Chapter 136 Rao Chen Arrives
Xian Le Lou

In a luxurious and elegant room, there is a fine ink landscape painting on the wall, delicate and small pastries are placed on the table, and the negotiated table paper hangs next to it.
But because the wall is only separated by one side, from time to time there is an unbearable sweet, panting sound from the other side.
Although Feng Qianxuan had a slight smile on her lips, she had already scolded the person opposite her all over her heart, that she chose such a place of fireworks to discuss business.
"About the medicinal materials." She looked at the fat woman on the other side of the table

"Madam Young Master, you two have cooperated so many times, don't you feel relieved?"

"Okay, since the matter has been negotiated, please forgive me that Feng has something important to do, so I can't accompany my boss."

Feng Qianxuan flicked her sleeves, flicked her hand lightly, signaling to leave, she didn't forget the last time, it was because she came here, Baililian rewarded her with the 'family criminal law' because of jealousy.
Although because of this matter, I have been in a cold war with him these days, but it is more because of her, I really don't like this kind of mess...

Seeing that Feng Qianxuan was about to leave, the fat woman quickly got up to block her way, and said jokingly:
"Mrs. Young Master, I really don't understand the style. I want to leave in a hurry in the gentle town. Could it be that Mrs. Young Master is a fearful person?"

"That's it!"

Feng Qianxuan said with a slight smile, in fact, Baililian is quite good when she is normal, she is gentle and elegant, sometimes she is like a fairy, but she is too possessive about love.
"However. The reason why I invite the Young Master's wife here is not only because of business, but because of an old friend of mine. I want to see you."

A look of jealousy flashed across the fat woman's eyes, she never expected that she would be so capable, that he could see her by that person's name

"Who?" Her voice just finished

Suddenly, a red silk quickly passed through their eyes, and the red silk was wrapped around the other pillar, and then a man in a red dress like a fire came to her with a wave of red silk
I saw him wearing a red gauze, a cluster of snow-white soft gauze, a tight and flat body, revealing his charm, and the crimson pattern on the collarbone, which made this person even more seductive. outer

The fat woman who talked with Feng Qianxuan just now disappeared at some point
Feng Qianxuan stared at him, with this seductive face that made it difficult to distinguish between male and female, she looked at the man in red who was dressed revealingly and unrestrainedly in front of her.

"Long time no see, Feng Qianxuan"

He let go of the red silk, and walked forward slowly like a lotus, looking at the woman in front of him, with eyes full of love
Ever since I saw him that day, I woke up and begged my brother to investigate the list of guests in the Xianle Tower that day, followed that line to find Mrs. Baili, and borrowed the information from 'Jinzhitang', and finally met her as I wished.
Ye Raochen brushed up her red sleeves, stretched out her slender hand, touched her cheek, and took off half of her silver mask, revealing her real and indistinguishable face
"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" She raised her eyebrows with a puzzled expression on her alluring oval face.
"You forgot me?" His voice was choked with sadness, as if he was about to cry

"I heard, you're married? Congratulations." Congratulations, he wanted to say congratulations, but he couldn't smile and bless the marriage of his loved one
It's okay if you don't love me, as long as you know you're alive and safe, he'll be fine

The coquettish red eyes were slightly lonely, she turned around and left, the weakened back revealed a sense of loneliness, which made Feng Qianxuan feel a sudden pain in her heart

(End of this chapter)

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