Chapter 60 Empty (Please recommend a ticket)

Breathing gradually accelerated, cold sweat slid down his forehead, and then dripped from the inside onto the magic armor.

Lin Yan really did not expect that Kong would appear at such a time, which is completely inconsistent with the plot in the game.

According to the plot of the game, Sora should appear after Ying and the others defeated the demon god of the vortex [Oser], and met Dyensreb after the angel's gift.

But now, Kong just appeared in front of him alive like this, with his indifferent expression staring at him like a god of death.

Lin Yan couldn't think of a reason to come to him when he was free. If, like the lady, it was because he hindered them, it would be unreasonable.

The Abyss Religion intends to use Tewarin, the former family member of the Wind God, to realize the idea of ​​​​eliminating Mond, but even if this plan fails, it will not have a particularly large impact on them, because the goal of the Abyss is not in Tivat, or Not in this world.

Their goal is [Tianli] on Sky Island.

The two confronted each other for an unknown amount of time, and suddenly attacked Lin Yan with a long sword in their hands.

"So fast!" The naked eye did not see Kong's shadow at all, even if he was wearing a magic armor. When Lin Yan reacted, Kong had already appeared in front of him, and the long sword in his hand was swung down heavily.

The long sword struck the demon armor, and Lin Yan suddenly felt a tearing pain, as if his whole body was cut off in the middle.

The magic armor will not be destroyed, but its defense is limited. Once the strength of the opponent's attack exceeds this limit, Lin Yan will suffer damage.

Right now, Kong just used an ordinary blow to directly break through the defense of the magic armor. Lin Yan has never encountered such a powerful opponent. Even if he is a lady, he can survive a few tricks, but this It seems that his strength is more than one level stronger than himself.

Lin Yan once watched a discussion on a certain forum, and guessed that the two brothers and sisters fell to the Tivat continent and fell into a deep sleep after being defeated by Tianli, and the place where they fell asleep was later Kanrui. sub kingdom.

Later, Tianli led the seven gods to crusade against Kanria. During this period, the two brothers and sisters woke up and witnessed the destruction of Kanria and the true power of Tianli.

After that, one of the brothers and sisters fell into a deep sleep again, and at the same time lost the memory of the incident, and woke up again after 500 years.The other person became the leader of the abyss, and through hard work, he recovered his original strength.

In the world Lin Yan lives in, his elder brother Kong has become the leader of the abyss, which may be why his power is so powerful.

The blow didn't directly kill Lin Yan. Seeing him who was about to fight back, Kong raised his right leg with a cold expression, and kicked him flying dozens of meters away.

If Lin Yan hadn't hit a wall, he might have flown farther.

There was a sharp pain in the abdomen, which was the result of Sora's kick.

Lin Yan endured the severe pain and didn't let himself cry out. Now he is really scared, because the other party looks like he wants to kill him.

Of course he is not willing to die here like this, there are two ways in front of him now, one is to escape to Ying's side, if Ying is there, Kong may let him go for her sake, but obviously However, the other party would not give him a chance to escape to Ying's side.

Another way is to use the game plot he is familiar with to convince Sora. Since [Abyss] and [Tian Li] are enemies, as long as he shows that his enemy is also [Tian Li], he may be able to gain a chance.

Otherwise, when the power of the magic armor is exhausted and automatically removed, he will surely die.

Enduring the severe pain and getting up from the ground, seeing Kong slowly approaching him, Lin Yan tried his best to calm down his fear.

"Some things, maybe I can talk to you." Lin Yan tried to negotiate with Kong.

"I have nothing to talk about with you, because in my opinion, you are just trying to fight for a chance of survival for yourself." Kong immediately exposed Lin Yan's thoughts, but Lin Yan did not give up because of this.

"At least let me know why you want to kill me, is it because I hinder you?"

"Hinder? Are you referring to the matter related to the Fengshen's family? No, I don't care much about that matter. The reason why I want to kill you is because your current performance has been included in the list that may be harmful to [ Abyss] on the list of threats."

"So, before you grow up, I have to erase you to avoid future troubles." Kong explained to Lin Yan why he wanted to kill him.

Hearing Kong's reason for killing himself, Lin Yan immediately found an insertion point: "Since I am an existence that may pose a threat to [Abyss], does that mean that I can also cause damage to [Tian Li]?" threaten?"

When Lin Yan mentioned the word "Tianli", Kong's hand holding the long sword suddenly trembled, and he stopped when he moved forward. A look of disbelief appeared on his originally indifferent face.

"You actually know [Tian Li]?" Kong said, and then put away the long sword, because he felt that the other party seemed to have the qualifications to negotiate with him now.

"Of course I know," Lin Yan said, now, it's time for him to start to take the initiative on the field, "Not only do I know [Tian Li], I also know who you are, the Highness of the Abyss Cult, or Ying's brother , I even know your name, Sora."

Sora's expression gradually began to change, and he asked Lin Yan to continue talking.

"I know that the two of you, brother and sister, traveled through the worlds, but when you were about to leave this world, you were attacked by a strange god, and then fell into a deep sleep. After you woke up, you found that the place you were in A war is breaking out, and the leader of the enemy army is the strange god who attacked you."

"Because you lost your original strength, you can only run away and watch a kingdom be destroyed like this. Later, the remaining people of the kingdom turned into terrifying monsters, and they also had a new name—— 【Abyss】. You have become the king of the abyss, and through hard work you have regained the power you once had."

"Later, you learned the identity of that strange god. She is the existence that gave the seven gods the authority to rule. If the seven gods are the gods of mortals, then she is the god of the seven gods, and the person in this world who knows her existence , call it [Tianli].”

"Oh, by the way, when you embarked on a journey to regain your strength, there was a companion with you. If you remember correctly, his name should be Dyensreb. Now, for some reason, you Fall out, and he hates the abyss very much, even now, he is still chasing the traces of the abyss all over the world, and destroying them one by one."


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(End of this chapter)

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