern, but unlike ordinary lanterns, Mingxiao Lantern carries the wishes of all Liyue people. While weaving it, people can also put one of their own items into it.

Children's playthings, vendors' items, or any decorations can be put into the Mingxiao Lantern. It can even be explained that the Xiaodeng is a garbage recycling bin. You can throw anything in it, as long as it is not excessive. .

The shape of the Mingxiao Lantern this year is based on a deceased celestial being—【Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun】.

The immortals have different shapes, some are half-human, some are cranes, and some are elk.Among them, Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun is in the shape of an elk, and Lin Yan has seen two immortals who are also in the shape of an elk before.

Immortals in the shape of elk will pay great attention to their antlers, which are what they are most proud of. The bigger the antlers, the better they think.

It is said that Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun's antlers absorbed the essence of the power of the rock king Dijun Yan, which was once the hardest thing in Liyue.But in the decisive battle that cost him his life, the strength burst out and the mountain fell.

In order to avoid affecting the village down the mountain, Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun chose to ask his friends to cut off his antlers.He used the bloody antlers as a fulcrum to prop up the entire mountain.And it keeps fighting until the last drop of blood.

Today, the Tianheng Mountain that was once propped up by him still stands majestically, and the blood that he shed in the battle has gathered to form the Clear Water River.

It is not without reason that Liyue people believe in immortals. Every immortal has signed a contract with Emperor Yan Wang to protect the people of Liyue to the death.

The immortal gave protection to the people of Liyue, and the people of Liyue respected the immortal. This is why Yuheng Xing Keqing was rejected by some people of Liyue because of disrespect to the gods.

Today, most of the immortals who participated in the Demon God War with the Emperor Yan Wang have died, and only a very small number of them have survived to this day.

Liyue has entered an era of peace that lasted hundreds of years, and the burden on the shoulders of the immortals is no longer as heavy as it used to be.Therefore, many immortals chose to go out for a wandering, wanting to see another view of this world.

Among them, Yanfei's father is like this, and he doesn't know when he will come back. He probably doesn't even know that his daughter has become the best French expert in Liyue Port.

"Lin Yan!" Walking on the street with Yula and Xiaobai, Lin Yan was staring intently at a sky lantern that was gradually rising into the sky. At this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar shout.

Looking into the distance, he saw Ying and Paimon whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Their appearance made Lin Yan a little surprised, but not that surprised.He knew in advance that the two would come to participate in the Sea Lantern Festival, but he did not expect to meet at this time.

In the distance, Ying and Paimeng ran to the three of them on their calves, and seeing Xiaobai who was holding a bunch of snacks in his hands, Paimeng said, "Xiaobai, can you give me some of the snacks in your hand?"

Unlike Lin Yan, the economic situation of Ying and Paimeng has not improved over time. It is no problem to guarantee food and clothing by completing the Mora entrusted by the Adventurers Association every day, but if you want to buy some other Things, then there is no extra money.

Moreover, they still owed Lin Yan 100 million moras, which have not yet been paid.Therefore, even on special days like the Sea Lantern Festival, Paimon would rarely spend money to buy street snacks. If it wasn't for the cheap price of these snacks, she probably wouldn't even think about buying them once.

So, seeing Xiaobai eating happily, Paimon asked her for some.

"No, here you are." Although Xiaobai has a big appetite, she is not stingy, and without even thinking about it, she took two of the meat skewers in her hand and gave them to Paimon.

"Thank you so much!" Paimon took the meat skewers and ate them directly.

On the other side, as friends they haven't seen for a long time, the three of Lin Yan are laughing and chatting.

"Paimon and I went to the Wangshu Inn just now, because Boss Phil Godet said that he wanted Mandrill to participate in the Sea Lantern Festival, so he asked me to help. It took us a lot of effort to get Mandrill to come. Liyue Port, but he didn’t come to the port, but on the hillside outside the port.”

Ying told Lin Yan and Yula what they had just experienced.

As a fairy, Mandrill doesn't like to deal with mortals, and he doesn't like to participate in those lively festivals.

There are two reasons for this. The first reason is because of the karma in Mandrill's body. If ordinary people are in contact with him for too long, they are likely to be polluted by karma.In fact, not to mention humans, even monsters will be polluted by karma. The weaker the monster, the more likely it is to be polluted.

The second reason is that Mandrill hadn't had much dealings with mortals, so he didn't know how to integrate into the mortal group. Coupled with the arrogant personality of immortals, he evolved into what he is now.

Looking at Liyue, only half-immortals like Gan Yu and Yan Fei would live among mortals.

While the three of them were chatting, the lights on the street suddenly went out, and the originally bright and lively Liyue Port became quiet at this moment.

Occasionally, some confused voices could be heard in the crowd, and Lin Yan and the others also didn't know what happened.

At this moment, the Mingxiao Lantern standing on the platform suddenly reacted, and as the body of the elk was gradually lit up, Yixiao Daotianzhenjun unexpectedly came to life.

His deer hooves lightly stepped on the unsupported air, and every time he took a step, there would be waves in the air like water.

As Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun gradually accelerated his pace, he actually started to fly in the air.He first flew very high, then swooped down at an extremely fast speed, and shuttled through the streets of Liyue.

After he crossed the street, the originally extinguished bright lights were turned on again, the world regained its light, and it seemed that the neighing of Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun could be faintly heard in the sky.

At this moment, countless sky lanterns rose from the ground, as if forming a famous painting that gradually lifted into the sky.

Lin Yan and the others didn't just stand still, they took out the sky lantern prepared in advance, lit it with a match, and then threw it out, allowing it to slowly rise into the air.

Countless lanterns flew towards the distant sea, as if lighting up the whole world.As they recede, it gives the impression that they have merged into the starry sky.

No one would remain unmoved, even Lin Yan couldn't help being moved when he watched this scene.

On the other side, after running a full circle around Liyue Port, Yixiao Daotian Zhenjun rose to the sky at an extremely fast speed.

With an explosion, Yixiao Daotianzhenjun's body exploded into a huge firework.

People's cheers sounded at this moment, and the atmosphere of the Sea Lantern Festival officially reached its climax. Next, it was time for them to enjoy this wonderful short time.

(End of this chapter)

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