Invincible Storage Ring

Chapter 185 I Marry You

Chapter 185 I Marry You

After taking care of Cheng Keshu at home for two days, Cheng Keshu became much better. On Tuesday, Zhao Dong came to Huafeng Group to find Shen Yiru.

Shen Yiru is still wearing a professional suit, but it's not like summer at this time, but it's all a kind of dark-colored clothes, with a fleece inside, but it doesn't affect her proud figure, the whole person is still so refreshed , shrewd and capable, especially the proud breasts, which are even more straight and plump, as if they are about to break out.

When Zhao Dong came, she was looking at something in the office. When Zhao Dong came in, she motioned for Zhao Dong to sit next to him for a while. She didn't come to Zhao Dong's side until she finished reading the document and gave instructions.

"Wait in a hurry." Shen Yiru took a glass of water for Zhao Dong and handed it to Zhao Dong.

Zhao Dong said with a smile: "No, sister Yiru is the big manager. I'm afraid to disturb you when I come." His eyes subconsciously stayed on Shen Yiru's chest. When he had sex with Su Rina for the first time, he When he woke up, he didn't see Su Rina's naked body, but he saw Shen Yiru lying on his body with his upper body naked. Normally, Zhao Dong didn't think much about seeing Shen Yiru, but when he saw Shen Yiru, he would Can't help but think of the beautiful scenery that day.

Shen Yiru hadn't noticed Zhao Dong's gaze yet, but she gave Zhao Dong a blank look, and said, "This little mouth can talk, no wonder the coaxing Su Rina still misses you."

"Ah, Sister Nana told you about me again?" Zhao Dong looked at Shen Yiru nervously.

"She didn't ask clearly, but she always asked me what I was doing. She didn't want to ask me if I saw you. I really don't understand. Even if something like that happened to you that time, but She is an adult after all, why is she still so stupid, I don't know how you coaxed her into this."

At this time, Zhao Dong looked at Shen Yiru stupidly, and his heart was in a mess. If someone else said this, Zhao Dong would doubt it, but if it came from Shen Yiru, Zhao Dong would believe it. Su Rina really has feelings for him, but she keeps avoiding them because of their identities, ages and Zhao Dong's girlfriend.

"Hey, hey! Where are you looking?" Shen Yiru suddenly turned sideways, and gave Zhao Dong a sullen look.

Zhao Dong was stunned for a moment. It turned out that when he was thinking about Su Rina just now, his eyes were always on Shen Yiru's chest. Although there must be no evil thoughts at this time, it is too much to look at Shen Yiru so blatantly. It was impolite, and suddenly said awkwardly: "Sister Yiru, I didn't mean that, I just lost my mind just now."

"Huh! You dare, look around again next time, and see how I deal with you." Shen Yiru gave Zhao Dong a shudder, but his face also secretly turned red, and the embarrassment of that morning was also remembered in his mind. scene.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Zhao Dong repeatedly agreed, but Shen Yiru reminded him, so he still couldn't help but glanced at it.

"Look!" Shen Yiru was even more embarrassed, twisted Zhao Dong's arm and stood up.

Zhao Dong exclaimed with some grievances: "Sister can't blame me, you said you are right in front of me, so I can't help but look at you, that's not purposely looking there."

Shen Yiru also felt that she was really guilty of being a thief, so she gave Zhao Dong a blank look and said, "Remember, what happened that day was just about you and Nana, don't involve me in it."

"This... I didn't dare either."

"Well, why did I mention this as soon as I saw you? I haven't told you the business yet." Shen Yiru shook her head and said, "Two days ago, a friend asked me to help me bring him from Yunnan. Come back with something, I think you have to ship this month's goods, can you help me bring them back by the way?"

Not to mention Su Rina, Zhao Dong also lost some embarrassment, and said: "That's no problem, what Sister Yiru said is my business, I just don't know what to do?"

"It's just some specialty products in Yunnan. In fact, they can be shipped back by courier, but those things are also very expensive, and they are also relatively fragile. If you let the courier toss, you will lose a lot of money. Ship it yourself. It also lacks freshness when it comes back, and the value will drop a lot, you are quite good at making these things, so I recommend you, and after shipping it back, there will be a shipping fee of 30."

Zhao Dong immediately said: "Whether there is money or not, it's just like my sister said."

"Oh, you are rich and powerful now, so that's it. I'll ask him to call you later to contact you."

"Yeah! Thank you, sister Yiru, for finding business for me. By the way, sister Yiru, my family has opened a logistics company now. Let's see if you have any other business that you can take care of."

"Logistics company?" Shen Yiru frowned, and said: "Except for some hard-to-ship items, our company has signed contracts with other logistics companies, and it may not work to change it hastily."

"Ah!" Zhao Dong couldn't help being greatly disappointed. He thought that the relationship with Shen Yiru was so good, but it was just a matter of one sentence. It turned out that it was not as simple as imagined.

"However... I can help you contact some business, and our company will soon re-convene the logistics bidding meeting. At that time, if you go to participate, I will try my best to help, but I can't hurt us because of personal relationship. For the company's interests, Dongzi, don't say that your sister is not giving you face."

Zhao Dong nodded and said, "I understand, it would be great if sister Yiru could help me like this."

"Heh... whoever asked you to help me solve the big problem of orange oil, I should help you, or if you don't ship it to me someday, I will really have a headache."

"By the way, sister Yiru, is that Guo Yufeng still pestering you?"

Shen Yiru's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he sat down on the sofa in a slumped manner, and said, "Now it's no longer a matter of pestering, the wedding date has already been booked for me, that is, after the eighth day of the Lunar New Year." Now it is already It's December, and this year's Chinese New Year will be at the end of January. Roughly, it seems to be two months away.

"Ah! You agree?" Zhao Dong's eyes widened involuntarily. This news really shocked him.

"Ha... Is there any room for me to speak? My dad and his dad just booked this matter, as if they were the ones who got married." Shen Yiru laughed at herself, and her mood suddenly became much lower.

"Then you will accept your fate?" Zhao Dong frowned, looking at Shen Yiru dissatisfied.

"Accept fate...I don't want to admit it...but what can I do? Do I want to elope too? But I don't even have anyone to elope with."

"How come? If a beauty like Sister Yiru doesn't want to marry him, there must be many people who want to be with you."

"Hehe..." Shen Yiru smiled far-fetchedly, and said: "Yes! You are right, if I say now that I want to elope, I am afraid that many people will rush to take me away, but... In this way I Can you be happy? What is the difference between this kind of emotionless elopement and being with that guy Guo Yufeng? And I also betrayed my relatives, wouldn’t it be worth the loss.”

"Sister Yiru, have you never been in love?"

Shen Yiru closed his eyes for a moment, and then said slowly: "There was once, but when my dad found that guy, he threatened him a few words, and then threw it to 100 million, and he obediently stopped contacting me immediately. " Shen Yiru made a deep self-mockery, and said with a smile: "It's really ridiculous, in his eyes, I'm worth 100 million."

Zhao Dong suddenly said angrily, "That's right, you fucking bastard, if it were me, don't say give me 100 million, even if you give me [-] billion, put a knife on my neck, I will marry you!"

"Hehe... In your eyes, am I still so valuable?" Shen Yiru laughed amused by Zhao Dong's words.

"That is!" Zhao Dong said solemnly: "In my heart, Sister Yiru is a priceless treasure. If Sister Yiru is my girlfriend, I will marry you even if I die!"

"Heh...then you marry me now, lest you take advantage of that bastard Guo Yufeng."

"Okay! Then I'll marry you!" Zhao Dong replied without thinking.

Shen Yiru was joking, but seeing Zhao Dong's more and more serious expression, he suddenly froze, looked into Zhao Dong's eyes, burst out laughing suddenly, and said, "You little guy, you're only as old as you are." I want to marry a wife, besides, you haven't even settled your little girlfriend and Nana, and you still want to marry me, so don't make your sister happy."

Zhao Dong was laughed at by Shen Yiru, and he also felt that he had said this too much, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Aren't I worried for you, my sister? When I think of you marrying a bastard like Guo Yufeng, I feel so scared. It's painful to die."

"Oh... so what, a woman always wants to marry..." Shen Yiru just smiled, and then looked lonely again.

"Sister, too! Let me ask you a question, how can you not marry that bastard Guo Yufeng, or in other words, under what circumstances will your father cancel this marriage?"

"Under what circumstances...cancel it?" Shen Yiru looked at Zhao Dong in astonishment, and then slowly said: "Unless my father breaks friendship with Guo Yufeng's father...or... that bastard Guo Yufeng dies."

"Okay! Then I'll kill that bastard." Zhao Donghuo stood up immediately.

Shen Yiru was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Zhao Dong, saying: "Dongzi, don't be impulsive, this is a big crime, don't scare my sister."

At this time, Zhao Dong laughed, and said: "Just kidding, I can be so stupid, we are also a senior high school student, and we are not legally illiterate. I will not pay for my life if I kill someone."

Shen Yiru gave Zhao Dong a blank look, and said: "It really scared you to death, sister knows that you are good to me, but I will find a way to solve this matter, this is a matter of my life, I will definitely not be so easy to let go marry him."

Zhao Dong nodded, but his eyeballs kept rolling, which made Shen Yiru secretly worried, this kid wouldn't really try to study Guo Yufeng, would he?
 Thanks to the fellow of Keelung, Yao Jiaolong, who played chess with the princess for the reward, and thanks to the book friend 18963632e for the monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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