Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 312 Heading to Qinglai Island

Chapter 312 Heading to Qinglai Island

It has been more than ten days since he tasted meat, and he is going to Qinglai Island tomorrow, so of course Lin Yan will not let go of such a good opportunity tonight.

So, tonight will be destined to be a sleepless night.

When he woke up the next day, it was already noon, and Lin Yan found that his body was actually close to Yula, and the pajamas of the two were randomly discarded in various corners of the room. It seemed that they had done something last night. A little over the top.

Lin Yan put on his clothes, and then cleaned up the messy room. After all, this is someone else's place, and it would be rude to leave it alone.

After cleaning up the room, Yura still hasn't woken up. After the battle last night, she was very tired, and she is still asleep even now, without any sign of waking up soon.

Looking at Yura who was so tired because of himself, Lin Yan didn't wake him up, but came to the tea room hall alone, where Kamisato Ayaka and the others had already prepared breakfast. No, it should be said to be lunch .

Xiao Bai was grabbing the food on the plate and eating it. Beside her, there were empty plates piled up like a small mountain. If it was Lin Yan, he would have stepped forward to stop her prodigal behavior.

But Shenli Linghua not only didn't mind, but instead arranged for the servants to continue preparing food for Xiaobai.

After all, it is a big family, so they can't afford it.

Thomas was lying on the chair like a dead pig, with one hand on his stomach, his face was a little purple.

Without even looking, Lin Yan knew that Thomas and Xiaobai had a showdown on food intake.

But it was obvious that Xiaobai's food intake was more than [-] million chips. Because Thomas was unwilling to lose, he ate a lot of food and finally became what he is now.

It is worth mentioning that Aya Kamisato also thoughtfully prepared two lunches for Lin Yan and Yula.

Of course, Lin Yan was not polite, and chose to eat lunch directly, because outside, the security of Tianling is very strict, and even the shops that sell breakfast, lunch and lunch will be strictly inspected. What a hassle.

During lunch, Lin Yan and Shenli Linghua chatted and laughed, but because Thomas didn't join in, the topic of their chat seemed a little boring.

After lunch, Lin Yan will set off for Qinglai Island.Just like when he went to Balang Island, he specially prepared a map of Qinglai Island, but he searched many places and found that the map of Qinglai Island in every store was not as detailed as the map of Balang Island.

Out of curiosity, Lin Yan asked the owner of one of the shops, and from the other party, Lin Yan learned the reason.

Qinglai Island is one of the six main islands of Inazuma, just like Yarui Island and Narugami Island, but since hundreds of years ago, Qinglai Island has been covered by an extremely violent thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm has lasted for hundreds of years, even if it has not dissipated until now, so over time, Qinglai Island has become the most dangerous main island of Daozuma.

Therefore, the painting of the map of Qinglai Island is not as detailed as that of the map of Baying Island, because no one dares to go to Qinglai Island.

In this way, Qinglai Island is still a place with a high risk factor, almost equivalent to the Longji Snow Mountain in Mond and the rocky abyss in Liyue, both of which are the most dangerous areas in the country.

However, the rock abyss was strictly prohibited from entering under the strict regulations of the Liyue Seven Stars. Although Longji Snow Mountain and Qinglai Island were equally dangerous, the West Wind Knights and the Inazuma Shogunate did not issue an order not to enter.

It may be because doing so would consume too much manpower and energy, and they felt it was not worth it, so they didn't do it.

Of course, these three places are dangerous for ordinary people, but for Lin Yan, they are just a slightly more challenging dungeon.Failure is impossible to fail, unless the other party is a Demon God or the seventh ruler of the world.

After getting the map of Qinglai Island, Lin Yan prepared dry food and water, and went to the pier below Daozuma Castle to take a boat.

Qinglai Island and Narugami Island are not connected, and the distance is much farther than the distance between Narugami Island and Kannazuka. Even if you take a fast boat, it will take about half a day.

The pier of Narugami Island is also heavily guarded, even more than the soldiers patrolling the streets.

After such a thing happened, Tianling Fengxing has issued an order that no one is allowed to leave Narugami Island by boat. Even those who return to Narugami Island from other islands must stay in the designated place for seven days.

Of course, Lin Yan didn't need to care about these things. He was indeed blocked by the soldiers at the dock at the beginning, but as soon as he took out the special approval pass for Tianling Xingxing on his body, those soldiers all looked forward to him, and even rushed to send it off in person. He goes to the destination.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Yan actually asked a soldier to take him to Qinglai Island, because only in this way can he maintain the illusion of his lofty status.

The boat set off, this is a fast boat, the speed is very fast, but the hull is very small, it can only accommodate four to five people at the same time.

Qinglai Island is located on the south side of Mingshen Island. The place where Lin Yan saw dark clouds and flashing thunder at the statue of the Seven Heavens on the outlying island before is Qinglai Island.

Even though the boat was traveling on the sea, Lin Yan could still see Qinglai Island in the distance, even though there was still a long distance, because the thunderstorm above Qinglai Island was too conspicuous. Wife can be seen anywhere.

As expected, the boat successfully arrived at the coast of Qinglai Island after sailing at sea for half a day.Because of the environment of Qinglai Island, there is no base for the practice of Tianling here, and there are even no traces of human activities. Only some adventurers who are keen on exploring will come here.

According to the sign on the map, Lin Yan should be on the coast at the upper left of Qinglai Island. Not long ago, there was a place called [Yueshi Village], but the map indicated that the place had been abandoned, indicating that Yueshi Village No one lives in it.

It is worth mentioning that the area of ​​Qinglai Island is larger than that of Bayun Island, but one thing is that nearly half of the island's map is submerged in sea water. Although the water depth is very shallow, the real land area is far less than that of Naruto Island. God Island and Yayu Island.

Although Huzhai Palace told Lin Yan to come to Qinglai Island, she didn't specify where to go on Qinglai Island.

Qinglai Island has five areas as a whole. In addition to the [Yueshi Village] mentioned just now, there are also [Qinglai Maru], [Asase Shrine], [Tianyun Pass] and [Pinghai Village].

If Lin Yan had to investigate these five areas one by one, Lin Yan would probably waste a lot of time and energy like he was on Baleng Island, which is not worth it.

Therefore, he can only judge the area that is most likely to allow him to solve his inner doubts based on his directness.

According to the terrain on the map, the thunderstorm on Qinglai Island seems to be located directly above Tianyun Pass, so in the color painting on the map, the overall color of Tianyun Pass appears a thunderous purple.

In fact, the overall color of Qinglai Island is purple, but only Asase Shrine is not, so the two places of Tianyun Pass and Asase Shrine are the areas that Lin Yan should check first.

(End of this chapter)

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