Chapter 118 The Heartless Prince's Secret?

"Xiaoqian, come over quickly to see, is the new variety of rose blooming here?"

"Yuejun, slow down!" The waiter named Xiaoqian, gasping for breath, yelled at the gorgeously dressed man not far away.
He bent down, picked up a small flower in the flowerbed, sniffed it gently, an elegant smile came from his nose, and a satisfied smile unconsciously appeared on his lips

"She likes roses the most. If she saw this kind of red and white roses, she would be speechless in surprise."

Thinking of it, that person's Qingcheng's small face showed surprise, and Leng Yue's heart seemed to shoot into a ray of light

Seeing what Yuejun said about her, he mistook her for the queen, so he quickly comforted her
"Concubine Yue, don't be sad, the queen will definitely come"

Since Yuejun moved into this palace, although he has been rewarded by the queen, the queen has never stepped into the palace, and the poor Yuejun is always forced to smile
Knowing that Xiaoqian misunderstood, he smiled lightly and continued to play with flowers without any explanation.

On the opposite side of the flower garden, servants pass by from time to time, discussing interesting gossip
"Hey, have you heard that the prince regent went to Xianle Tower last night to smile for the Bomei, and actually spent ten thousand taels of silver?"

"I know, I know that I heard that the handsome man is the husband of the brothel, he is very handsome, hundreds of times more beautiful than the concubines in the palace."

"No wonder the prince, who has never been attached to men, is obsessed with his appearance"

Their simple conversation was heard in his ears, he seemed to be frozen by time, unable to move, the hand that was playing with the bouquet was suddenly scratched by a sharp flower thorn.
Leng Yue gasped, his heart suddenly became heavy, and the oppressive air was empty
"Oh! Yuejun, your hand was stabbed by flowers, does it hurt?"

He raised his eyes mockingly, and looked at the injured hand, "It hurts? How can it be half as painful as the pain in my heart?"

After all, he thinks too highly of himself, mistakenly thinking that she has him in her heart, that's why he rejects Yan Guo's marriage proposal
It was the man who sent himself into this caged palace
I obviously should hate her to the core, but I can't hate her in my heart after all
Love is indeed a terrible thing, once you touch it, you will not be able to get out of it in this life
"Can't hate her, or can't bear to hate her?"

this voice?Hallucinations?He actually heard the voice of a person who shouldn't be in this world
Suddenly looking back, this familiar face, even if this person turned into ashes, he could still recognize it
I saw him, wearing a moon-white brocade robe, with hair like clouds on his temples, lightly inserted into wooden hairpins, although his figure was thin, it did not affect his gentle and elegant temperament, standing in front of him, and the man Beside him is Xiaoqian sleeping on the side

"It's you..." The anger in Leng Yue's voice is self-evident
"Is there only this one sentence? I have thought about it for a long time when we meet again, thinking about how you would look at me? Is it sadness? Is it joy? Or is it hatred?"

"Shangguan Ziyue, aren't you dead?" Leng Yue gritted her teeth and clenched her fists fiercely.

How could he forget this man with a heart like a poisonous scorpion? If it wasn't for this man, how could he have lost his child with Feng Qianxuan

Ignoring him, with eyes full of anger, Shangguan Ziyue gently raised the sleeves of her white shirt and walked towards him slowly.
"Leng Yue, let me tell you a secret, a little-known secret, how to kill with a knife, how to deal with her own children secretly without leaving a trace, the secret of the ruthless prince"

Shangguan Ziyue smiled charmingly, put her index finger between her lips, and made a gesture of silence

(End of this chapter)

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