Chapter 119

Feng Qianxuan withdrew and came out. The moment she exited the imperial study, she looked at the closed door and looked back at the empty blue sky. The bitterness in her heart gradually spread, and her feet moved towards his residence, go

When she went to live with him, her sight was attracted by a man in a white robe for a month

Shangguan Ziyue?Didn't he commit suicide by taking poison?How come back here?

Feng Qianxuan's heart was full of question marks. When she looked at a certain movement of his, the doubts in her heart were immediately dispelled. Not far away, she followed in the footsteps of this person

And the person in front deliberately slowed down, as if to lure the person behind to follow

Unknowingly, the figure led her into a remote place. At this moment, the cold palace was deserted. With his back to her, he walked to the middle of the cold palace and stopped.
Mo Ran turned around, the two of them looked at each other, the breeze blew, and the hem of his clothes was blown, and under the sunlight, there was a faint soft light, like a daffodil in full bloom, with the temperament of Dugu
He smiled slightly, bent down slightly to salute the opposite side, and his voice was pleasant
"The concubine sees the eighth emperor, and should not be called your prince."

Seeing this, Feng Qianxuan stood there with her hands behind her back, silent, as if she was watching an insignificant drama

"My lord, long time no see, do you still remember Ziyue?"

"Do you know that my concubine always wants to meet you in her dreams?"

Shangguan Ziyue smiled slightly, walked around behind her step by step like lotuses, and leaned lazily on her shoulder, as if she was a lover whom she had not seen for a long time
When Feng Qianxuan raised her eyes, she quickly turned around and hugged him into her arms. From the other side, they looked like newlyweds who were as gluey as paint

But in fact, her left hand embraced his neck, and her right hand was clinging to the sharp dagger. Under the sunlight, she exuded a chill.
Shangguan Ziyue looked innocent and asked softly, "My lord, why is this?"

The corner of Feng Qianxuan's mouth curled into a vague smile, her eyes were full of disdain
"I don't like strangers throwing themselves into their arms, especially those who pretend to be fakes."

What a joke, she, Feng Qianxuan, is best at disguise, how dare a mere novice-level disguise dare to play tricks in front of her?

"The lord is really shrewd, he recognized it at a glance, but when the man saw it, he insisted that I was Shangguan Ziyue, and he firmly believed it."

"That person? What do you mean?" Feng Qianxuan intuitively caught the sensitive words in the fake Shangguan Ziyue's words
The arm that threatened him with the dagger suddenly throbbed, and in the blink of an eye, the person in his arms was long gone

It's no wonder that it's such a powerful qinggong. It's no wonder that you can escape layers of guards and walk into the palace without making a show. Apart from being supported by someone, your martial arts should not be underestimated.
This skill is not something to be taken lightly, now that she has lost all her martial arts skills, is she head-to-head?Dealing with this person is definitely not the best strategy
She knew he hadn't left, she whispered to the air
"Young impostor, what are your intentions in pretending to be him?"

Sure enough, his voice sounded again, but this time he showed his true face

"I am Mei, intention? Of course there is, but has it been achieved?"


"Speaking of Shangguan Ziyue is really sad. Since she was a child, both of her parents died in the official way. She finally won the mercy of the Holy One and married into your prince's house as a side husband. It was a good day. After a few days, she was secretly inferior to you by that beast. The Third Sister of the Three Emperors, teasing and defiled her body"

Mei put on a serious face, telling her how to pity Ziyue's miserable life, but his stunning face revealed that it wasn't pity.
After finishing speaking, he taunted viciously, "Now, even if he is dead, it still won't last forever"

"Not forever? How is it possible? As the 'Shangguan Ziyue', you will be there soon, the way a dead person should be, isn't it?"

She took his words, her voice was a little cold, as if looking at the eyes of a dead person

(End of this chapter)

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