Chapter 296 Roster
This kind of thinking is very good, and the initial effect is definitely good, but as time goes by, those who are sick find that their condition has not improved, and the lie of capital preservation will naturally be broken without breaking through.

This is probably what was written on the note. It is easy to understand, and it also overthrows Lin Yan's previous understanding of the results of those residents of Bayun Island.

He originally thought that all the residents of Yalong Island went to Jiutiao Zhenwu to seek help from Tianling Fengxing, but in fact, Tianling Fengxing didn't have the energy to pay attention to them at all, because they still had to fight the rebels.

Therefore, these poor residents can only go to Feimu Village to seek help, and the final result is only to self-destruction.

Therefore, those residents who disappeared from Bayun Island should all have died, and died under the infection of the god of evil.

Now the only two confirmed survivors are Nagaji and his mother.

Although these things have nothing to do with him, Lin Yan's heart will still become extremely heavy when he knows the result.

Obviously, they are just a group of ordinary people who have nothing to do with the world, and have not been affected by the war between the shogunate army and the rebel army, nor have they been assigned to pursue extremely high tax exploitation.But the sudden evil god took the lives of most of them.

So many lives were lost just like that, and the ones who survived in the end were estimated to be less than one-tenth of the original number.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan couldn't help clenching his fists. He didn't think he was a man of justice, but he really couldn't bear some people who regarded human life as nothing.

God of God is definitely not formed naturally, it must be caused by human force, maybe the person who released God of God did not do it intentionally, but he has caused such a result, he is no longer worthy of forgiveness.

If there is a chance, Lin Yan wants to find that person, even if he doesn't kill him, he should give him a good lesson.

Of course, if it was fools who released the gods, then he would kill without hesitation.

Since the first useful clue had been found in Feimu Village, Lin Yan wanted to see if there were any other missing clues here.

He first checked all the carts that had fallen on the side of the road, but to his surprise, he actually found the second clue.Like the first clue, the second clue was also a note, so Lin Yan immediately began to check the content on it.

[The only doctor in the village also went insane, we tied him up and locked him in the cellar.Only in this way will he not hurt others or himself]

[Right now, the only thing we can do is to pray, hoping that our thoughts can reach the ears of His Royal Highness, so as to end this war]

[We should gather everyone at the shrine. In this case, everyone’s spirits are very fragile. As the village head, although he is deeply troubled by his incompetence, he should at least give everyone a hope.]


[Shingo said he heard the [God's word], it's ridiculous]

[Changci's mother is here again, and she prays alone at the shrine every day.For the sickness, or for the husband?I'm sorry that as the village head, I couldn't help their family]


【Locking up Shingo, he tried to attack Changji's mother, he really went crazy!I had to apologize to her on behalf of Himimura】


[There are always voices in the ear, buzzing very noisy.Maybe I haven't slept well these days, it's time to rest】

[The auditory hallucinations have not improved, and my head hurts]

It can be seen that the content of this note follows the note just now.From this note, Lin Yan obtained more information.

Mainly Changci's mother, she appeared in this note, that is to say, she had been to Feimu Village, and often prayed at the shrine in Feimu Village.

She also seemed to be infected by God of God, and her husband, Changji's father, most likely died of God of God's infection.

But Changji's mother was a little different. Although she was infected by the God of Creation, she did not die.

Combining the letter found in the mine before, Lin Yan can deduce one thing.Changji's mother had antibodies in her body that could resist the power of the gods, so she survived and was sent to a place far away from Yalong Island.

In order to prevent the evil god from infecting Changji, she did not choose to bring her beloved son with her. Perhaps when she came back, the evil spirit's problem would be resolved.

Of course, she may eventually die under the power of the god of evil.

In addition, besides killing people, God can also make people crazy. For example, the doctor named Shingo has been infected by God and became crazy. Because of his madness, Fei Kimura lost the only one who can The hope of curing evil spirits.

Moreover, in the last two sentences of the note, the village head of Feimu Village said that he often had auditory hallucinations, and auditory hallucinations would also cause headaches, as if a voice kept ringing in his mind.

This is very likely to be a precursor to madness, that is to say, the village head of Feimu Village may not have died, but has become a mentally disturbed person just like Shingo.

As for where he went, I don't know. This is Lin Yan's second visit to Feimu Village, but he didn't see anyone at all, which means that the village head is not in the village.

After finding the second clue, Lin Yan continued to search in the village, trying to find more clues.

He checked all the carts, but found nothing again.

There were no clues on the cart, so he checked all the wooden houses in the village again. He thought that he would not gain anything, but suddenly saw a manual under the eaves of a wooden house.

There is only one part of this manual, and the other parts have been torn out, so it is incomplete.

But even if it is a broken manual, it is very likely that Lin Yan is interested in it.

Opening the manual, Lin Yan saw such a line on the first page.

[Roster of villagers in Feimu Village]

It can be seen that this is a stack of rosters, starting from the second page, and it is also full of names.

The front is quite normal. While the names of the people are written, their ages and final endings are also marked.

Most of them died due to the infection of the god of evil, and only a small part died of other factors or survived.

But from a certain page, the content of the roster began to become a little strange.

The names of the people are also written, and the ages are also marked, but their endings are things like [sacrifice], [unification], and [calling].

Some people have a question mark written in the ending, it seems that they have not ended yet, or this is the person on the list, but they have not been found yet.

After reading all the names, the next content changed.

[The property left behind by the above people is stored here, and used as bait to attract life sacrifices for [his] return]

After this sentence, two more names appeared on the next page, but when Lin Yan saw these two names, Lin Yan noticed some changes in his expression.

【Eldest mother, about 32 years old (?), missing.This person is pleasing to [him], and he will find it]

[Unnamed foreigner, looks like a teenager, about to be seduced]

Changci's mother appeared again, but this time the content was completely different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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