Chapter 135 Family Criminal Law
In the secret room, there is a vomitous smell of blood everywhere. The stunning woman is tied to an iron post with ropes, and her white clothes have already been whipped to pieces.

From his calf, there is no part of the skin that is normal, and the wound is involved with a slight movement, and the pain strikes again
A man dressed in white hurriedly opened the door of the secret room, looking at the woman in Tie Zhu, her phoenix eyes were full of heartache
Hearing the sound of footsteps, Feng Qianxuan raised her eyes, looked at the man in front of her, and said with a sneer, "What are you doing here?"

"Are you in pain?" Baililian stretched out her slender hand with pity, stroking her cheek as if wanting to take away the pain for her
But she turned her head away, dodged it, and closed her eyes lightly with a look of disgust, unwilling to pay any attention to him
Hearing this, Feng Qianxuan raised the corners of her lips as if it was funny, it's your own masterpiece, you have the nerve to ask her if it hurts
Seeing her like this, Bai Lilian felt a suffocation in her heart, resisting the pain, and carefully applied the ointment to her wound.

Her sneer sounded from above, "I'm just a married wife, a pet girl raised by your young lord. She's dead. It's not worth your lord's use of such expensive medicine. I can't use it as a slave."

At the end of the sentence, I can't afford it. These three words are extraordinarily heavy, and the belittling words are even more obvious.
"You are not a female pet, you are my important wife." Bai Lilian suddenly stood up, immediately dismissed her words, looked at her eyes full of love
"Wife master? Heh, let you beat and scold the wife master who can't pay back? Or the wife master who is insulted by you and can only swallow her grievances alone?"

"I'm sorry, Xuan'er, I heard that you didn't do anything to apologize to me, I was just impulsive, and I can't blame you for not explaining it clearly."

"But you, you didn't even give me a chance to speak" came up with a slap
Bai Lilian knew she was wrong, "I'm sorry, Xuan'er, I'm just too scared, afraid that I might lose you."

Feng Qianxuan turned her head to the side, not wanting to pay any attention to him
Married wife?The wife-head of another family, surrounded by husbands and servants in the backyard, is so free and happy
And she just went to the brothel to play a tune, and when she came back, not only was she slapped in the face, she was also taught a disobedient male concubine by ordinary people, and served her with 'family law'?
Oh, it's really exhausting to live~

"Lian, I've had enough, let's make up! Or you divorce me."

She uttered these words wearily, his love was too heavy, it was so heavy that she couldn't breathe

Over the years, what he has done to himself has not been done once or twice
Last year, a man handed her a love letter, and when he found out, he poisoned her until half of her body was disabled and her face was completely disfigured
Any man who gets close to him, no matter whether it is admiration or others, will not end well
In the eyes of outsiders, how loving Baili and his wife are, how virtuous Baililian is, but in fact he is too possessive of himself
"What did you say? You want to leave me? Don't think about it, I will never agree"

Like a cat that exploded, Baililian took a few steps back in panic


"Who made this idea? It was seduced by a foxy girl in the mansion, you are mine, absolutely not"

Bai Lilian frantically pointed at Feng Qianxuan, who belonged to him, then turned and left

Judging from what he meant, he probably wanted to find her 'lover' in 'Fuchu'

Feng Qianxuan sneered, watching this farce, the iron rope suddenly broke
She broke free from the iron pillar and climbed to the Qingdi on the table not far away with difficulty.
Grabbing the blue flute body, she finally couldn't bear the pain in her body and passed out
Qingdi seemed to be inductive, emitting a faint green light, surrounding her, and the wound on her body, which was visible to the naked eye, quickly healed the wound
(End of this chapter)

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