Chapter 138 The Red and White Shura Field

It was dawn, and the newborn sunlight shone a beam of warm light into the room through the empty window grille, which washed away the ambiguity and ambiguity between the two of them on the bed yesterday.
The two beautiful faces fell asleep on the bed quietly, with black hair and red hair spread out and entangled at the head of the bed
A sound of quarreling made Ye Raochen frowned slightly, opened his red eyes, and found that his beloved was lying beside him, thinking of the crazy two people last night, his heart overflowed with sweetness
Suddenly he sensed something, and quickly clicked on Feng Qianxuan's heavy sleeping point, as expected, the next moment there was a knock on the door.

"Husband master, slaves have tried their best to stop Baili young master"

A servant hurriedly kowtowed to the person on the bed, and there was a group of people standing behind him
The white-clothed man in the front, with a livid face, looked at the person covered by the bed curtain, as if he wanted to stare at a hole in that place

What he was worried about happened.
"Young Master Baili, you are really free. Come to visit my husband early in the morning."

A seductive and teasing voice came from the side of the bed, and Ye Raochen took out a clean suit from the hidden compartment on the bed, put on
"Could it be that I can't bear the loneliness at home, and I want my husband to help you find a woman?"

Ye Raochen lifted a corner of the red bed, and from there,

Even though it was only for a split second, Baililian still saw the face of the woman on the bed, with her fists tightly clenched under her white sleeves.

"Oh? I'm sorry, it seems that you let Mr. Baili guard the empty room alone. The culprit seems to be my husband?"

He half-covered his red sleeves, smiled like a treacherous little fox and said like a flower

"Ye Raochen, don't go too far!" Baili Lian's face was stained with worldly anger
"Excessive? It's not half as good as yours. In order to keep her, you played Wangchensan?"

His words broke through her own deep secrets, Baililian lowered her posture, and stood there, as helpless as a fairy whose bone had been picked out.
"You this time, I don't need to chase after you. After all, there is a reason for the incident. Please stay away from my life with Feng Qianxuan."

"Stay away?" Ye Raochen seemed to hear something funny, and his bewitching thin lips curled into a sarcastic smile
"I'm sorry, but this husband's master disagrees? She belongs to my husband's master, and she has been contaminated with the smell that belongs to me."

Ye Raochen lightly pressed her bewitching red eyes, and pursed her thin lips, as if reminiscing about the taste of last night.

Even though he is under the pressure, it does not hinder the pace of pretending
When the four eyes meet, there is a strong smell of gunpowder, and no one is willing to give in.

"Hmm..." The woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes, feeling the noise outside the red bed gauze.

Last night, she seemed to have put Ye Raochen to sleep. She glanced at the white women's dress on the front bed, and quickly put it on.

"Xuan'er, are you awake?" Ye Raochen was the first to detect the sound of the bed, the voice was a little suspicious, and he obviously clicked on the sleeping point.

"Wife master." Baili Lian also called out hastily.
Ye Raochen?Baililian?Why are they here again?Feng Qianxuan rubbed her heavy head, the memory of last night came back again
"Baililian, you came just in time, as you can see my relationship with Raochen."

She was as lazy as a kitten, lifted the corner of the bed curtain, and walked off the bed barefoot, the white corners of her clothes flew away with her steps

"I want to marry him." At the end of her words, the peak turned to Ye Raochen not far away.
This happiness came too suddenly, Ye Raochen's red eyes showed joy, how long he had waited for this sentence, years of infatuated love, finally exchanged for words of the same happiness

(End of this chapter)

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