Chapter 297 Someone
It can be seen that this should be the roster used by the head of Feimu Village to register the household registration of villagers, but from the second half of the roster, the content began to become strange.

Words like sacrifice appeared more than once, and it was also the "he" mentioned many times.

【Who is he?Lin Yan didn't know, but he wanted to know very much.Also, what does it mean that Nagaji's mother is [his] joy?Could it be that [he] likes Changji's mother very much?

Changji's mother disappeared and was not found because she went elsewhere.But the phrase "must find it" can show the other party's determination to catch Changji's mother.

So who wrote the contents of this roster?The first thing Lin Yan thought of was the village head of Feimu Village.Because it can be seen from the second note that the village head of Feimu Village has appeared insane Gigabytes, and now he is very likely to have been affected by the God of God and become unconscious.

The so-called [sacrifice] should mean killing the other party.In other words, the insane head of Feimu Village has killed many people so far.

Obviously in the previous two notes, he showed a strong humanity, but now he has become like a walking dead.

Lin Yan wanted to see him very much. If possible, he would be rescued. If not, then he would be released directly.

It's a pity that there is no one in Feimu Village, and no one in Bayun Island is willing to stay for a long time now. The influence of the evil spirit has not ended, and it is very likely that it will spread to other places as time goes by.

Speaking of it, the reason why Lin Yan came to Feimu Village seemed to be to find those lights, but he almost forgot this purpose.

So, Lin Yan left Feimu Village, but he couldn't say he left. He just started searching around Feimu Village, trying to find the lights he saw before.

A seven-day god statue stands near Feimu Village. In the dark environment, only it emits a faint light.

Lin Yan didn't pay attention to it, but at this moment, he saw a shimmering light behind the statue of the Seven Heavens.

After taking a closer look, Lin Yan actually saw a small wooden house there, and the lights he saw before seemed to come from the oil lamps in the wooden house.

Overjoyed, Lin Yan immediately wanted to go to the wooden house to check it out, but when he ran past the Seven Heavens God Statue, he didn't notice that there was a cliff in front of him.

If it wasn't for the obvious downward trend of the ground, he probably would have fallen straight down.

Stopping at the moment before falling, Lin Yan looked at the cliff valley more than ten meters deep, and even his head felt dizzy.

Below the cliff is the sea water, but what makes people feel a little strange is that the color of the sea water is actually purple, or that the surface of the sea water keeps emitting a strange purple mist.

Lin Yan immediately took out the map of Bayun Island and found this place on it.

There is no narrow space to think about.

Soon, Lin Yan also sensed extremely strong thunder elements from above the purple mist, as if as long as he fell into it, those thunder elements would paralyze his body.

Moreover, Lin Yan could tell at a glance that this narrow space of Wuxiang Blade was not formed naturally, but man-made.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to create such a large valley with the current technology of Daozuma, and it is difficult to do it even with the use of elemental power.

But soon, Lin Yan thought of a person who could create such an exaggerated terrain by himself.

General Thunder.

General Thunder and Lightning is one of the seven rulers in the world, and every demon god in the seven rulers has the ability to change the terrain.

For example, Barbatos, the god of wind, directly used the hurricane to blow away the snow that covered Mond, and completely changed the original terrain of Mond.

Morax, the rock god, had not ascended the throne of the rock god at that time, but he was able to use the rock spear he threw casually to create a huge terrain like Guyun Pavilion.

General Thunderbolt is also one of the seven rulers of the world. As a second-generation god, she may not be as powerful as the first-generation god, but if she wants to create a terrain like the Wuxiang Blade, I'm afraid she can do it easily.

Perhaps she used this knife to directly kill the big snake demon back then.

Of course, these are not things that Lin Yan should care about now. What he should care about most now is how to reach the other side of the valley.

At a glance, Yagu extends directly from one side of Bayun Island to the other side, and there is no place for people to pass through.If Lin Yan wanted to go there, he might have to build a bridge by himself.

Of course, Lin Yan would not do such a troublesome thing as building a bridge, so he chose to activate the magic armor, and then used the super jumping ability of the magic armor to jump directly from the position where he was standing to the other side of the valley.

It also made a loud noise when it landed, and even made the ground tremble twice.

After reaching the other side of the cliff valley, Lin Yan removed the magic armor, and then walked straight towards the wooden house. Since the oil lamp was lit in the wooden house, it meant that there must be someone inside.

The owner of the wooden house didn't seem to notice Lin Yan's appearance, but when he came to the wooden house, a row of fences blocked Lin Yan's way.

Then, he chose to step over the fence directly. Before knocking on the door, Lin Yan planned to observe the surrounding environment of the wooden house.

There is nothing particularly eye-catching, but there are many tools used to store things around the wooden house, as well as some herbs placed in the tools.

Lin Yan couldn't name these herbs, but they seemed to be used to make soup.

Could it be that the person living in the wooden house is actually a doctor?

With doubts, Lin Yan chose to knock on the door of the wooden house. Because the rain outside was loud, he knocked on the door harder than usual, just to prevent the other party from hearing.

Unexpectedly, not long after Lin Yan knocked on the door, the lights in the wooden house went out.

What is this?Could it be that the owner of the wooden house directly issued an order to evict the guest before they met?That's too embarrassing.

Of course, Lin Yan would not just leave like this. The oil lamp was extinguished, indicating that there must be someone in the wooden house, but for some unknown reason, he didn't seem to want to meet him.

He continued to knock on the door for about 5 minutes, but the other party seemed to be unable to take it anymore, so he chose to open the door.

"I've said it all! I won't join the Rebel Army, I just want to develop a medicine that can treat the gods, so don't bother me anymore."

When the door opened, a young man came out, holding a lighted oil lamp in his hand, which allowed Lin Yan to see his face clearly, and at the same time, he also saw Lin Yan's face clearly.

Impatient was written all over his face. Lin Yan could get some information from what he just said.

The Rebel Army seems to want to invite him to join, but he only wants to develop a medicine that can treat the gods here, so as guessed, he is a doctor.

"Huh? You're not from the rebels?" Because the rebels usually wear uniforms, their identities can be seen at a glance.

But what Lin Yan was wearing was not the uniform of the Rebel Army, which showed that he was not a member of the Rebel Army.

(End of this chapter)

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