Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 295: The Clues of Feimu Village

Chapter 295: The Clues of Feimu Village
He has spent about 10 minutes here with the puppet and sword ghost, and it is time for the battle to end, after all, he still has to bring crystallized bone marrow to Changji.

The moment the puppet sword ghost launched an attack with the mask, Lin Yan used an elemental burst to hit its body precisely.

The violent thunder element bloomed in the air, and had a diffuse reaction with the wind element of the puppet sword ghost, forming a puff of thick smoke that could completely block people's sight.

After the thick smoke passed, Lin Yan only heard the sound of mechanical damage. When he saw the puppet sword ghost again, the opponent's body had become dilapidated, and even the gears in the body could be clearly seen.

If Lin Yan has the talent to study mechanics, Lin Yan will definitely check the body structure of this puppet sword ghost, because if it is used as a weapon, it can hardly find any shortcomings, even the holder of the God's Eye is very familiar with it. It is difficult to defeat it, let alone an ordinary person without God's Eye.

It's a pity that Lin Yan only has a high school degree, and his academic performance is too low due to his mediocre talent, so he has no interest in Golem Sword Demon at all. Even if he is interested, he has no ability to study it.

The puppet sword ghost who was hit hard was still trying to struggle. Its body twisted and approached Lin Yan step by step. However, it didn't take long for a burst of intense sparks to burst out of its body, and it completely lost itself. ability to act.

Kneeling on its knees, it even dropped its mask on the ground. Judging from this, its functions should have been completely destroyed, even if it is now a pile of scrap iron, it would not be an exaggeration.

Lin Yan just glanced at it, then turned his head and continued to walk in the direction of the head of the snake god.

It's just that after the magic armor was released, he didn't notice that on the mountain not far away, a man wearing a warrior costume was standing there, staring at him closely with empty eyes.

The opponent was attracted by the sound of the battle. Behind him, there was a shrine that looked very dilapidated but was very neat.

He just stood on a high place and watched Lin Yan silently until his figure disappeared completely.

Not long after Lin Yan left, he arrived at the head of the snake god.

In fact, when he was in Feimu Village, he could see the head of the Snake God, because the skull of the Big Snake Demon God is really too big, as long as there is nothing to block his sight, he can hardly see it in the whole Yalong Island The place.

If there is anything particularly noteworthy about the head of the snake god, it should only be the skull of the big snake demon god.

When it was beheaded, the mouth appeared to be open, so the skull's mouth was also open.If you want to ask how big its mouth is, I can only say that it is more than enough to swallow dozens of adult males at the same time.

Moreover, there are a lot of unpicked crystallized bone marrow in the head of the snake god. Lin Yan just circled around and found more than 20 crystallized bone marrow. With these, Changji should tell him What happened on Yarui Island?

With nothing else to do, Lin Yan climbed to the highest point of the skull, he wanted to see the scenery of Bayun Island, although his vision was so dark that he might not be able to see anything.

The top of the Snake God's skull should be the highest point in the entire Bayun Island. Because there is no mark on the map, Lin Yan doesn't know if this is the case.

The world in front of me is very dark. From a distance, it seems that there is only one place where I can stand in this world, without any vitality, as if everything will be quietly annihilated in the thunderstorm.

Suddenly, Lin Yan seemed to see a light in the distance, but because the environment was too dark, he couldn't tell where it was.

Judging from the distance, it doesn't seem to be Feimu Village. There is still some distance from Feimu Village, but it is not very far.

That is to say, besides Changci, are there other people on Yalong Island?
After standing still and thinking for a few seconds, Lin Yan immediately slid down from the top of the snake god's skull.

Once the terrain becomes lower, the field of vision will become narrower, so Lin Yan can no longer see those lights.

But he started to search based on his memory. Although he was a little uncertain, he still chose to go back to Feimu Village. Maybe the villagers there came back?
It's a pity that when he came to Feimu Village through the muddy land, it was still dead and silent, and there was no trace of anyone coming.Those lights cannot be seen here, indicating that those people do not live in Feimu Village, but in other places.

Lin Yan was about to go to other places to have a look, but at this moment, he accidentally bumped into a cart that fell on the side of the road. Just as he was about to stand up again, he saw a note on the cart .

This was an unexpected harvest for him. When he came to Feimu Village, he didn't investigate because there was nothing on those carts from a distance.Unexpectedly, the clues were actually on top of these carts.

Since the note had been completely soaked by the rain, in order to prevent it from being damaged, Lin Yan could only lie on the cart and carefully read the contents on it.

[The war is still going on, and the leaflets on both sides are nothing but empty talk.They don't care about us at all]

[Feimu Village has accommodated too many people who fled from the mine, and the food supply has bottomed out.We have to gather everyone’s belongings and distribute them according to the plan, and we must set aside some money to buy food from nearby pirates]

[In any case, the shrine near the snake bone always needs to be maintained by a special person. Since everyone is afraid of something invisible and intangible like [Spirit God], this matter can only be done by me as the village chief]


[Many people fell ill, and more people have one or another kind of problem, it is difficult to do physical work.It can't go on like this]

【That guy Baoben is a liar at all. He only cooks soup with viburnum melon and sugar for us to drink. It can’t be cured if he takes it from above】

【That kid used to look like he was doing nothing, so he was really unreliable】

After reading the contents of the note, Lin Yan learned something more.

For example, the shogunate army and the rebel army, although they issued leaflets to the residents of Yayu Island, in fact, the two of them have no time to pay attention to these ordinary residents. Even if they go to the two camps, they will not get any information. help.

This note seems to be written by the village head of Feimu Village. Judging from the fact that he has taken in many refugees, he should be considered a responsible person.

Being able to buy food with money from the surrounding pirates shows that those pirates are not unreasonable people, and they will not directly slaughter their entire village like in the TV series.

Of course, it's also possible that those pirates were sympathizing with the villagers of Feimu Village, so they didn't do things to the extreme.

Because they couldn't get medical treatment, the villagers of Feimu Village had more or less ailments of one kind or another. These ailments might not take their lives in the first place, but they would slowly torture them.

In addition, there seems to be a guy named Baoben in the village. His occupation should be a doctor, but he doesn't know how to cure this disease, so he can only cook it with pansy melon and sugar, but it doesn't work. Drugs that want to make those who are sick feel better psychologically.

(End of this chapter)

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