Genshin Impact: A set of magic armor at the beginning

Chapter 95 Lin Yan: I was just one point away

Chapter 95 Lin Yan: I was just that close

After listening to Yula's explanation, Lin Yan suddenly realized.

Originally, he thought that when the two tsunderes met, there would be a bloody battle, but what he didn't expect was that they had already known each other, and they were still good friends.

As a result, Lin Yan seemed to be the only one who suffered in the end. Without some special measures, it would take at least half a month for the scratches on his face to recover.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan wanted to cry, but he had no choice but to go to the bar and order two more glasses of Diona Special with tears in his eyes.

Time passed little by little, probably because the taste suits his own taste, so Lin Yan drank a lot of wine, even no less than Yula.

The drinkers in the tavern have changed from batch to batch, only the two of them have no plans to leave.

Lin Yan's face was slightly red, and he was half drunk at this time.

Although the alcohol content of Diona's special blend is relatively low, if you drink too much, you will still get drunk easily.

What's more, he didn't know how to drink, and he didn't have a general understanding of his drinking capacity.

Yula's situation is not much better than his, because she later ordered special drinks with high alcohol content, so she was more drunk than Lin Yan.

"Oh, this is the first date, it's so boring." With her elbows on the table, Yula propped up half of her face, and held the wine glass with the other hand.

I thought dating was a romantic thing, but it turned out to be no different from the last time I drank, the only difference might be that the atmosphere was a little more ambiguous than last time.

"It's really boring. It seems that we have to change the place for the next date. For example, go to Zhaixingya to see the scenery, which is much more romantic than drinking here." Lin Yan said, because this was his first time drinking Drunk, but still sober, so the subconscious told him that he was not drunk.

After saying this, Yula suddenly stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek without warning.

Surprised by the other party's sudden action, when Lin Yan reacted, Yula actually took the initiative to hug herself.

With her face pressed against her chest, Yura placed her hands on Lin Yan's back.Now she feels like a kitten nestled in the arms of its owner.

But if she knows this kind of thinking, she will definitely be angry.

Behind the bar, Diona, who accidentally saw this scene, turned red in an instant, and she turned her head with a soft snort, as if she no longer looked at this side, but she glanced from the corner of her eyes from time to time.

On the other side, Lin Yan, who was not mentally prepared in advance, seemed at a loss. With no place to rest his hands, he simply grabbed a handful of hair to see if he was dreaming.

Facts told him that this was not a dream, and Yula, who was usually very conservative, was actually throwing herself into a hug.

Was this also caused by being drunk?That's really fucking badass.

"It's...a reward for you." Yula said in a baffled voice, Yura seemed to be really drunk, but not as drunk as last time, "It's just... a little touch. It's okay."

Lin Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and then instantly understood what the other party meant.

His mouth kissed Yura's flushed face.Feeling a little dissatisfied, Lin Yan actually showed his teeth and lightly bit the opponent's cheek.

Yula's body seemed to be trembling slightly at this moment, seeing that she didn't resist him, Lin Yan was extremely excited.

A small hand suddenly grabbed him.

Turning his head to look, it was Diona who was blushing looking at him with a kind of resentful eyes.

"The tavern is closed, get out now!" She said in an orderly tone, and her voice also made Yula wake up a little bit, and immediately broke free from Lin Yan's arms.

Recalling what happened just now, Yula's face quickly became hot. After hesitating for a while, she lowered her head and quickly ran out of the tavern.

Seeing this, Lin Yan immediately chased after him.

After the two left, Diona was still standing there with her waist in her arms.

"The blushing Miss Diona is also very cute." The drinkers in the distance couldn't help sighing at the same time when they saw this scene.

Until Diona yelled at them while blowing her hair: "It's closed! Get out of here!"

The drinkers who felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere immediately left the tavern, no one wanted to provoke her now.

On the other side, Lin Yan, who came to look for Yula outside the tavern, chased her all the way, and finally found her by the lake outside the city.

Running to her side, Lin Yan patted her on the shoulder lightly, only to find that she was covering her flushed face and her body was still shaking.

Not knowing how to speak, Lin Yan just looked at her quietly.

After a long time, it seemed that she had calmed down a bit, and Yula slowly removed her hands covering her face.

Turning her head to look at Lin Yan at the side, her face was still a little flushed: "What happened just now."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Yan interrupted her: "It's okay, it's okay, after all, you're drunk, so it's normal to do some abnormal things than usual, and I didn't do anything to you."

Thinking of this, Lin Yan couldn't help shedding disappointing tears.Obviously, he was almost able to succeed, but Diona's sudden appearance ruined his good deed.

The sense of shame made Yula sober up a lot, and after seeing Lin Yan's brisk face, she was also gradually affected, and her mood calmed down a little.

"That's it for today, let's go back." After she finished speaking, she stood up, but found that her trembling legs made her unable to stand still.

Lin Yan quickly supported her to prevent her from accidentally falling.

So Yura was supported by him like this, and walked towards the city step by step.

After arriving in the city, Lin Yan helped her walk towards the dormitory.

During this period, Yula found that whenever she heard Lin Yan's breathing, her heartbeat would speed up unconsciously.

Because as soon as she heard the other person's breathing, she would think of what happened in the tavern just now.

At that time, she also had a hot head after getting drunk, that's why she acted like that.Now that I think about it, it's really embarrassing.

Ignoring the surprised gazes of the pedestrians around, when the two arrived downstairs in the dormitory, Yura was finally able to leave by herself.

"That." When it was time to say goodbye, Yula suddenly said something to Lin Yan, "Although the first date is not as romantic as I imagined, I am still very happy."

"In addition, as compensation for my last move, I can let you kiss again."

Hearing Yula's words, Lin Yan was not polite, and quickly bit her face with his mouth.After the bite, a line of shallow teeth marks were left on the opponent's face.

Touching the teeth marks on her face, Yura turned and walked towards the dormitory building after Lin Yan blushed and said goodbye.

Lin Yan stood where he was, watched her disappear, and then chose to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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