Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 61 Lin Yan: My Lord Almost Disappeared

Chapter 61 Lin Yan: My Lord Almost Disappeared (Please recommend a ticket)
"You know so much?" To be honest, after listening to Lin Yan's words, Kong began to feel a little uneasy.

Originally, he just wanted to get rid of the other party, but he didn't expect him to know so many things about himself. Although there are some discrepancies in the timeline of some things, there is nothing wrong with the overall content.

This made Kong a little curious about Lin Yan: "Who are you? Why do you know so many things? I haven't seen you before we implemented the plan to use the Fengshen family to destroy Mond."

The eyes of the Abyss Religion are all over Tivat, and there is almost no one they don't know. A strength like Lin Yan can already threaten their existence, and it is impossible for him not to know.

Lin Yan explained: "Like you brothers and sisters, I am a traveler from another world, uh. Rather than being a traveler, it might be better to say that I was forced to come here."

As he said that, Lin Yan remembered the system that brought him here, and that thing never appeared after he was given a novice gift package.

Others' systems give a hack every two days and then take off directly. My system just gives a novice gift package and then goes fishing. Barbatos, I call you an immortal!
Barbatos: ? ? ?
When Dangkong heard that Lin Yan was actually a traveler from another world like them, the maliciousness in his eyes suddenly became less malicious: "So, you are also from another world, no wonder you seem to appear out of thin air, and I have never seen the power you use in this world."

"But if that's the case, I'm even more curious. Why are you so familiar with things in this world even though you are from another world? Could it be that you, like me, have actually been here a long time ago, but have been here for a long time? Are you all asleep?"

There is nothing wrong with Kong's doubts. It is really strange to think about it carefully. Lin Yanming, as a visitor from another world, is so clear about the affairs of this world.

Perhaps, Kong never imagined that Lin Yan, including the entire Tivat, was just a fictional world.

If it weren't for the slow update of the main line of Huyou, Lin Yan wouldn't have to follow the protagonist group at all, and he would be able to develop by himself.

"It's not like you," Lin Yan shook his head and said to Kong's question, "I didn't sleep in this world. As you can see, I came to this world after the Dragon Calamity incident. As for Why am I so familiar with things about this world? Everyone has their own secrets, so I can't tell you."

"There is another point, what I want to tell you is that although I am hindering your abyss now, it does not mean that I will be an enemy of the abyss. On the contrary, my enemy is the same as you, who are in Sky Island. Tianli]."

Hearing this, Sora frowned: "With all due respect, if you regard [Tianli] as your enemy, you still don't have the right to do so."

"It seems that although you are very familiar with what happened in this world, you don't understand the true strength of [Tianli], she is stronger than you imagined, even if you don't have to do it yourself, just use [wear and tear], she It can make the seven gods change, and the more dissatisfied with her seven gods, the more serious the [wear and tear] they will suffer."

After a pause, Sora continued.

"You have successfully aroused my interest. I don't believe that you won't be an enemy of the abyss, but in my opinion, you don't have the motivation to be with [Tianli]. You didn't mention it just now, maybe because you didn't Not sure, but I can tell you."

"Although the Seven Gods were given the right to rule by [Tian Li], it doesn't mean that they must submit to her. After the catastrophe 500 years ago, the Seven Gods' dissatisfaction with [Tian Li] began to increase day by day."

"But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction. After all, they only have this idea. Until recently, one of the seven gods has established a huge army of his own and has taken real practical actions. The other six earthly rulers I have already noticed this, and I am helping him in my own way."

"So, in the current Tivat, the three forces of [Abyss], [Tianli], and [Seven Gods] are in a tripartite situation. On the surface, they don't seem to have any big moves, but secretly they have already acted. And in my opinion, if you don't join any of these three parties, then there is a good chance that you will become a fourth party in the future."

After finishing speaking, Sora turned his gaze to the tower, and stared at the direction of Ying.

"I won't kill you this time. If you die suddenly as a companion, she will definitely feel very sad."

"Take good care of her. Now you are not qualified to be an enemy of [Tianli], and I don't trust you. But in the future, when she reaches the end of the journey, if you are still there, I will fight with you." You join hands and fight against [Tianli] together."

After finishing speaking, a teleportation tunnel suddenly appeared behind him, and after Kong walked into it, he disappeared in place.

Seeing Kong leaving, Lin Yan slumped on the ground. After the magic armor was removed, he could see the cold sweat on his head.

He was only one step away from death, if Kong insisted on killing himself, then he would not be able to escape the fate of death at all today.

Fortunately, Kong is not a decisive person, especially when Lin Yan said that he also came from another world, there was even a touch of kindness in his eyes.

"Damn it, I was so scared to death." After tonight, Lin Yan would never believe the plot of the game again, because he had been tricked countless times, and this time he almost lost his life.

Sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Lin Yan regained his composure, stood up from the ground, and then returned to the tower.

He is the slowest one. Qin and Di Luke have found the second light guide mechanism and successfully activated it. Of course, Ying and the others needn't talk about it, because the first light guide mechanism is in the tower.

"Why is it you every time?" Paimon, who had been waiting on the spot for a long time, hugged his chest with dissatisfaction.

Lin Yan ignored her, because he was not in the mood at all now, and looked at Wendy. At this time, Wendy's expression seemed a little unnatural. He stood alone in the corner, as if he was thinking about something.

This may be related to Sora's appearance. It is very likely that Wendy has noticed his existence and recognized his identity.

But according to this, Wendy should have met Ying as early as 500 years ago when Kanria was destroyed. Why did he pretend not to know each other when he met her for the first time?
Not only him, but also the rock god Morax who disguised as Zhongli when he came to Liyue later.

However, Lin Yan doesn't have the time to delve into these things now, because with all the light guiding organs activated, the seal blocking their way has also been successfully lifted.

Next, they will go to the top of the tower for the final battle with Twarin.

(End of this chapter)

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