Chapter 139 Reconcile?Or Nuff?
And Feng Qianxuan's words are like sending Baililian into hell, she is no longer his alone.

"Don't even think about it" Although Baili Lian's face was ashen, she was striving hard
That's right, she is his matriarchal wife. Without the approval of her husband, the matrilineal wife is not qualified to accept any husband

"May I ask my lord, do you want to reconcile? Or agree with Nafu?"

Feng Qianxuan half-closed her black eyes, smiled charmingly, and wrapped one hand around the narrow waist of the fiery red dress, letting him lean into her arms

And Ye Raochen was not restrained, turned all the enchanting into cartilage, put half on her body, lightly closed the different pupils, and sniffed greedily the breath that belonged to her
In fact, it doesn't matter whether she gives her own title or not, as long as she has her own place in her heart, he will be satisfied


Baili Lian was furious, he wanted to use the smoke of love to keep her heart and give birth to a man and a woman for her, but he didn't expect that the matter would not work out, so he made a wedding dress for someone else instead.
"Heli? I don't want it"

"Then you agree, and I take Ye Raochen as my husband?"

Feng Qianxuan smiled at An Ran, turned her eyes away from Baili Lian, and moved to the person in her arms, picking him up intimately, with a strand of strange hair, bowed her head and kissed gently, the two were as close as newlyweds

But in Baililian, looking at Ye Raochen who was smiling sweetly, hatred burst out in her phoenix eyes, her fists were clenched tightly, and her fingertips were slightly sunken into her palms.

Jianfei in white clothes, turned around gracefully, and left the room with bitter and desolate emotions
"Isn't it a little too much for me to do this?" Feng Qianxuan stared blankly, and the whiteness disappeared from her sight.

"Xuan'er, if you're worried about Baililian, why don't you catch up with him?"

Ye Raochen's thin lips parted lightly, he could see that Baililian really cared about her, and just like him, loved her to the point of being engraved in her heart
It is precisely because he loves a person too much that he has the desire to possess him. No one in this world is willing to give the person he loves to another man.
"He will understand..." Feng Qianxuan shook her head, and said lightly, the words at the end of the sentence obviously lacked confidence

She didn't chase after him in the end, she slipped into Ye Raochen's arms as if escaping

Seeing the one she loves throwing herself into her arms like this, there was a commotion in her heart, her seductive eyes flashed with unknown emotions, and she half cupped her chin

Ye Raochen's vermilion lips curved lightly, and suddenly pressed down her thin lips. Although the strength was great, it was still gentle and domineering

As if they were suffocating, they reluctantly let go of each other.
"Xuan'er, I like you." Ye Raochen stroked her alluring cheeks, her voice was sincere and affectionate, expressing the emotion of inner strength
"Me too"

He lightly held Feng Qianxuan's right hand, lowered his head and kissed her fingertips lightly, which made her feel itchy. Taking a casual glance, she realized that at some point, he had disappeared with his belt on.
The crimson clothes were loosely wrapped around his body, as if with a light tug, the eye-catching clothes would fall off easily, revealing a seductive scenery
Now that she can feel his hot body temperature through the cloth
Facing his lustful eyes, Feng Qianxuan smiled like a spring breeze, he was waiting for her, waiting for her to nod
"You are responsible for extinguishing the flame you raised~" Feng Qianxuan smiled lightly, exhaled like a land, and grabbed his neck, motioning for him to take the initiative

"Here~ I obey my husband's orders." The coquettish eyes reveal a charming smile, like a cunning fox who has succeeded in treachery.
Hugging Feng Qianxuan tightly, she walked towards the layers of red gauze curtains
In the past few days, Feng Qianxuan stayed in the brothel day and night, even all the medicine branches under Baililian's banner quit.
The two of them are like newlyweds, accompanying each other like a shadow, feeling at ease...

(End of this chapter)

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