Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 94 Diona's Claw, Lin Yan's Pain

Chapter 94 Diona's Claw, Lin Yan's Pain

"Lin Yan!" Seeing Lin Yan lying motionless on the ground, Yula hurried over to check his condition.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious about the other party, but he was lying on the ground not knowing what to do.

There were claw marks scratched by Diona all over her face, and Lin Yan's carefully arranged hairstyle was also scratched like a honeycomb at this moment, which can be described as extremely embarrassing.

Supported by Yula, he sat up from the ground, saw Diona still looking at him with complaining eyes at the wine table not far away, and subconsciously covered his face with his hands.

The other drinkers in the tavern also noticed this place, and cast curious eyes on this side.

Touching Lin Yan's scratched face distressedly, Yula looked at Diona, but she didn't intend to blame her.

"Diona, I proposed to come here for a drink." After confirming that Lin Yan was fine, Yula began to explain to Diona, "He is my lover, and today is our first date. It’s going to be weird, but it’s true.”

"He is not very good at drinking, so I want him to taste your special blend. Compared with ordinary wine, your special blend will taste better, although the taste of alcohol will be lighter, but maybe he is Like this."

"I'm sorry that as a friend, I didn't comfort you when you were in a bad mood. Instead, my decision caused you to become even more angry. Since you said that you will not sell alcohol today, I will take him away now. Diona, I hope we can drink your special drink when we come next time."

After finishing speaking, Yula helped Lin Yan up and led him out of the tavern.

Seeing this scene, Diona froze for a while, then immediately stopped them.

"and many more!"

The two turned their heads at the same time when they heard Diona's shout, but the way Lin Yan was scratched was a bit funny, and even amused the drinkers who were casting curious eyes from a distance.

"Don't you just want to drink my special blend? Today I will let you two drink enough." Walking to the bar, Diona picked up the mixing glass and started to adjust it. It seemed that she realized that she had done something wrong, so she Decide so.

However, her arrogant personality made her never choose to admit her mistakes, even if she scratched Lin Yan's face again.

The other drinkers immediately cheered when they heard Diona's words, because of Diona's special tune, it is rare to drink it a second time in a day.

"You have no share! If you drink any more, get the hell out!"

But Diona's sudden cry made them completely dispel this idea.

He obediently sat back on his seat and continued drinking. No one wanted to provoke Diona in this state.

Because they all know what the consequences are.

After seeing Diona start mixing drinks, Yula helped Lin Yan to sit at a wine table.

Lin Yan, who finally regained his composure, couldn't help reaching out to touch the scratch marks on his face, but he withdrew his hand the moment he felt the severe pain.

Soon, Diona came over with two glasses of special cocktails.

"Here, yours." She looked extremely domineering with her hands on her hips, but her tone of voice was not as tough as before, "Although I don't want to admit it, there are not many people in Mond who have better bartending skills than me. "

The words seemed to be boasting, but Diona's tone seemed a little helpless. Obviously, she didn't want to be the best bartender in Mond, nor did she want anyone to be.

The drinkers sitting together in the distance saw Diona holding two glasses of special tunes in front of Lin Yan and the others, and immediately showed envious expressions.

But after being glared at by Diona, they quickly looked back.

Afterwards, she wagged her tail and returned to the bar, and before leaving, she told the two that if they didn't have enough to drink, they could continue to look for her.

After Diona left, Lin Yan focused all his attention on the wine glass in front of him.

Unlike the wine drunk in Angel's Gift, Diona's special blend is not clear, there are many sediments, and even the slime that has not been fully integrated into the wine can be seen with the naked eye.

Although he already knew that Diona's special tune had this style, but after seeing it with his own eyes, Lin Yan hesitated.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, thinking about whether to drink the glass of wine.

When looking up at Yula, the other party took a sip of the wine glass naturally, as if there was nothing strange about the taste.

Seeing this, Lin Yan mustered up the courage to pick up the wine glass, closed his eyes, and took a sip with his lips.

Soon, he tasted the taste of wine.

The taste is strange but not strange, sweet and sour, with a hint of alcohol.

It's not much different from the wine I drank before, but I don't know why, but the taste is better.

After taking another big sip, Lin Yan seemed to have slowly accepted the taste, and the more he drank, the better he got.

Soon, he drank all the wine in the glass, leaving only some residue still attached to the wall of the glass.

"How is it? Diona's special blend, it tastes great." Yula couldn't help asking when she saw that Lin Yan had finished the wine by herself.

"The taste is really good," Lin Yan nodded in agreement. "It's wine, but I think it tastes more like the drinks in my hometown. If it doesn't add alcohol, it might be more like it."

Diona's special blend tastes a bit like the carbonated drinks that Lin Yan had drunk, that's why he drank it so fast.

It was the excessive sediment that made him a little unaccustomed to drinking the residue in his mouth.

"I'm really sorry, the good date atmosphere was ruined like this. I didn't explain clearly to Diona. Because she wanted to destroy the Mond wine industry, she hated those who like to drink. Although you are not good at drinking, But she seems to treat you like those drunks."

Seeing the scratches on Lin Yan's face, Yula remembered what happened just now, and felt a little guilty.

If she hadn't offered to come to the Cattail Tavern, but had gone to Angel's Gift, maybe it wouldn't be what it is now.

Lin Yan himself felt nothing about it: "It's okay, it's okay, if you want to blame, you can only blame me for not avoiding it in time."

"Speaking of which, didn't you say that Diona hates people who like to drink very much? But I see that you and her seem to get along very well, and you don't seem to be hated at all."

Recalling the scene when Yula and Diona met, Lin Yan found something wrong in combination with what she just said.

Diona obviously hates people who like to drink, but Yura likes to drink so much, why is their relationship still so good?
In this regard, Yura's explanation is: "Because Diona became the bartender here in order to [destroy Mond Liquor]; and I joined the Knights in order to be able to [revenge the Knights]."

"When we met for the first time, we didn't really have a pleasant chat. It wasn't until later that we discovered the similarities between the other party and ourselves, and lamented that such a coincidence can happen in the world. Over time, our relationship became very harmonious."

(End of this chapter)

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