Chapter 254 Southern Cross Fleet

Three days have passed since the end of the Sea Lantern Festival. After a brief carnival, people's lives gradually returned to their original state, even Lin Yan was no exception.

However, he has an important thing to do today, and that is to visit Beidou, the leader of the Southern Cross Fleet.

Beidou's Southern Cross fleet is the only fleet in Liyue that can take them to Daozu, although Lin Yan asked Ningguang to fetch three tickets to Daozu from Beidou.

But after hearing this, Beidou said that she would only consider agreeing to this request if Lin Yan took the initiative to find her.

If this is the case, then Lin Yan should go to see the Captain Beidou who made Tianquan Xingguang feel such a headache.

Because more than one person was involved in this matter, Lin Yan took Yula and Xiaobai with him, and notified Ying and Paimon.

Soon, they gathered at the pier of Liyue Port, but there was something wrong with their faces.

"What's wrong with you two?" Out of concern for his friend, Lin Yan asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night." Ying's tone sounded a little disappointed, and Lin Yan could tell at a glance that she was lying, but he didn't expose it.

Since Ying didn't want to tell him why, he wouldn't ask.

"Speaking of which, do you know where Beidou is? Although it's a fleet, they won't stay in the port for a long time, right?" Paimon asked.

In the port of Liyue Port, there are countless commercial ships coming and going every day.In order to prevent the port from being blocked by too many ships, the Liyue Seven Stars set iron rules. The flagship of any fleet is not allowed to stay in the port for too long. Once discovered, they will be severely punished.

If you want to stay for supplies, you can only go to a location far away from the port.

Although Beidou's character is very rebellious and always likes to ignore the rules, they will not do some things that may affect Liyue's development.Therefore, even if the flagship of the Southern Cross fleet wants to stop for supplies, it will obediently go to a location farther away from the port for supplies.

"I asked the General Affairs Department yesterday, and they said that the flagship of the Southern Cross Fleet [Death Omen] is stopping near Guyun Pavilion for supplies." Lin Yan said, "It's not too late, let's go to Guyun Pavilion as soon as possible. .”

Lin Yan knew about the Death Omen, he had seen it in the game, although he didn't see Beidou himself on the ship, but there was a rock god pupil and a world quest that was hard to find.

But what he said later made everyone cast strange glances at him.

In the game, there are only two ways to board the Death Star.The first method is to use [True Monarch of Frozen Ice Crossing the Sea] Kaiya, and walk over the ice in Liyue Port.The second method is to go to the highest place of Guyun Pavilion and fly directly to the Death Star.

Of these two methods, the first method is relatively safe, and accidents are rare, while the second method is faster than the first method, but it is often impossible to board the ship due to lack of physical strength or incorrect adjustment of the flight angle.

"Uh..." Lin Yan realized at this moment that this is not a game, but reality.If they want to board the Death Omen, they don't need to be as troublesome as in the game. They only need to rent a boat from Liyue Port, and they can easily board the Death Omen.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, let's rent a boat and go there." Laughing a few times in embarrassment, Lin Yan now can't wait to find a hole in the ground and go straight in.

After the episode, they borrowed a small boat from the fishermen who hadn't gone out to sea at the pier, and took it to the direction of Guyun Pavilion.

From the front, there is nothing near Guyun Pavilion, and if you go around to the back, you can see a huge ship moored on the sea.

That was the flagship of the Southern Cross Fleet - the Death Omen.

"Who are you!"

When they were still some distance away from the Death Omen, they were discovered by the people on board, who immediately issued a warning to them and asked them to report their identities.

"We're here to find Captain Beidou!" Lin Yan was not someone with evil intentions, so he yelled at him without any guilt.

After the crew on board repeatedly confirmed that they were only here to set up the Big Dipper, they were allowed to board the ship.

As expected, the Death Omen Star is the well-known flagship in Liyue. The furnishings inside are very luxurious, and it looks like a venue where dignitaries and dignitaries gather.

In fact, Liyue does have a ship that only people with high reputations can board. It usually stays on the sea not far from the port. Lin Yan and the others saw it before they came to Guyun Pavilion.

"This is the Death Omen." Paimon looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help sighing, "As expected of Liyue's most famous fleet, I don't know what kind of person that Captain Beidou is. "

Under the leadership of a crew member, several people found Beidou, who was standing at the bow of the ship enjoying the sea view.

Beside Beidou, there was a white-haired young man wearing a foreign costume. Lin Yan had no impression of him, but he could tell at a glance that he was not simple.

Being able to stand beside Beidou at such leisure, I am afraid that this white-haired boy has the highest status in the entire Southern Cross fleet, except Beidou.

But Lin Yan guessed wrong. The young man's status in the Southern Cross Fleet was not high, and he could even be said to be inferior to some ordinary crew members. The reason why he was able to stand beside Beidou was purely because Beidou trusted him.

"Oh? You are?" After several people were brought in front of Beidou, she first sized them up carefully, and then suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, so that's the case. I didn't expect that you would really come to me."

Looking at this, Beidou seemed to recognize Lin Yan and the others, and from the beginning, she guessed that several people would come to find her.

"You should be the travelers who repelled the crowd of fools and the demon god of the vortex Oser, right? I have heard about your deeds. Not long ago, that old woman Ningguang came to me in person and said that she would let me Give her three boat tickets to Daowa."

"I wondered at the time, how could Lord Tianquan, who is usually aloof, humbly beg me to do something? I found out after asking, that she did it for you. I said at the time, if you want a boat ticket If not, then let them come to me by themselves, I didn't expect you to actually come."

It can be seen that Beidou was very surprised by Lin Yan's arrival, and at the same time, from her words, Lin Yan could also feel her recognition of herself.

He wasn't very familiar with Beidou, he thought he was a difficult target, but he didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to.

In this way, it will be easy to handle. If there are no accidents, then Beidou will easily agree to their request.

Just when Lin Yan was about to speak, the white-haired boy standing beside Beidou suddenly turned around.

He looked at Ying and Paimon, thought for a long time, and said, "It's really an interesting creature. No, it's nothing, it's just that I not only feel the breath of wind and earth from the two of them, but also a little... huh? Starry sky the taste of."

Inexplicable rhetoric, let alone love them, even Lin Yan was puzzled by the young man's words.

(End of this chapter)

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