Invincible Storage Ring

Chapter 184 The Floating Clouds in the Sky

Chapter 184 The Floating Clouds in the Sky

Yesterday Su Yuxian and Cheng Zhaolong came back and found out that Cheng Keshu had caught a cold. Su Yuxian immediately felt guilty and wanted to stay at home to take care of Cheng Keshu, but Cheng Keshu insisted that Zhao Dong take care of her. There were a lot of them, and I really couldn't spare time, so I gave Zhao Dong a good instruction, and went to busy with business matters early the next day with Cheng Zhaolong.

Cheng Keshu's cold was very severe this time. Although she didn't have a fever as bad as the first day, her body was also very uncomfortable. She just wanted to sleep all the time. She would definitely not be able to go to class, so on Monday Zhao Dong also took care of her at home. .

She called Zhang Ping and asked for leave. This is someone in the school who knew about his relationship with Cheng Keshu, so it was easy to ask for leave. Zhang Ping also specially asked Zhao Dong to take good care of Cheng Keshu. She has always liked Cheng Keshu very much. She was also very comforted that Zhao Dong's grades had improved during this period.

Seeing Cheng Keshu lying on the bed and falling asleep in a daze, Zhao Dong took his laptop and sat beside the bed to surf the Internet.

He didn't go out recently, and he felt a little itchy. It's too wasteful to have this storage ring and not use it. Looking at the materials of the world's major museums, Zhao Dong really wants to take some time to visit them again. The Japanese old man collected it. The things are just some ordinary things. If you go through those museums once, you will definitely gain more.

However, always going abroad is easy to make people suspicious. It is better for Zhao Dong to wait for some opportunity before going out, so at this time, he can only take a look first, and get some back when he is not sure when he has the opportunity. It could not be better.

I haven't played the game for a long time, and Zhao Dong has completely lost interest in playing it, and during this period of time when I was online, I didn't get in touch with the catharsis on Q, and the video of that time with catharsis has already been regarded as only one time by Zhao Dong The accidental love affair, although I miss it occasionally after the end, but now he can often be with Masako Nakata, and can have some small activities with Ruan Xue, so he no longer deliberately studies whether there is such an opportunity to vent* * up.

But today when Q was online, Zhao Dong saw a head portrait that was lit up. It turned out to be Su Rina’s Q. Since she came back from Japan for the second time, Su Rina had no news, and Zhao Dong also called her twice. But Su Rina didn't answer, which made Zhao Dong know that Su Rina might just want to forget about it, so it's not good to harass her anymore. Although she has been added to Q, she has never seen it. She went online, but she didn't expect to see Su Rina today.

Zhao Dong immediately thought of Su Rina's beautiful face, those special sapphire-like eyes, that happy smile, and that sad and resentful gaze. He couldn't calm down anymore, and his hands typing on the keyboard trembled. A few words "Sister Nana! Are you there?".

But there was no response on Q, as if Su Rina was not there, but the avatar was always on.

"Sister Nana! Are you okay?" Zhao Dong sent another message.

After waiting for a while this time, Q suddenly flashed, and then a line of words jumped out: "It's good, I had a good time, I'm in Los Angeles, I just took a shower, and I'm getting ready to go to bed now."

Seeing that Su Rina said so happily, Zhao Dong felt a little lost for no reason, and immediately said: "So you are there, I really want to play with you."

"Hey, come here, or I'm not going to be strong by myself." Followed by a mischievous smile.

"Then I'm really going, don't think I'm afraid."

"Ah, you won't really come, will you?"

"So what, I haven't seen you for so long, and you don't answer your phone calls. I can only go and catch you real."

"Who said I won't answer, it's just that I had something to do during the two times you called, so it's inconvenient to answer."

Zhao Dong was overjoyed and said, "Then why don't you call me back?"

Su Rina paused for a while and said, "I'm afraid it will affect you."

Looking at these words, Zhao Dong really couldn't tell what it was like. He could feel that Su Rina still liked him very much, otherwise he wouldn't have said that, but he wanted to say something at this time, but it didn't feel like it. So suitable.

"I knew that once I contacted you, you would definitely feel embarrassed, okay, okay, let's talk about something else, how are you with your little girlfriend recently?"

"Very good!" Zhao Dong could only answer truthfully.

"Send me a picture to see."

"Okay!" Zhao Dong immediately found a photo of Ruan Xue and sent it to Su Rina.

"What a cute little girl, I said you kid, didn't you harm others?"

"No way, am I that kind of person?"

"Come on, you have harmed me twice, such a cute little girl, can you hold back?"

"Is it just an accident between me and you? Otherwise, it would be too late for me to be respectful to you. How could I be so nonsense."

"Is that so...that were also an accident?"

Zhao Dong suddenly remembered the incident of him kissing Su Rina and touching her breast that morning, and said awkwardly, "That day...was it uncontrollable."

"Go, go, go with your little girlfriend. I can't help it. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to bed. I'm going to be exhausted after playing all day today." After saying that, Su Rina went offline directly.

Looking at the darkened profile picture, Zhao Dong felt a little lost. This Su Rina was like a floating cloud in the sky, sometimes very close to him, sometimes far away from him, and Zhao Dong would never be able to figure it out. her true heart.

"Dongzi, I want to drink some water." At this moment, Cheng Keshu's voice came from behind.

Zhao Dong quickly closed the computer, and when he turned around, he saw that Cheng Keshu had sat up, and his spirit seemed to be much better. He was so absorbed in chatting with Su Rina just now that he didn't notice that Cheng Keshu had sat up, and he didn't know if Cheng Keshu was watching. Seeing him chatting, he quickly said, "I'll pour it right away."

After drinking some water, Cheng Keshu became more energetic again, and said, "I feel better, lend me your computer to play for a while."

Zhao Dong agreed, and quickly handed over the computer.

Cheng Keshu turned on the computer and said, "By the way, last time I saw a photo of you and Su Rina on Xiaoxue's phone, do you have any more, let me see it too?"

Ruan Xue mentioned it to Zhao Dong earlier, Zhao Dong just hesitated at this moment, and immediately said: "It's in the photo folder of the E drive."

Cheng Keshu opened the folder, and flipped through the photos one by one, but said hesitantly, "Isn't this Su Rina's photo?"

Zhao Dong glanced at it and said, "Another sub-file."

"Oh, what are these? Why are they all in Japanese?"

Cheng Keshu pointed out that those photos were copied inadvertently from Su Rina's camera last time. Zhao Dong had already seen them, and said casually, "It's nothing important, I forgot to delete it."

"Oh..." Cheng Keshu wasn't interested in those things either, and opened another file at this time, and soon saw the photos of Su Rina and Zhao Dong.

"There are so many!" Cheng Keshu glanced first, and there were more than 700 photos.

"Well, the last time I went to Japan, I took a photo when Su Rina and I were hanging out together."

"Yeah, the photos are really good. Su Rina's life photos are not at all worse than those on the lens. This is the real beauty."

Zhao Dong chuckled and said, "You are no worse than her."

It was someone else who said it, so it seemed a bit frivolous, but Cheng Keshu didn't take it seriously when Zhao Dong said it, and said with a smile, "He's a big star."

"Are celebrities also human beings? If Keshu were to become a celebrity, she would definitely be so popular."

"I don't sing that well." Cheng Keshu smiled, and continued flipping through the photos.

At first, there were only photos of the two of them alone. Cheng Keshu didn't think anything of it, but when he saw the group photo of the two of them, he looked at Zhao Dong strangely. The more he looked back, the more surprised the expression on her face became. , until she turned to the last one, she raised her head and looked at Zhao Dong suspiciously, and said, "Dongzi, it looks like you are very familiar with Su Rina?"

Zhao Dong couldn't help feeling a little guilty, but he still nodded and said, "We've met a few times, and she's treated me pretty well because of Shen Yiru's relationship."

"Really... I look at this photo, why do you feel like... a couple."

"Couple!" Zhao Dong's heart skipped a beat, and he blushed and said, "Do you think Su Rina and I will become a couple?"

Cheng Keshu was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "It's true, you are only a high school student, and everyone is a big star, how could she treat you as a couple."

"That's right..." Although this reason can convince countless people, every time Zhao Dong hears it, he will feel very depressed. He is so bad, so there is nothing he can do to match Su Rina?
"Heh... But it's really the first time I saw Su Rina taking such pictures with a man, and they were so intimate. If these pictures are released, it will definitely cause a great sensation."

Zhao Dong shook his hands anxiously, and said, "Then don't, if you send it out, Sister Nana will definitely kill me, let's keep it to ourselves and appreciate it."

"Heh... Do I gossip like that, but I'm also very proud. Our younger brother has such a good relationship with Su Rina. No wonder I was able to get her autographed photo before, Dongzi... You really make me look down now Tou, you seem to be getting more and more mysterious?"

Zhao Dong made a haha, and said, "That's because we haven't been together for a short time, and you will always understand me in the future."

"Oh... yes, it seems that our contact time is still short, but the time is still long, and we will always understand you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, the atmosphere was very warm...

 Regardless of whether it is successful or not, I made an appeal yesterday, and there are so many book friends voting. I am really relieved tomorrow, thank you all!

  Thanks to ladyfox, hyacinth A, za2262, little book friend, Han Jiangjiao, parallel line, Jue Lian de baby, Gushan Ao Song, Deng Wuyin, full-time various snipers, cw3493, abc821023, xxdd, Liufeng, Xiliang guest vote The monthly ticket issued, thanks to Zhuifeng Guye, Guyan=Death for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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