Chapter 313 Asase Shrine
Just do what you say, because Asase Shrine is relatively close to his current location, so Lin Yan chose to go there first.

Asase Shrine is located on the west side of Qinglai Island. Because there is no introduction about Asase Shrine on the map, Lin Yan doesn't know what it is there for.It's just that from the name, it should be a shrine, but in this extremely harsh environment, is that shrine really still there?

Unexpectedly, the shrine is still there.When Lin Yan arrived at Asase Shrine, he found that the environment here was different from other places on Qinglai Island.

On the way here, Lin Yan could hear the roar of thunderstorms in the sky all the time, and the environment on the island was very poor. Because there was a thunderstorm cloud above his head that was enough to cover the sky, he couldn't see the sun at all on the island.

But all of this was different after Lin Yan arrived at Asase Shrine. Not only could he see the sun here, but he would not hear the roar of thunderstorms. any damaged areas.

A huge cherry blossom tree is close to the shrine. The trunk of the cherry tree is very thick, even thicker than the trunk of the sacred cherry tree Lin Yan saw at Narujin Taisha.

It's just that the trunk of the cherry tree is only half left, but even so, it still looks extremely huge. On the branches on both sides of the trunk, there are countless cherry blossom petals falling, stacked on the ground that no one has walked by for a long time. on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that although the shrine is well preserved, the walls of the house are covered with weeds. It can be seen at a glance that no one has cleaned it for a long time, which is really strange.

The most important thing is that Lin Yan guessed correctly, Asase Shrine is indeed a place worth investigating, because the environment here is completely different from that of other places on Qinglai Island.

If other places on the island give people a sense of suffocation and depression, then Asase Shrine gives people a sense of comfort and coziness. If you sleep here, you will definitely be particularly comfortable.

Of course, Lin Yan doesn't have time to sleep now, and he will never forget his purpose of coming here.

Turning around here, Lin Yan found that there was nothing special about Asase Shrine except that the environment was different from other places on Qinglai Island. If Asase Shrine was transferred to Narugami Island, then It will become an ordinary shrine that can no longer be ordinary.

Just one thing, there are a lot of wild cats around the shrine for some reason, as if someone took them in and brought them here.

Not only that, there are many cat-head-shaped stones around the shrine, and some stones even have cat paw prints left long ago.

Lin Yan really couldn't think of how to connect the two things, the cat and the shrine.

Now, except for the house of the shrine, Lin Yan has investigated other places, but found nothing useful, so he walked to the house with anticipation and began to look around.

The house is well preserved, and there are many moss visible to the naked eye on the surrounding walls. All Lin Yan can see are a few wooden boxes that have been abandoned.

Still haven't found anything.
"Hah, finally there are humans here."

Just when Lin Yan was about to leave with a look of disappointment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side. He looked around excitedly, but he didn't see anyone.

"Hey! Here I am, pointing my nostrils at people. No, it's very impolite to point my nostrils at cats, meow." The voice sounded again, and Lin Yan heard it clearly this time, the voice sounded from beside his feet of.

He looked down, and saw a black cat that appeared at unknown time was standing there. It raised its head and looked at Lin Yan, and then jumped onto the stage of the shrine.

"What's the situation?" Lin Yan's mind suddenly stopped. If he was not mistaken, it seemed that it was the cat who spoke just now.

Wait, cats can talk?Although there are indeed many talking creatures in this world besides humans, ordinary animals should not be included among them.

Although Taromaru is a very human Shiba Inu, and was even appointed as the owner of the Mule teahouse by the Shinri family, no matter how you say it, it is not outrageous enough to talk.

But the cat in front of me is actually... Sure enough, this shrine is not simple, and it is worth investigating.

"Why don't you talk? Are all human beings so rude nowadays? Meow." Seeing Lin Yan standing there like a fool, the black cat immediately said in a dissatisfied tone.

Lin Yan finally came to his senses at this moment. Although it was difficult to accept a talking cat in a short period of time, these were not comparable to his purpose of coming to Qinglai Island.

Since this cat can talk, it must have the ability that other small animals do not have, and it can even answer some questions for Lin Yan.

"That. Little cat, why are you here?" Really didn't know how to address the other party, so Lin Yan simply used the simplest address. Before asking the other party a question, he must know why the other party appeared here.

"What kind of kitty, what a disrespectful human being." Unexpectedly, the other party didn't like Lin Yan calling it that way, "It's true that the slave's family is a cat, but the slave's family has a name."

"My family's name is Neko, and I'm now the deputy secretary of this 【Asase Shrine】. Before you appeared, no one had been to the shrine for a long time, so don't worry about me being able to speak, meow."

The cat who claims to be Neko, who claims to be Daimiyaji of Asase Shrine.The palace secretary is a position that every shrine will have, just like the palace secretary of Narugami Taisha Shrine is the Yae Miko, so the residents of Narugami Island will call her [Yae Gongji].

Neko is the acting secretary of Asase Shrine. As the name suggests, she is acting as the acting secretary, just like Qin is the acting head of the Zephyr Knights. Because the person in charge is out for some reason, she manages an organization instead of the other party.

But isn't a shrine a place where people pray to the gods?It would be inappropriate for a cat to act as the deputy palace secretary, and I don't know what the shrine palace secretary thinks.

However, Asase Shrine is located on Qinglai Island, and its terrain is remote. Few people come here. Even if the shrine is abandoned, it is estimated that few people will know such a place.

If you think about it this way, it seems that the owner of the shrine had to make such a decision because of the helplessness of the situation.

Moreover, if it were someone else, they would have been unable to bear the loneliness and chose to leave long ago. Only small animals like Neko who don't need to interact with people can manage the shrine for such a long time.

"So... Jingzi, as a human being who came to the shrine after such a long time, can you tell me about the island?" Knowing the identity of Jingzi, now, Lin Yan only needs to learn from it. Just ask for some useful information.

I don't know if the other party will be so easy to be fooled. If it was a human being, I would probably refuse without hesitation when I heard this, but Zizi is a cat, so I shouldn't think so much.

If Zongzi also has the same way of thinking as humans, then he will doubt whether the other party is a human being, and he just turned himself into a cat on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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